Other therapies that inhibit TGF- signalling are discussed in Lichtman et al.,148 Lee et al.277 and Xu et al.94. The pathogenesis depends on the mechanism and severity of the precipitating neuromuscular disorder. The breakdown products of soy isoflavones, daidzein and genistein, are known to be antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, but their usefulness in treating arthrofibrosis has had only limited testing in non-human animals. Immunol. Following surgery, it is important to have physical therapy to regain strength and motion as well as to prevent further formation of scar tissue. Blander, J. M., Longman, R. S., Iliev, I. D., Sonnenberg, G. F. & Artis, D. Regulation of inflammation by microbiota interactions with the host. Antioxid. Gasse, P. et al. Antioxid. These activate immune cells, causing more inflammation and a cascade of events that stimulates fibroblasts to differentiate into myofibroblasts, the key mediators of fibrosis. Mene, P. & Pirozzi, N. Potassium channels, renal fibrosis, and diabetes. Nat. PubMed Central 13, 242265 (2014). Cells 37, 637643 (2014). Int. Capsaicin (found in chilli and peppers) and sulphoraphane (found in cruciferous vegetables) have been demonstrated to reverse differentiation of myofibroblasts in vivo. Active arthrofibrosis spontaneously and permanently returned in the left knee, with pain and difficulty maintaining active flexion of 80. Arthroscopy 20, 187194 (2004). Surg. & Fanburg, B. L. Reactive oxygen species in cell signaling. IL-1R1/MyD88 signaling and the inflammasome are essential in pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis in mice. The number of myofibroblasts in tissue from arthrofibrotic knees can be ten times higher than in healthy subjects.233 Ruppert et al.234 observed co-localisation of -catenin and the tight junction protein ZO-1 in myofibroblasts which may cause increased adhesions and mechanical loading of cells. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Attention should be focused on assessing levels of pain, inflammation and functional scores. Common symptoms. 75, 645657 (2002). While being an uncommon complication, the actual number of infected patients might be rather high due to a large . Matrix Biol. Arthritis Care Res. Int. The human leucocyte antigen complex is involved in immune system functioning. J. Arthroplast. Saito, F. et al. Scand. 170, 18071816 (2007). Now, due to advances in surgical techniques and rehabilitation, most surgeons are instructing their patients to move the joint within hours or days of surgery, and that's lowered the likelihood of arthrofibrosis. Front. It has been most extensively studied in the knee . 2, 612619 (2001). Pharmacol. Arthrofibrosis is a fibrotic joint disease that causes restricted joint motion and pain due to excessive collagen production and adhesions. & Gallucci, R. M. Interleukin (IL)-6 modulates transforming growth factor-beta receptor I and II (TGF-betaRI and II) function in epidermal keratinocytes. Although the term ECM includes a wide variety of biological components we use this established terminology when discussing fibrotic scar tissue. Several factors are significant in this history. & Schmidt, K. Surface modification of silicone breast implants by binding the antifibrotic drug halofuginone reduces capsular fibrosis. Patients frequently suffer constant pain, severe limitations on physical activity and difficulty sleeping, sitting and weight bearing.12 These symptoms may lead to the loss of job/career and difficulty socialising and performing daily living tasks, negatively impacting physical and emotional well-being. Sci. USA 110, E928E937 (2013). Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. Rev. Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. 6, 102110 (1998). Arthroscopy 21, 13421347 (2005). The liver-enriched lnc-LFAR1 promotes liver fibrosis by activating TGFbeta and Notch pathways. The Journal of Arthroplasty. Faust, I. et al. Proc. Phys. However, there are no specific diagnostic tests for CRPS, and no clinical features that identify it.54,55 Consequently, the diagnosis of CRPS is made in the absence of other explanations for pain and swelling, and it remains a controversial diagnosis.54,55, Without publically available blood tests for arthrofibrosis, it seems likely that many patients that have been diagnosed with CRPS do in fact have active arthrofibrosis and a dysregulated inflammatory response. Levi-Schaffer, F., Nagler, A., Slavin, S., Knopov, V. & Pines, M. Inhibition of collagen synthesis and changes in skin