Amidala guided her home planet through the invasion and sealed a new friendship with the Gungans. Ric Oli and his rebel cell, the Amidalans, attempted to protect Padm's tomb from Vader, but were killed in the process. They were not, however, bereft of spirit, as many of them chose to join the rebellion against the Galactic Empire. [23] They managed to prevent Vindi from releasing stockpiles of the Blue Shadow Virus into Naboo's surface. Their society was ruled by the House of Organa,[24] in conjunction with an individual bearing the titles of Viceroy and First Chairman. [11], Breha Organa eventually succeeded her mother[11] as queen of Alderaan. Fauna The ultimate irony, for me, is that I'd have changed a NEW planet like Naboo to the pre-established Alderaan, but I'd change Anakin's home planet from Tatooine and into a new one. [71], Some twenty days after the Battle of Endorwhich resulted in the defeat of the Empire by the Alliance to Restore the Republicthe Royal House of Naboo received a visit by Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, who had been sent by Mon Mothma, Chancellor of the Alliance. Bail and Breha met their end together on Alderaan at the hands of the Death Star. [51] The storms caused fires and flooding across the world, and many buildings were demolished. [28] Famous natural landmarks of Alderaan included the Cloudshape Falls,[12] the Glarus Lagoons,[11] and the Isatabith rain forest. From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! [9] The 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances confirms that Naboo has three moons. Forests[7]Mountainous[9]Plains[7] [22], The cities on Alderaan were carefully designed to respect the natural beauty of their environment. Ostensibly done in protest over proposed taxation of formerly free trade routes, the Federation's invasion led to an outpouring of support from the Senate for both Palpatine and the newly-elected Queen of Naboo, Padm Amidala. 1: Alderaan's sun[4] [52], In 4 ABY, Leia married Han Solo on the forest moon of Endor. When she became the queen of Naboo, she adopted a new regnal name to replace her own. Gungans live in beautiful submerged . [55] In canon, the surface of Alderaan only made its first appearance in the 2005 movie Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Major imports [1], The first step was the Day of Demand, which took place sixteen years after the heir's original Name Day, on which the heir apparent carried the Rhindon Sword though the palace throne room, where they would speak the ritual dialogue and would publicly claim his or her right to the crown, before announcing three self-imposed challenges, that of the Body, that of the Mind, and that of the Heart. Black Tile, Modified 4 x 4 with Studs on Edge with Lego Star Wars Logo and Tantive IV Rebel Trooper Alderaan Pattern - Set 75011. . Once in space, the three women were attacked by a squadron of TIE fighters, but managed, nonetheless, to knock out all of the satellites. If I grew up here, I don't think I'd ever leave.Anakin Skywalker, about Naboo. The palace also housed the Rhindon Sword[1] and a landscape painting of Appenza Peak. Naboo's royal starfighters are some of the most beautiful in the galaxy, while the corellian corvettes used by Alderaan are nice but nothing compared to Naboo's. 122 comments 98% Upvoted With the help of the crew of the Ghost and the former Governor Ryder Azadi, Leia managed to deliver the three Hammerhead corvettes to the Phoenix rebels following a skirmish at the Imperial depot. Senator Organa had arranged for the crew of the Ghost to "steal" the ships from an Imperial depot on Lothal so that Alderaan could not be blamed for the "theft." Aldera cathedral[10]Appenza Peak[11]Cloudshape Falls[12]Glarus Lagoons[11]Istabith Falls[11]Isatabith rain forest[12]Kathou[13]River Wuitho[11]Royal Palace of Alderaan[1]Unidentified region[11]University of Alderaan[7] On the other hand, the architecture of Naboo was inspired by the domed and scalloped roofs of the Marin County Civic Center.[76]. Padme and Bail Organa would be king and queen (elected so they wouldnt have to be married which would obviously ruin the whole idea.) [37], Ten years later, Alderaan was represented in the Senate by Viceroy Bail Prestor Organa,[39] the prince consort of the planet's ruler, Queen Breha Organa. M-10[6] Physical information [59] The people of Naboo celebrated this event during the Festival of Light. [22] It was traditional for the owner of the chest, upon coming of age, to give it to their parents as a sign that they were now an adult, although it was not mandatory. Depuis, plus d'une centaine de romans sont parus en franais chez diffrents diteurs. The Imperials forced the princess to witness the obliteration of her home planet. The Naboo calendar based its epoch around the arrival of Kwilaan. The native Gungans, who built their homes in the waters of Naboo, rarely ventured into the core, fearing the ravenous sea beasts which resided[1] in areas such as the Caves of Eleuabad. [9] Its surface had vast bodies of water[3] and was covered in snow-capped mountains,[9] with patches of green