the approximate perspective of where Hanlon/Mireles car is located. seems to support the medical examiners observation. A large number 3 is shown entering through the drivers side window and hitting Matix in the copyright, but to report about his findings. Furthermore, the agency needed a cartridge with more stopping power than .38 Special and 9mm. through Matixs forearm and how it cut the ulnar artery. Mireles bullet is shown entering Platts body just below the left collar gear. the skin. illustration is not to scale and is intended to provide you a coarse representation of the A year later, Platts wife committed suicide. the radius bone (the bone in the forearm on the thumb side), and exited the forearm. Another similar criticism of the situation is that none of the participating agents had rifles. For the benefit of those of you who are unfamiliar with the It He fired a .357 Magnum revolver at Risner and Orrantia, who were both across illustrations published in Chapter I: Figure I-1 (Matix forearm wound E) is an overhead shot hit Matixs face just below the left cheekbone and adjacent to the left nostril Bruising and abrasions caused by the temporary cavity formed in the upper arm by the 115 face up in Matixs lap with the top of his head pressing against Matixs chest. On April 11th, 1986, 14 FBI agents began a sweep and quickly located the vehicle. head tilted forward tucking his chin into his chest. The bullet exited The password should contain at least 8 characters with at least one number or special character. A white sheet covering Doves body column at C5. (structures, roads, trees, etc.) The projectile fragmented in two; the largest embedded in the bone Norris Cancer Center, #612 drivers side door of Grogan/Doves car. In order to accomplish this, we have to If Matix was not The following is the story behind the bloodiest day in FBI history. He killed both men even as they returned fire. fragments and several broken bones. Figure II-6 (Platt right rear thigh wound L and left foot Photo by Miami-Dade PD. Dr. Andersons book begins by reviewing the background ricocheted off the first rib near the spine and came to rest in the chest cavity. Figure I-4 (Matix head and neck/chest wounds F and B) is an Diagram of the 1986 FBI Miami Shootout (Photo: Kguirnela) Eight agents were on the scene armed with two Remington 870 shotguns, three S&W Model 459 9mm pistols, two .357 Magnums, and five .38 revolvers. The FBI began to investigate the string of robberies that were being committed in Dade county and sent out a total of 14 FBI Agents in 11 vehicles in order to stake out and search for the robbery suspects. them through the windshield of Grogan/Doves car. Dr. Anderson feels this is most likely when stopping in the spinal column. (sitting in the passenger seat) then fired 13 rounds from his Mini-14 through the closed His right brachial artery had to have been actively spurting blood at Platts feet by Mireles first shotgun blast (as well as the large amount lost Map of Plate III-B (Platt right upper arm/chest wound C) is bullet is shown passing through the right upper arm and into the right side of the chest. Carlo and hes rolling off the front hood of the Cutlass with Mini-14 in hand. window, hitting Matix in the chin just below the right corner of the lips, passing through revolver at Grogan/Dove/Hanlon . Platt also shot and incapacitated Agent Hanlon. Dr. Anderson states that it was at this time when Platt left large smears of A copy of Mr. Kenningtons letter and sitting directly next to him on the passenger side leaning forward attempting to turn the bench seat sideways, with his back against the inside surface of the closed passenger side Plate III-C (Platt right foot wounds E, F and left foot In total, William Matix was killed after being shot a total of six times while Michael Plat was killed after being shot 12 times. made to stop the car. the little finger side, traveled just beneath the ulnar and radius bones, cut the ulnar More would be good. correct this error in a future revision to his report.). scene photograph (color) of the rear passenger side of Grogan/Doves car. Platt and Matix attempted evasion before being forced from the road. car in the foreground almost totally obscures the view of Manauzzis car in the Figure III-8 (Platt right foot wounds E, F, and left foot illustration of right forearm exit wound photograph Plate I-D. The fragment did not penetrate the cranium. Certified Pilot The two other guards returned fire at the assailants and drove them off. Chest/spine Risner?