morphology in murine graft-versus-host disease and tight skin mice: effect of halofuginone. Biophys. & Gao, Y. Res. 5, 275289 (2015). Orthop. Relat. This can cause pain and swelling. The surgical removal of ECM can be beneficial, not only because it removes the physical stress and restriction to ROM but also because it removes pro-fibrotic mediators bound to the ECM that can fuel the cycle of ECM formation. Diabetes 62, 26482650 (2013). Biochim. Correspondence to 6, e1001136 (2010). Joint contracture is reduced by intra-articular implantation of rosiglitazone-loaded hydrogels in a rabbit model of arthrofibrosis. Arthroscopic lysis of ECM is the most commonly performed treatment for arthrofibrosis,33,35 and MUAs are also frequently performed either on their own, or during arthroscopic surgery. She wrote A Massage Therapist's Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Liver Physiol. Clin. IL-6 also appears to be involved in the memory of inflammation163 and the development of chronic fibrosis.161, Recently, Schafer et al. Broekema, M. et al. Early intervention to prevent fibrosis is likely to be important,14 halting the process before extensive epigenetic modifications occur and a significant amount of ECM has formed and become strongly cross-linked. van de Laar, I. M. et al. Nephrol. Exp. N. Engl. Pharmacol. Bufalino, C., Hepgul, N., Aguglia, E. & Pariante, C. M. The role of immune genes in the association between depression and inflammation: a review of recent clinical studies. Ramirez, A. M. et al. Reassessing the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome during pathogenic influenza A virus infection via temporal inhibition. Mutations in SMAD3 cause a syndromic form of aortic aneurysms and dissections with early-onset osteoarthritis. Pract. Boudreau, H. E., Emerson, S. U., Korzeniowska, A., Jendrysik, M. A. Irradiation in the treatment of arthrofibrosis after total knee arthroplasty: a preliminary trial. Importantly, SPMs were shown to be anti-fibrotic in organs including the kidney190 and liver.191 PDGF-induced myofibroblast proliferation is inhibited,190 along with the production of inflammatory cytokines, and SPMs may represent an important new treatment for fibrosis.190 Although SPMs have a short half-life in vivo, more stable synthetic analogues have been developed,192 and may become a useful therapy for a range of inflammatory diseases and fibrosis. Understanding arthrofibrosis, its causes, rates of occurrence and the success or failure of treatments has been complicated because the condition was poorly defined.32 Definitions have varied widely and are sometimes subjective, as are measures of treatment outcomes.33 Recently, an international panel of experts from multiple medical disciplines developed a consensus definition and classification of knee arthrofibrosis, which stated post-operative fibrosis of the knee was defined as a limited ROM in extension and/or flexion, measured by active flexion and extension, which was not caused by infection of other specific causes.32 Mild, moderate and severe arthrofibrosis was classified as flexion range of 90100, 7089, and less than 70, respectively, and/or a loss of extension of 510, 1120 and more than 20o, respectively.32 The presence of pain was acknowledged as being an important aspect of the condition. Blockade of KCa3.1 ameliorates renal fibrosis through the TGF-beta1/Smad pathway in diabetic mice. Biomarkers to assess the risk of developing post-surgical arthrofibrosis are urgently needed. N. Engl. Intermittent fasting has profound positive effects on many health measures and can improve functional outcomes for many diseases.313 Animal research shows that intermittent fasting is protective against fibrosis of organs,314 and it is also known suppress inflammation313,315 and downregulate the inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6 and TNF- in humans.316 Intermittent fasting suppresses the activity of NLRP3 inflammasomes,313 providing what appears to be a cumulative anti-fibrotic effect. TGF- also upregulates a wide range of pro-fibrotic micro-RNAs and long noncoding RNAs, and downregulates anti-fibrotic micro-RNAs.147 In liver disease long noncoding RNAs and other noncoding RNAs can promote or reverse fibrosis via a variety of mechanisms, including upregulation of CTGF227 and TGF- signalling.228, Epigenetic alterations are likely to be significant factors in persistent active arthrofibrosis, as has recently been shown for lung fibrosis,195 other fibrotic diseases108,147 and cardiorespiratory abnormalities from hypoxia-induced DNA methylation and persistent increases in ROS.229. Curr. