We will direct you to a choice spot on the ranch, where you may camp away from the rest of the hunters and truly enjoy the beautiful western atmosphere. (Later applications treated on a first-come, first-served basis.). Just a note to "Thank you" both for a great time at the "Y Lazy S Ranch". Those hunters find themselves highly frustrated and unsuccessful, only because CO DOW refuses to keep the game moving. While some of the locals (and many of the hunters) have been talking about the lessened herds during the severe winter of 2007-2008, I have maintained my strong conviction of attributing the non-appearance of the herds to their usual migrating and grazing grounds, not to extra-ordinary losses of animals due to weather conditions, but, to the fact that the weather pattern is no longer what it used to be years ago. State. Biggest "Thanks" to you and Monte for making us, Well, it's the middle of January and it's cold; there is a lot of snow out there and even the elk are sluggish. The fee gets you permission to hunt the property and the opportunity to fill one turkey license. So, we didn't harvest as many elk as we had wished. Even so, some elk are still hanging around and can be seen from the ranch house. For a long time I have been a little confused as to what the Colorado Division of Wildlife has been doing. I thought that after that experience, I would never hear from Vince again. We harvested a couple nice bucks during archery season and numerous large bucks during the regular rifle season. The accommodations were clean and comfortable. YOUTH, Landowner and season choice PERMITS. The laws make no mention of trespassing against vehicles, and barely any mention of trespassing on land. So, now with a total 6,500 under this ownership, it's easier to spread out our hunters , and be assured of the ultimate success. The deadline for your reservations to hunt on the, "Y Lazy S Ranch". 1 Hunters ages 12 through 29 must have on their person proof of successful completion of firearm hunter education while hunting with a firearm or crossbow. The deer can be easily hunted with spot and stalk methods or from ground blinds because the northern part is thick timber and the southern part is open Canyons. ******************. All summer long, we kept seeing unusually large numbers of animals.. By now, they are tired of running, tired of hunters and those who survived may be wondering why? No mule deer may be harvested in Mule Deer Conservation Area. Whitetail Statewide Buck Valid statewide Sept. 15-Dec. 31 for archery, muzzleloader and November firearm season with weapon legal for each season. Be the first to leave a review. Make a connection like nowhere else on earth. Are you getting excited yet? It is a well known fact that the elk herds of Northwestern Colorado are the biggest in North America. Nebraska is making it easier than ever to pass on the gift of hunting to our young people. ", "I really had a great time. Once again, we found ourselves staying really busy by moving all the power equipment to the many different ranches, wasting many man-hours and much fuel, only to then decide that we would have been much better not having moved there at all. You have certainly understated on what to expect at the "Y Lazy S Ranch". We offer Trophy Mule Deer (occasional Whitetail) hunts in the fall, and Merriam Gobbler Turkey Hunts in the spring, with some excellent fishing thrown in! 5 Day Hunt. The Anderson family operates Pine Timber Adventures, a working cattle ranch located in the rugged, pine timber hills. This scenic 1000 acre ranch lies in the Nebraska Pine Ridge area, very near the Wyoming State line. tel 303.297.1192 www.cpw.state.co.us/CPWshop, Please, do NOT forget the application DEADLINE, SO, let's dream and plan. Hunting Leases 0 0 0 0 1. This doctor from California got a real trophy. Fortunately, I did have an ELK tag. $1100 per hunter. Because there are so few Mule Deer on this property it is not that important to have a Mule Deer license because almost all that you see will be whitetail. The PATH program is an online reservation-based program that provides Nebraska youth and their mentors access to hunt on private lands and selected public lands. NEBRASKA . A 17 year old must purchase an adult license and Conservation stamp. The elk hunters had to work a little harder; we got several cows and a couple of bulls. Glenn and I had a great experience hunting your ranch. S. o, there you go. Our rugged hills and rivers filled with upland birds is just a short destination from Denver. Topic 6 of 7. A self-contained motorhome is ok. Also McCook Nebraska is only about 20 miles away with the super 8 running about $ 65 per night double occupancies and food from BBQ to fast food available and also a Wal-Mart in case you forget something. If paying by credit card, buddies must use same credit card. That is, almost everybody. Unfortunately, the snow was slow coming and so were the elk. We had pretty heavy snowfall this winter and we are looking towards a pretty productive hay season. In fact, Monte is out there checking out belts and servicing tractors. In general no guide is necessary, but if you wish to obtain a guide, names and contact information for local guides can hopefully be located upon request. People hunting deer would provide information to elk hunters about elk they had seen and vise versa. I want to tell you what a wonderful time we had on your ranch, during the 2014 third season elk hunt. With mud on his boots, burrs on his pants, and sweat on his brow he never-never ever loses sight of why he is HERE for. I cannot think of a better place to spend a week. Please contact us for more information and availability. You made us feel welcome like family. Please, know that your arrival is most anticipated for many months each year. They all seem to enjoy our get-togethers and the BBQ food that Chef Don prepares. Thishunter from Australia enjoyed hunting with his father on the "Y Lazy S Ranch"., The hunter from North Carolina stalking his game., Mike from North Carolina. We are looking forward to returning again. One day of 1 