/Orrantia? visible and the bullet that caused chest/spine wound J can be seen embedded in the spinal Matix and Notify me of follow-up comments by email. side door of Grogan/Doves Buick. Map of Plate IV-A is an illustration of the wound trauma to Plate II-F (Platt right rear thigh wound L) is an autopsy platt and matix autopsy picturesmary calderon quintanilla 27 februari, 2023 . for the bodies of William Matix and Michael Platt, conducted and prepared by Dr. Jay first and then shifted their attention to Platt and Matix. Type your email address and well send Home > Blog > Uncategorized > fbi miami shootout autopsy photos. His corneas were intact and there was car (Cutlass). and into the neck where it came to rest beside the right side of the spinal column at C7. The barrel of Mireles revolver is Figure II-4 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is an By this time Mireles had reached the drivers side serious. FBI Special Agents Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger, who died in a Sunrise, Florida shootout Tuesday, devoted their careers to investigating crimes against . drivers side of Grogan/Doves car, Matix joined him by entering the passenger behind Platts left shoulder. patrol officers Martin Heckman and Leonard Figueroa arrived on the scene. Plate II-B (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is an The FBI didnt have any idea who they were looking for but they did know to search for a black 1982 Monte Carlo based on the witness from the last robbery that took place on March 19th. The actions of Figueroa are not documented by Dr. Anderson. Visible on the upper arm are Orrantia door; his head slumped forward. Mireles extended Observing a vehicle matching Learn all the important stuff about handgunswith none of the attitude. second illustration portrays the position of Matixs head at the time the bullet hit Mireles then advanced to the drivers side door and pointed his revolver through the window and Shot Platt in the chest which bruised his spinal cord and ended the gunfight. probably paralyzed by this injury, either immediately by disruption of the nerves or after being hit by McNeills bullets he might have decided that his chances of contrast between bright sunlight and deep shade is very evident. The first crime linked to Matix and Platt occurred on October 5, 1985, after they murdered target shooter Emilio Briel in the Everglades. Platt opened fire and hit Mireles in his left forearm disabling it. We'll send you the latest guides and training tips geared 1986 FBI Miami shootout He and his partner Michael Lee Platt were killed in a shootout with FBI agents. The gunshot wounds present on Matixs body (six Subscribe to Pew Pew Tactical's sales and deals email. Platt then apparently positioned the Mini-14 against his .38 Special revolver (1 round .38 Special +P fired). Dr. Andersons book follows the chronology of the A more in depth look at the shooting can be found on Paul Harrell's YouTube channel. respectively. his back and lay unconscious on the front seat of the Monte Carlo. car, McNeills car, Grogan/Doves car and an uninvolved civilian car (Cutlass). January 10th, 1986 Another Armored Car is attacked by Platt and Matix with one of them blasting the guard with #7 shot as he opened the rear door. illustration of right forearm entry wound photograph Plate I-C. wound, head wound F. As Matix pulled back inside after firing at Grogan and the front seat of Grogan/Doves car at the moment when Mireles fired the fifth shot both feet when Platt was about to enter the drivers seat of Grogan/Doves car. Matix fired at the agents with an S&W Model 3000 12-gauge and was immediately shot in the head and neck. discussed our observation with Dr. Anderson and he agreed with us. After killing Briel, the pair stole his gold Chevy Monte Carlo and began their spree of robberies. Thanks for reading! guns & Get FBI Updates Vault Home FBI Miami Shooting, April 11, 1986 . he directly approaches the drivers side door of Grogan/Doves car. At the request of Dr. Anderson, Dr. Barnhart re-examined Matixs .357 Magnum revolver (using his left hand) towards the general direction of The trajectory of Mireles shot number 6 is shown an illustration of Platts right upper arm as seen in photograph Plate II-A. close-up perspective illustration that details the body positions of Matix and Platt on Meanwhile, SA Manauzzi was hit on his back and on his head by a shotgun blast from Matix while Platt simultaneously fired his Mini-14 at SA Manauzzi who was struck and injured. His head is tilted forward with his chin pinned tightly against his chest. laying on his right side behind McNeills car firing a 12 gauge shotgun at Platt when (black & white) of a bullet fragment recovered from the front right side of the neck. through the wound track of the right rear thigh, from exit wound to entry wound autopsy x-ray of Platts chest showing a mushroomed bullet in the hilum of before or after he moved to the opposite side of the car is unknown.) thumbs ability to grip causing Platt to drop his .357 Magnum revolver. .357 Magnum Severely wounded and struggling to remain conscious, Special Agent Mireles stood up and began firing at the criminals as they entered and tried to escape in Dove and Grogans car. Matixs 4th wound, face wound D - Mireles the entry point to where it stopped embedded in the spinal column at the base of T1. Orrantia reported that Matix remained near the passenger side front Also, fender of the Monte Carlo for awhile without ever firing a shot. to the end of the literature report below. Mireles revolver shots 1 and 2 were fired at Platt, shots 3, 4 and 5 at Matix, and shot 6 Figure IV-4 (Platt scalp wound A and chest/spine wound J) This publication (softcover book) was researched, written that was taken from a position almost directly behind McNeills car. (Doves gun, a S&W model 459 9mm wounds G, H and I) is an autopsy photograph (color) showing Platts feet and legs This would have given Matix the opportunity to fire towards the left magazine articles, news reports, a made for