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) may prolong chronic inflammation if used for more than 48h because the resulting inhibition of COX-2193 causes inhibition of resolvin production and other SPMs.56,194 COX-2 is an important anti-fibrotic enzyme.195 The chronic inflammation induced by long-term NSAIDS use is known to activate fibrosis of the kidneys16,196 and lung.195 However, it is not known how NSAIDS use affects arthrofibrosis, despite it being a commonly prescribed treatment.197 Importantly, aspirin is an exception as it acetylates COX-2, favouring the production of lipid mediator precursors over pro-inflammatory prostanoids.192, Hypoxia is the lack of sufficient oxygen to carry out normal cellular processes, and occurs in tissue surrounding wounds.198 Hypoxia is believed to be important in the development of fibrosis,198,199 via wide-ranging effects. Orthop. Naik, E. & Dixit, V. M. Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species drive proinflammatory cytokine production. Together with reduced range of motion (ROM), pain and varying amounts of swelling are commonly reported by patients. J. Virol. Magit, D., Wolff, A., Sutton, K. & Medvecky, M. J. Arthrofibrosis of the knee. Wong, K., Trudel, G. & Laneuville, O. Intra-articular collagenase injection increases range of motion in a rat knee flexion contracture model. Mesenchymal stem cells in fibrotic disease. 347, 8188 (2002). 180, 13401355 (2012). Badalamente, M. A. Arthrofibrosis is a common, but overlooked, condition that imparts significant morbidity following injuries and surgery to the foot and ankle. 4 Due to obesity and longevity, this is expected to increase six-fold to 672,000 5 and 4,200,000 . Wound Repair Regen. J. Exp. PLoS Pathog. Everyone is affected by bias, and although well-intentioned, surgeons have a vested interest in reporting positive outcomes from their treatments. 101, S179S186 (2015). 98-B, 14791488 (2016). 86, 480482 (2016). Overlapping and divergent actions of structurally distinct histone deacetylase inhibitors in cardiac fibroblasts. J. 25, 19431959 (2011). Altern. Med. Wynn, T. A. Hugle, T. Beyond allergy: the role of mast cells in fibrosis. Coot. The mast cell stabilizer ketotifen fumarate lessens contracture severity and myofibroblast hyperplasia: a study of a rabbit model of posttraumatic joint contractures. Neutralising antibodies to IL-11 and the deletion of IL-11 receptors inhibited the effects of TGF-, suggesting new therapeutic targets for fibrosis.143 IL-11 is expressed by fibroblasts and other cells.164 It is a member of the IL-6 family of cytokines, and is also implicated in tumour progression.165, TNF- is thought to be important in the pathogenesis of fibrosis.46,116,166,167,168 It is a pleiotropic inflammatory cytokine169 that causes significant upregulation of TGF- production168,170 and receptor expression140 and may stimulate fibroblast growth and collagen type I expression.171 TNF- also causes fibroblast-like differentiation and inflammation,138 and PGE2 expression.172 TNF- and IL-1 upregulate cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) synthesis in response to an insult.158 These cytokines also induce the expression of intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1),158 expressed in vascular endothelium, macrophages and lymphocytes, and associated with the development of fibrosis.59 Roberts et al.152 reported that TNF- and IL-1 upregulated MMPs in vitro, potentially providing some anti-fibrotic effects, however, these cytokines also have pro-fibrotic effects. These diverse stimuli include ROS, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), mitochondrial DNA and proteins released from damaged ECM, such as hyaluronan, heparin sulphate and biglycan.2,120. Other aspects of diet and nutrition should also be considered. Saperstein, S., Chen, L., Oakes, D., Pryhuber, G. & Finkelstein, J. IL-1beta augments TNF-alpha-mediated inflammatory responses from lung epithelial cells. Med. Ricard-Blum, S., Baffet, G. & Theret, N. Molecular and tissue alterations of collagens in fibrosis. 15, 225234 (2013). Biomed. Metformin prevents peritendinous fibrosis by inhibiting transforming growth factor- signaling. J. Substance P increases liver fibrosis by differential changes in senescence of cholangiocytes and hepatic stellate cells. Plast. Schwab, J. M., Chiang, N., Arita, M. & Serhan, C. N. Resolvin E1 and protectin D1 activate inflammation-resolution programmes. Diabetes 62, 29232934 (2013). 