guide for the group hunting the private property is $ 2000.00 will be reduced down to only $1495. They, by instict alone, know that the hunting seasons are all over with; and they know where the feed is. Preference based on the individual with the fewest preference points. You are free to shoot mule deer or whitetail bucks whichever you license allows, but the area is 90% whitetail. The Ranch offers elk, deer, and pronghorn. We require a 270 or larger rifle because the deer can get quite large in this area with the high protein grain available. Packages & Prices. But, that did not discourage Vince. Our mule deer and the pronghorn antelope hunting is as good as ever, and the herds are getting bigger, healthier and higher quality animals for both species are getting to be more common. Trespassing Regulations. Erich, from California,with a real heavy mulley. we have been offering trespass onlyhunts with minimal other services offered. To an officer when in possession of a resident permit. Buffalo, Frenchman and Platte permits are valid for any deer. All in all, you have a great setup for hunting, and we could certainly feel the benefit of your focus on hunting versus ranching and/or farming. Nobody asked me, but, I think that these guys are spolied for life. If applying by mail, both applications must be marked as buddy and submitted in the same envelope. Biggest "Thanks" to you and Monte for making us feel like family". Because a group of hunters from PA and WV, chose to leave early and empty-handed. And, against my best expectations, I am very late updating this website. Due to the changing weather patterns we need to adjust thetiming of the hunting seasoons and they need to do that NOW. Our Nebraska deer and turkey hunts are exciting and affordable. Art Smith from Greenwood, CA wrote: "I just want to start off by saying what a very sweet person you are. The only thing that matters to me, is that the hunters get what they come here for. I saw hundreds of deer including 3 bucks on the Cummings place that would score 180 or better and several others that would score over 150. As I am standing by the main entrance gate to the ranch, on County Rd 3, I gaze to the west and see at least two to three thousand head of elk grazing on the land that they are accustomed to spend much of their time in late fall and winter as they migrate to the west towards Maybel, Elk Springs, Brown's Park where their winter feeding grounds will provide feed and shelter during the harsh winter months. ************. It is not because we got our deer so early the first morning, either. The property is family-friendly, with activities available to the non-hunting guest. This stops any kind of trespassing issues to come about. Operating in three states allows us to provide an exceptional hunt for a wide range of hunters based on season dates, weapon preference and budget. Some of our repeat customers have hunted on this ranch for the last thirty years and have been totally satisfied andsuccessful. But now, we are expanding our horizons and by offering more services and a retreat type of atmosphere, we hope to have new experiences with others, also.And if your preference is camping, please, let us know. 2023 Frosty Acres Ranch AKA DJ Outfitters. Bag limit: one deer of either sex and one antlerless whitetail. 25 Years of Nebraska Mule Deer Hunting Excellence SCROLL DOWN I had a great time hunting and hanging out with both, you and Monte this year. We are looking forward to another season, another year. Antelope Creek is a working cattle ranch during the spring and summer months, a hunting paradise during the fall and a beautiful wonderland in the winter. The deer dont migrate but are there all year. You will only need to bring your sleeping bag, your towels and personal toiletries. Kids are welcome at our club and are encouraged to learn to hunt. The mule deer buck tag is available for 12 hours over the internet when the draw begins at 1PM Central time on July 7 usually(An update is available in June on the exact time and date). Early the next morning, we started our hunt and after spotting and insuccessfully stalking several pronghorn herds we were finally able to get within 200 yards of one. We got very many nice buck deer, quite a few bull elk and all the pronghorn hunters filled their tags. Of course, there is no hurry to rush anywhere. Location. I had the best time ever on this trip. Of course, there is no hurry to rush anywhere. Second and third rifle Deer and Elk combined seasons, brought us many new hunters, many new friends. Of course, there is nothing that can affect the growth of the numbers of mule deer and pronghorn antelope. Bird Hunts Central Nebraska is a paradise for bird hunting. Nebraska Trespassing Law Overview Nebraska is a state with relatively sparse laws covering trespassing. Landowner Valid on property of landowner. We are also looking forward to another good harvest of game in the upcoming hunting season in the fall of 2015. Finally, all hunting has ceased on the "Y Lazy S Ranch". Also, the LOG cabins are now a place to relax and watch your favorite TV program, since there are BIG, flat screen TVs hooked to DISH NETWORK programming. The stands you have built are a great help in spotting deer and elk, without disturbing them. E-mail address (used to notify successful applicants of permit drawings). So, my advise to all who are interested is, do not give up on Northwestern Colorado. With over 60,000 acres of Sandhills and sixteen miles of the Platte River there is ample habitat to support great numbers of game. Youth may apply before reaching legal age if legal age is reached before season opens. Lusk, WY 82225. The beautiful Nebraska Sandhills is what makes Hunt the Rackett so special. You'll enjoy a great hunt on beautiful grassland, cropland and tree belts. It's been very difficult getting this far along, but, hey, we're tough folks. "Losers visualize the penalties of failure, Winners can ONLY see the rewards of success"., I don't expect this project to be completed by next fall whenall my friends, the hunters, will be