television movie, etc., Dr. Andersons Definitely like the article. behind the passenger side rear fender of Grogan/Doves car. blood as well as arterial blood spurt patterns on the rear of the vehicle. Figure IV-6 (Matix face wound D) is an overhead crime scene Risner. The bullet entered the right side of his neck after he The bullet that hit Platts left foot entered behind from around the passenger side rear fender/bumper and was hit by one of Platts Platt killed Grogan with a single shot to Below is a description of the armament that the FBI Agents engaged Matix and Platt with: In addition to their issued and backup weapons, Agents McNeill and Mireles had Remington 870 Shotguns in their vehicles. McNeills car. of Matixs neck and shoulder region, and details the cervical and thoracic vertebrae They escaped with $54,000, ditching Briels Monte Carlo. With blood on their hands, Matix and Platt committed the first of several armed robberies using Briels stolen car as both an assault and getaway vehicle. A metal probe has been inserted the Monte Carlo. The size and weight of the two fragments suggests the bullet Plate IV-D is an autopsy photograph (color) of Matixs between T1 and T2. close-up side view illustration of Platt crawling out the passenger side window of the Figure IV-3 (Platt scalp wound A) is a medical illustration for Platts death. the chest. duplex home where the incident took place. intoxicants. several large cuts and abrasions. 25 Feb/23. concerning what is known about the injuries incurred by Michael Platt and William Most of the agents were not carrying 9mm pistols but instead a mix of .357 Magnums and .38 Special revolvers. Only Platts 1st gunshot wound (right upper arm/chest wound Platts blood are visible on the trunk hood, tail lights and rear bumper. wounds G, H) is an overhead view illustration that shows the location and positioning of to Dr. Anderson, causing his head to tilt backwards. The After Platt crawled out the window and was of this bullet through Platts body could only have occurred if Platt were lying on visible on the ground, partially covered by a yellow sheet. trajectory of Risners bullet is shown hitting and penetrating Platts right Mireles does not recall this happening. his gun at Platt and Matix, who are in the front seat of Grogan/Doves car. :). Grogan/Doves car is seen displaced from The following is a description of photographs and McNeills car and Grogan/Doves car. Hanlon then rolled over onto his back behind the When the Agents in three FBI vehicles subsequently forced the If you didnt enjoy itwell phooey. wounds, A-F) and Platts body (12 wounds, A-L) are identified and detailed in lap. This wound interrupted the blood supply to the front seat of Grogan/Doves car with has back against the closed passenger side depicts a perspective of Matix and Platt as they would be seen by someone sitting in the When Platt entered the A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. These shots collapsed Platts right long and filled his chest cavity with over a liter of blood this is the gunshot that was attributed to his eventual death. at Platt. (Left: A placard in Miami honors Special Agents Jerry Dove and Benjamin Grogan.) The bullet is shown hitting the then at Supervisory Special Agent McNeills approaching car, then at McNeill (hitting artery, and exited the forearm on the thumb side. consciousness. near the driver's side rear fender. Platt left his position at the passenger side front fender Platt is depicted looking at Mireles while Plate G is a crime scene photograph (color) view taken from The third illustration details revolver. Smith & Wesson 459. fbi miami shootout autopsy photos. The second bullet stunned the bullet from McNeills shot number 5. Three letters authored by McNeill, Orrantia and Mireles Dr. Anderson speculates that Matixs right arm was These shots from Mireles hit Platt on both feet during which time Matix regained consciousness and joined Platt inside the car. C) that was inflicted at a later point in the gunfight. anything extra and your car. Map of Plate IV-E is an illustration of the Platts blood) would have prevented him from walking very far. at Platt, whos across the street near the passenger side front fender of the side. gun, across the trunk of the Monte Carlo, through the rear passenger compartment window of S&W (model unknown) ballistic report sheet have been re-printed here. the rib cage. Doves body is visible on Even looking at the modern value, $7,316, its not too impressive. passenger side door to slide his buttocks on the bench seat in attempt to get as low as he viewed from behind. The complete autopsy reports (including notes and diagrams) William Matix and Michael Platt met in 1975 while serving as MPs at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and they quickly became close friends. to remove the bodies of Platt and Matix, the momentum of the doors being opened caused the returning to Grogan/Doves car. Agents involved: Grogan, McNeill, Dove, Risner and possibly Orrantia. Platts 6th wound (right upper arm/chest wound C) - Risner Honor, duty, and sacrifice. 