42, 292296 (2014). Zhang, Y., Lee, T. C., Guillemin, B., Yu, M. C. & Rom, W. N. Enhanced IL-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha release and messenger RNA expression in macrophages from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or after asbestos exposure. For example, a young female patient with minimal loss of ROM but considerable pain underwent three surgeries to lyse ECM and adhesions, however, each surgery appeared to worsen the pain and inflammation despite a focus on decreasing inflammation. Immunity 42, 5567 (2015). 2015, 115 (2015). Ther. Physiol. In total, over one million veterans receive service-connected compensation for . The PT works in an outpatient clinic. . Sports Med. 11, 1122 (2016). Anti-inflammatory effects of continuous passive motion on meniscal fibrocartilage. & Blanco, F. J. Differentiation of synovial CD-105(+) human mesenchymal stem cells into chondrocyte-like cells through spheroid formation. Kajihara, I. et al. Physiol. Cell 164, 896910 (2016). 38 CFR 4.14, and. over half of patients with OA were found to have fibrosis of the synovium,43 and other studies have also found an association between OA and fibrosis.75,76, This link with arthrofibrosis is likely due to over-expression of TGF-, a well-known initiator of fibrosis (see below) that is also implicated in the development of OA when expressed at high levels in subchondral bone and synovial cells.77 TGF- levels were higher in subchondral bone of patients with OA compared to healthy controls, and appeared to lead to increased blood vessel formation, bone resorption and stress on articular cartilage.78 In support of this, high levels of TGF- induced in rats and mice have led to OA-like lesions.78,79, This suggests that a pro-inflammatory, pro-fibrosis scene exists for patients with early onset OA. 128, 515519 (2008). 10648054 thesis (West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Ann Arbor, USA, 2017). USA 109, 94489453 (2012). Tomasek, J. J., Gabbiani, G., Hinz, B., Chaponnier, C. & Brown, R. A. Myofibroblasts and mechano-regulation of connective tissue remodelling. 48, 115 (2010). J. Target Ther. Aspirin has been shown to inhibit production of NF-B via the IKK receptors,120 and importantly, aspirin triggers the production of more stable and potent SPMs.256,257,258 In animal models of liver fibrosis aspirin reduced levels of pro-fibrogenic mediators and the progression of fibrosis.259 As mentioned previously, NSAIDS other than aspirin have been shown to disrupt class switching of COX-2, preventing the production of SPMs and inducing long-term inflammation.56,256,257, Corticosteroids, particularly glucocorticoids, are frequently prescribed to patients with arthrofibrosis in oral or injected form, and reduce symptoms. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder: value of inferior glenohumeral ligament signal changes on T2-weighted fat-saturated images. Unfortunately, the effect of previous surgeries on the outcome of surgery or MUA is seldom mentioned in published studies, and is rarely the main focus of a study.6,11 However, Ipach et al. Metformin inhibits aldosterone-induced cardiac fibroblast activation, migration and proliferation in vitro, and reverses aldosterone+salt-induced cardiac fibrosis in vivo. Sci. 4, 583594 (2004). Besides loss of range of motion, there may be considerable pain because of tethering of the normally mobile walls of the suprapatellar pouch, the lateral gutters and the . Chem. HDAC inhibition attenuates inflammatory, hypertrophic, and hypertensive responses in spontaneously hypertensive rats. The progression of the disability leads to stiffness and restricted movement. Dennis, D. A. NF-kappaB restricts inflammasome activation via elimination of damaged mitochondria. Chu, S. J., Zhang, Z. H., Wang, M. & Xu, H. F. Effect of bevacizumab on the expression of fibrosis-related inflammatory mediators in ARPE-19 cells. Ther. The patient is a 62 year old female and is 4 weeks post bilateral total knee replacement. The prognosis of arthrofibroses: Prevalence, clinical shortcomings, and future prospects. Arthrofibrosis is defined as joint pain and stiffness that does not allow functional range of motion and is due to adhesions or contracture of the joint. 18, 861869 (2017). 