grassy hills. They were unable to prevent Darth Vader from breaching the tomb. we celebrate that union.Sheev Palpatine, Meanwhile, the Naboo had fallen prey to a long period of brutal infighting among the large city-states of humans that inhabited the planet. They found the fact that the contract lacked an expiration date to be particularly objectionable. [1], The heir apparentwhose succession appeared certainwas not made Crown Prince or Crown Princess until the age of sixteen, or in the case of adoptive members on the sixteenth anniversary of their original Name Day, at which point he or she would have to undergo a series of rituals to prove their worth. [11], With the Clone Wars coming to an end, Chancellor Palpatine had abolished the Republic, establishing the Galactic Empire in its stead. Jar Jar Binks and Padm Amidala hailed from the Naboo. Flora [63], During the Battle of Mon Cala, elements of the Gungan Grand Army led by Representative Binks were dispatched to the watery planet of Mon Cala to aid Senator Amidala, the Jedi, the Clone SCUBA troopers, and the Mon Calamari Prince Lee-Char's forces against the Separatist commander Riff Tamson and his Quarren allies. As Leia's son, Ben would have been given the title of prince of Alderaan if the planet and the House of Organa had still existed when he was born. For scenes shot in Naboo, one of the real-world locations included the Caserta Palace in Italy that doubled as the Queen Padme's palace in the capital city of Theed. The Name Day ceremony usually took place of the day of the child's birth but in the case of adoption it usually took place a few days after at which point they would officially be considered a prince or princess and member of the royal family. basic story of the prequels is really pretty good. It doesn't matter whether or not Guyngans came from there, but keep in mind, we had conceptual art of Alderaan LONG ago. Its assistanceyour assistance, Your Highnesswould be invaluable in leading the way to a restoration of the Senate. Their heiress Princess Leia was variously addressed as "Your Highness," "Princess Leia (Organa) of Alderaan," "Princess Leia," or just "Princess." Government [10], Naboo recovered quickly from the invasion under Amidala's remaining years, managing to almost completely restore its harvests and crop yields by the end of her final term. [28], Around the time of the Battle of Kadavo, two Alderaanian tourists visiting Tatooine died in a speeder-bike accident. Star Wars. At some point during the Clone Wars, Alderaan hosted a conference concerned with aiding war refugees. Galactic Basic Standard[3][9] The last monarch was Queen Breha Organa, who perished along with her homeworld when the Galactic Empire destroyed Alderaan with the Death Star in 0 BBY. The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi? Please read our Terms of Service. 61,237 members have started 23,064 topics with 1,144,025 posts since March 10, 2003. By order of the EmperorNaboo is to be scouredGulin and Lerr Duvat, During the meeting, gigantic storms suddenly began to rage, and Naboo's orbital sensors were all jammed. [45], Naboo first appeared in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Naboo is a planet in the fictional Star Wars universe with a mostly green terrain and which is the homeworld of two societies: the Gungans who dwell in underwater cities and the humans who live in colonies on the surface. Her adopted mother was Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan and her adopted father was the Viceroy (and Senator) Bail Organa. [7] Many refugees from across the Republic came to Alderaan to find their way again or to stay on Alderaan. We Star Wars and give it all the moneys. [62], I need you to convince the Senate, or the Jedi Council, or whoever is in charge of this terrible war that we are threatened.Neeyutnee, to Padm Amidala, Both the Naboo and the Gungans remained loyal to the Republic during the Clone Wars, though many on Naboo were in despair at the idea of a galaxy-wide war. [14] Led by Kwilaan, the colonists ventured into the Gallo Mountains, created a farming community at the Dee'ja Peak,[15] establishing their presence on the planet and eventually taking its name for themselves. After the ceremony, Leia mused to herself that had Alderaan not been destroyed she would have been married at the cathedral in Aldera, with a customary lace dress, an hour dedicated to the bell service, three different traditional meals with guests of rank and more. Among the few survivors of that disaster was Princess Leia Organa, adopted daughter of Bail and Breha Organa and heiress to the royal house of Alderaan. Padme Amidala ( Natalie Portman) is the Queen of Naboo at the age of 14, and we know that Leia becomes an influential politician on Alderaan during her adolescence. [1] In some cases, the monarch even assumed a ministerial portfolio. [1] During Breha's reign and through her husband and consort Bail Organa's efforts in the Senate, Alderaan advocated ending the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, due to the planet's pacifist beliefs,[6] and hosted a conference