here, but, beginning with the 2012 year, we should be able to also serve meals on the premises and provide everybody with the ultimate HUNTING experience. Would be interested in muzzleloader or rifle season and willing to pay a fair amount to hunt away from all the other hunters. It snowed for two or three days. Turner Ranch Outfitting. About ten minutes after legal shooting time, this BULL crested a hill near the blind I slept in and shortly after I was working on a down ELK. Second and third regular rifle seasons for deer and elk will be available for the first half or the second half of the season, availing one to a four night free complementary accommodation in either our beautiful log cabins or the ranch house. Republican Unit mule deer have declined approximately 75 percent over the past 15 years. So far, we have small amount of snowcover, but, not what we actually need. We are the landowner, the farmers who toil on this land year round, we do not offer the fully guided hunts, (as those non-landowner outfitters who come and go, offer), but, we promise to assist you in any way we can on only our privately owned 6,500 acre ranch. But, if a hunter is hunting both species, then, the trespass fee paid, along with the complementary accommodations will be honored for the entire nine day length of the regular season. But, the last few years have been enormously disappointing as far as the elk migration movemement and the eventual elk hunting success. Kerry and I had a great time at your ranch this year. ATVs are ok but I recommend they be used only to bring in dead deer because the deer spook from the engine noise of the ATVs since it is not a common noise to them. And of course, while camping you can enjoy a real campfire, It's always so much fun to sit around the campfire in the evening and share hunting stories. Location. We were greeted by Aleka the day before the season opened and she spent time with us to ensure we knew the ranch boundaries and where to set up and hunt for the best chance at a pronghorn. After scouting the "y Lazy S" Ranch, we returned to the ranch house to let Aleka know we were leaving and got a tour of the newly completed Hunting Lodge which was beautiful!!! Aleka,Dan P. here. In Craig we have a very nice City Market grocery store and a Walmart, where you can buy your groceries, your licenses, ammo and appropriate clothing, if you left home without some items. We have approximately 11,000 acres that are divided into private ranches to provide you with the opportunity to hunt exclusively with your group. More snow would mean better crops on this ranch, better and happier attitude by this landowner, more feed for the wildlife and prettier sights of this country site. We will have some landowner vouchers available. This is a public hunting area that on opening morning gets a lot of hunting pressure. All Linens and bedding are also supplied. In addition to coordinating guest services with Turner ranch managers, TRO conducts wildlife surveys, provides supervision . And I work very hard trying to please everybody. See map on page 36. I also saw a small handful of elk at both the Cummings and the Mobley place. The pork was cooked perfectly by your caterer. And yet, I would never trade this, my beautiful home, for any other place on the face of this earth.. We host many hunters, which have become our friends. It was just what I was lookigng for, a hunt and a vacation. Until next fall., And, again, against my best expectations, I am very late updating this website.. Residents attending school in another state or stationed outside the state of Nebraska as part of a military assignment that have maintained Nebraska as their state of legal residency. About Nebraska's Sandhills According to the University of Nebraska Extension Center, the Nebraska Sandhills consists of almost 20,000 square miles of sand dunes that range 265 miles across northern Nebraska. I truly love the property that I hunted. To cook, all you need to bring is your food. This scenic 1000 acre ranch lies in the Nebraska Pine Ridge area, very near the Wyoming State line. Look at this herd, I'd say around a couple of thousand head. Great success with pronghorn antelope and mule deer during archery season. When the temps get, I just happened to see the "5 year Big game season Structure" that the Colorado Wildlife Commission approved on September 10, 2009 and I am very excited. All the best and hoping to draw the right tags so we can come back next year. N. BOX 1304Craig, CO 81626-1304United Statesaleka@ylazysranch.com. My wife and I took our grandson Luke, on his first ever hunt for a Pronghorn on the "Y Lazy S" and the experience was excellent. The BBQ on Sunday night was beatifully prepared and it was amazing that it could be put together, considering the amount of snow we had. We have the promise habitat deep draws, wheat and trees for cover that they come to after that first shot. Hunters ages 12 through 29 must have completed firearm hunter education when hunting ANYTHING with a firearm or crossbow. So, we are busy getting ready for the spring farming operations. We had a great time hunting and hope to be back next year. By now, they are tired of running, tired of hunters and those who survived may be wondering why? I believe though, that his wife's buck was bigger. We have two motels in town by Wal-Mart that provide special reduced prices for our hunters. Oh, but, then, we have to boast about the fantastic hunting year we had. In person at Game and Parks permitting offices. We offer rifle and trespass fee hunts on private land. Thank you, to ALL. 4th Season 11/23-11/27. Although, we continue to harvest numerous elk each year, our success rate is not near the 100% that used to be, even a couple of years ago. Seasoons and they need to bring your sleeping bag, your towels and personal toiletries regular rifle season 1000. Cover that they come to after that first shot bag limit: one deer of sex... Success with pronghorn antelope and mule deer or whitetail bucks whichever you license allows, but not. 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