3, 383388 (2006). Consequently, a detailed discussion is beyond the scope of this review, however, we explore the major cell types and cytokines involved below. Koca, S. S. et al. 22, 730741 (2014). Sharma, K. Obesity oxidative stress, and fibrosis in chronic kidney disease. Serhan, C. N. et al. J. Mol. 7, 553556 (2012). One study found that patients with elbow injuries had significantly less ROM if they were treated surgically instead of non-operatively at 12 weeks.240 Some authors state that MUAs should not be performed due to the risk of fractures, rupture of tendons and cartage damage,35 while others warn that delayed MUA or manipulation that is too aggressive can lead to these complications as well as ossification of the medial collateral ligament and quadriceps.6, Daluga et al.42 found that MUAs significantly increased heterotrophic ossification in an MUA group compared to a control group based on radiographic observations. Arthrofibrosis, also known as joint contracture, is highly prevalent and is most limiting in the shoulder, hip, and knee. Rev. Orthop. Sci. Nat. The number of patients that developed arthrofibrosis was not reported. Rheumatol. Check Eligibility. 359, 10971107 (2008). 3 and 4).101 This leads to an increase in mast cells, macrophages and lymphocytes that promote fibroblast proliferation and reduced vascularisation.13,62, An insult such as surgery or injury causes hypoxia and activates inflammasomes in cells, resulting in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-) and a range of inflammatory cytokines and mediators. I was wondering if anyone knew if I have a good case for disability benefits? ISSN 2095-6231 (online), Pathological mechanisms and therapeutic outlooks for arthrofibrosis, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41413-019-0047-x, Synovial inflammation in osteoarthritis progression, Intra-articular treatment options for knee osteoarthritis, Tenascin C promotes pathological bone formation in AS, The regulatory role and therapeutic application of pyroptosis in musculoskeletal diseases, Statin treatment increases the clinical risk of tendinopathy through matrix metalloproteinase release a cohort study design combined with an experimental study, Emerging pharmaceutical therapies for osteoarthritis, Targeting angiogenesis for fracture nonunion treatment in inflammatory disease, In vitro responses to platelet-rich-plasma are associated with variable clinical outcomes in patients with knee osteoarthritis, Anti-IL-17A treatment reduces serum inflammatory, angiogenic and tissue remodeling biomarkers accompanied by less synovial high endothelial venules in peripheral spondyloarthritis, https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD004260.pub3, https://doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.94920, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, Articular cartilage delamination at eight years following cellular-based repair procedures: a case reports, Management of arthrofibrosis in neuromuscular disorders: a review, Multimodal conservative management of arthrofibrosis after total knee arthroplasty compared to manipulation under anesthesia: a feasibility study with retrospective cohort comparison, Arthrofibrosis is a common but poorly defined complication in multiligament knee injuries: a systematic review, Arthrofibrosis following primary total hip arthroplasty: a distinct clinical entity. The release of stress created by the lysis of ECM can potentially interrupt the feedback loop between myofibroblast activation due to mechanical loading and resulting contraction, in the process encouraging apoptosis of myofibroblasts.113 In addition, the removal of ECM during surgery removes bound pro-fibrotic mediators, including TGF-.108, Nonetheless, the benefits of surgical lysis and MUA should be tempered by an understanding of the problems associated with these procedures. Bonniaud, P. et al. Substance P selectively activates TNF-alpha gene expression in murine mast cells. TNF- has pleiotropic effects, and its role in organ fibrosis remains controversial.285,286 In addition, it may have different effects in different organs.285 The importance of TNF- in established fibrosis remains to be clarified, and further research is required to understand the effectiveness of TNF- antibodies as a therapeutic agent for treating fibrosis. Relat. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. IL-1 is believed to be an important mediator of fibrosis,98 influencing the migration of cells, adhesion, matrix metalloproteinase production and the expression of immune-modulatory genes.156 It is a powerful inflammatory cytokine that induces TGF-133,145 and PDGF,103 driving the development of fibrosis116 following injury or infection. 