to assist refugees displaced by the galactic conflict. [49], On Coruscant, the Empire's planetary capital, the numerous Alderaanian residents of Level 3204 began to hold vigils for those who had perished in what they called "the Disaster." Wouldnt it have had more impact if Padm had been the queen of Alderaan, if the Clone Wars (and therefore the rise of Vader and the Sith) largely had its roots going to the Trade Federation occupation of Alderaan, if Anakin has found his true love there, and then it was destroyed by the fanatic and insane Empire? We have their loyalty. As the title says, why did Lucas go to the trouble of introducing Padm as a queen, as an important political figure, a close friend of Bail Organa, and eventual mother to a Princess of Alderaan, if Naboo never appeared in the OT and solely existed in the prequels? [66], The real-world locations for Naboo were Plaza de Espaa in Seville, Spain and Lake Como and Caserta Palace in Italy, among others. Her injuries almost killed her; she was only saved by the quick action of the guards watching from a distance. Naboo and Alderaan seem to be on a similar level with their respect for design and craftsmanship, and both planets have seemingly wealthy elites who reflect this. Senator Palpatine, Naboo's galactic representative, debated the issue in the Congress of the Republic, but to little avail. [19] During the Clone Wars, Neeyutnee served as Queen of Naboo. Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was a terrestrial planet covered with mountains. It was notably featured on one of Viceroy Bail Organa's belts,[5] and Princess Leia had a hair clasp shaped like it. Amidala led a successful resistance movement and removed the Federation from her world during the Battle of Naboo. Alderaanians valued culture and education. In 3 BBY,[source?] Alderaan Refugee Conference during the Clone Wars. In late galactic history, Naboo was mostly known as the homeworld of notable historical figures who played major roles in the downfall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire, namely Padm Amidala, Emperor Palpatine and Jar Jar Binks . [24], As egalitarian as the Alderaanian monarchy was, people were normally expected to follow certain rules when conversing with royals. [70], Very simply this, that Naboo represents the best of the Old Republic. [1] He was an early supporter, and funder, of the nascent Rebel Alliance against the empire. That situation lasted until the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation forced the humans and Gungans to join forces. Breha also sent her people to dangerous places where they were needed, and though some of them never came back to their families, they didn't blame her as they knew she had sacrificed and would again if she had to. Naboo was a bountiful planet in the Chommell sector of the Mid Rim, in the Trailing Sectors and close to the border of the Outer Rim Territories. As such, surviving Alderaanians would be treated with great respect for their lost world and people. [13], After the Battle of Endor, the surviving Alderaanians lived together aboard a seven-starship flotilla and planned to build themselves a new home from the remains of the second Death Star. Content approaching. [9], While most of Naboo's land animals were peaceful, as exemplified by the gentle shaak, the planet's oceans,[53] which held an abundance of life,[7] teemed with menacing creatures,[53] such as the opee sea killer[34] and the sando aqua monster. The buildings of Naboo were based on the Hagia Sophia, a cathedral turned mosque then turned museum located in Istanbul, Turkey. Fleeing a brutal civil war,[13] a group of humans from the planet Grizmallt crash-landed on Naboo and set up a small colony. Leia learns that her parents' ally Saw Gerrera, the leader of an . [54], In 832 BBY, under the direction of King Jafan, the capital city of Theed was founded along the banks of the Solleu River with the Theed Royal Palace built on the Cliffs of Theed. A radical idea - Naboo being Alderaan. He was also a member of the system's royal family, styled as His Serene Highness, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! [43], In 0 BBY,[46] shortly before the Battle of Scarif, and three weeks prior to the equinox festivities,[4] Senator Bail Organa headed towards Alderaan to tell their people that there would "be no peace,"[47] after the plans for the Death Star, a planet-killing Imperial superlaser, were discovered. Primary terrain [27], Due to the fact that Naboo had been the Emperor's homeworld, the planet became a rallying point for Imperial sympathizers. RT @Magna_Tolvan: Seeing @GermainLussier's tweet about #RicOli reminded me of one of my favorite headcanons: That #Naboo Starfighter Pilot from #ThePhantomMenace, #DineEllberger, survived to age into the "Granny" A-wing pilot who was (sadly) cut from #ReturnOfTheJedi! This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's, This article needs appropriate citations. [14], On Chandrila in 5 ABY,[15] former princess of Alderaan Leia Organa gave birth to her son, Ben Solo. 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