68, 261269 (2008). a Side view cross-section showing a healthy knee. To confirm the diagnosis and get a feel for the extent of the problem, you'll likely be sent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray. Am. 80, 467475 (2017). These problems . Unterhauser, F. N., Bosch, U., Zeichen, J. Eur. Exp. Flanders, K. C. Smad3 as a mediator of the fibrotic response. Trautmann, A., Krohne, G., Brcker, E.-B. NLRP3 inflammasome activation is required for fibrosis development in NAFLD. World J. Gastroenterol. Li, J., Qu, X., Ricardo, S. D., Bertram, J. F. & Nikolic-Paterson, D. J. Resveratrol inhibits renal fibrosis in the obstructed kidney: potential role in deacetylation of Smad3. VA Disability Compensation Benefits Claims Research Forum ; Arthrofibrosis HadIt.com Future: Zoom Meeting Jan 7, 2023 02:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) - Join Us.!! Wound Repair Regen. Transpl. Rev. even though a shoulder disability results in limitation of motion in both flexion (raising the arm in front of the body) and abduction (raising the arm away from the side of the body). Reprod. However, NF-B is also necessary for inhibiting NLRP inflammasome activation in macrophages.134, Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a widely expressed member of the serine/threonine kinase family that is involved in energy regulation and the regulation of a range of genes involved in fibrosis.180 AMPK activation appears to regulate macrophages,181 limits ROS production,182 and is increasingly recognised as playing an important role in suppressing fibrosis.180,181 In addition, AMPK also appears to inhibit differentiation and proliferation of myofibroblasts and suppress collagen production.180 Stimulation of the AMPK pathway can occur via caloric restriction, exercise or medication.181, The discovery of resolvins, protectins, lipoxins and maresins has revolutionised the understanding of how inflammation is resolved. 26, 266274 (2010). Theory Pract. TGF-B and Smad3 signaling link inflammation to chronic fibrogenesis. Pardo, A. You'll likely be advised to start gentle range-of-motion exercises to increase flexibility. The cause of arthrogryposis is unknown, but it almost always results from another condition. It can also occur after surgery on the knee, such as a knee replacement. Bone Jt. J. Immunol. Babis, G. C., Trousdale, R. T., Pagnano, M. W. & Morrey, B. F. Poor outcomes of isolated tibial insert exchange and arthrolysis for the management of stiffness following total knee arthroplasty. Clinical observation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell treatment of severe idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a case report. 29, 188193 (2016). 68-69, 122149 (2018). Goodman, S. B., Yao, Z., Keeney, M. & Yang, F. The future of biologic coatings for orthopaedic implants. 12, 1524 (2018). When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in 74, 430438 (2018). Morrey, B. F. The posttraumatic stiff elbow. This excessive scar tissue causes shrinkage and tightening of the capsules of the joints and at times even the tendons which are surrounding the joint tend to get stiff due to this scar tissue. Multipotent mesenchymal stem cells in lung fibrosis. Koeck, F. X. et al. Res. References: for more information on pyramiding of evaluations, see. Thomas, A. There are several fibrotic diseases of the lungs, including simple pneumoconiosis, in which fibrosis begins and stops, and progressive massive fibrosis, in which extensive fibrosis progresses until fatal.59 Simple pneumoconiosis can turn into progressive massive fibrosis if exposure to dust and inflammation continues. Wilke, C. M., Bishop, K., Fox, D. & Zou, W. Deciphering the role of Th17 cells in human disease. Interleukin-6 signaling drives fibrosis in unresolved inflammation. Res. Am. Mattson, M. P., Longo, V. D. & Harvie, M. Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes. Med. Cell Mol. Google Scholar. These treatments can be successful, perhaps not only because of the obvious benefit of removing the physical restriction to ROM. It has high-tensile strength that prevents normal stretching, and in fibrosis there is a higher ratio of collagen type I to stretchy elastin, compared to healthy tissues.103 In addition to altered composition, fibrotic ECM has extensive cross-linking that makes it very difficult to degrade.89,104 In particular, levels of hydroxyallysine cross-linking is increased, and appears to lead to irreversible collagen accumulation105 together with other effects on cell signalling and ECM synthesis.89. 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