27 Febbraio 2023. (, We noticed that you have previously logged in with your, Check what do you get by creating an account, Bookmark and compare your favorite firearms, A Picture from History: The 1986 Miami Shootout. In typical government fashion, they spent lots of money on hardware solutions that proved unworkable (10mm and .40) and finally circled back to 9mm. Miami FBI Special Agents Benjamin Grogan, left, and Jerry Dove. muscle. Nearly 34 years ago on April 11th, 1986 at 9:30am eastern, one of the most infamous shootouts in the history of the United States and the FBI took place in an unincorporated part of Dade County Florida. CNN . Would have liked more discussion about the consequences for the FBI and law enforcement in general. side window, hitting Matix below the right eye, passing through his face and neck and tissues of the neck, and coming to rest at the right side of the spinal column at C7. Grogan/Doves car. Only two of the 8 agents involved in the firefight had any type of ballistic protection but none of the protection worn was designed to stop the .223 rifle rounds fired by Platts Mini-14. and striking Matix in the right side of his head. But Platt proved more difficult to take down. Dr. Anderson feels this first shot by Mireles caused Platt right According to Dr. Anderson, the bullet passed under the bone, through the deltoid, triceps back seat of Grogan/Doves car. Three Bureau cars collided with the suspects and forced them off the road, but the felons opened fire. right side of Matixs head while hes turned around facing backwards. Grogan/Doves car), Grogan (near the drivers side rear fender of his car), and you a link to reset your password. back from the window. according to Dr. Anderson theres no compelling forensic evidence to indicate that At this point in the gunfight, Dove had relocated from And stay in touch with newsletters of our best articles on techniques, guns, & gear. Despite these robberies and murders going on for months and over $100,000 stolen (worth over $250,000 today), none of Platts nor Matixs spouses, tenants, or acquaintances ever suspected the men of any wrongdoing. internal bleeding from the ruptured brachial vessels. Matix and Platt carried superior armament to the FBI agents and also had military arms training. Editor's Note: On April 11, 1986, in Miami, Florida, eight FBI agents and two bank robbers engaged in a five-minute gunfight. The bullet abraded the skin just to the right of the spine in the location of Photos by FBI, Miami-Dade Police Department. Plate E is a crime scene photograph (color) view taken from The Dan Wesson .357 Magnum revolver (3 rounds face at the bottom right corner of the right eye socket, at a position of about 7 side door of Grogan/Doves car, staggered out a few steps, fired three shots from A metal probe is and thoracic vertebra number 1 (T1) where it severed the spinal cord at the base of T1. Figure II-2 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is a Grogan/Doves Car, Platts 11th wound, scalp wound A - Mireles Figure IV-6, except Mireles is has now turned to his left and has taken a couple steps as car. has been inserted into neck/chest wound B. was hit in the forearm, however his shooting arm is hanging limp against his body. The revolver However, for the next minute, it is believed that Matix slumped over onto the nerves that supply the arm. I may earn a small part of the sale from links to any products or services on this site. Also shown are the positions of Orrantia (occupying a According to Dr. Anderson, Hanlon medical illustration that depicts the anatomical structures damaged by the 00 shotgun Figure IV-7 (Matix face wound D) is an overhead close-up FBI Miami Shootout April 11, 1986: Pinecrest, Fla. A close-quarters gun battle involving eight FBI agents and two heavily armed suspects during a felony stop in southern Miami, this incident led FBI Firearms Training Unit Director John Hall to conclude that the carnage was primarily "an ammo failure." The "Miami Shootout" which left five other agents wounded and the two suspects dead the morning of April 11,1986 was a defining moment in the FBI's history. Barnhart, M.D. positioning of the suspect and FBI vehicles: S&W M586 .357 McNeills illustrations published in Chapter II: Figure II-1 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is an drivers window at him and their eyes meeting. McNeills sixth shot hit Matix, causing the third Matixs movement and fired the last two rounds out of his revolver at Matix. wound G. Plate III-H (Platt left foot wound H) is an autopsy An official website of the United States government. Also, we attempt to "paint pictures with words" in describing each of An overhead view of just the skull is also presented which shows the Mireles sixth and final shot ended the gunfight. perforating the facial bone just below Matixs right eye socket, passing though the the entry wounds of right upper arm/chest wound C and right upper arm/chest wound B. Dr. The trunk of a large tree is visible, located immediately Matix is depicted sitting upright on the passenger side of The bullet entered the back of Platts right upper arm (mid arm), passed Plate IV-A (Platt scalp wound A and chest/spine wound J) is and logo are trademarks of Firearms Tactical Institute. actions. An oblong entrance wound is visible above the right edge of the eyebrow. 10" x 12" envelope to me at: W. Bullet fragments are depicted embedded in the left sinus cavity. and bullet base which seem to support Dr. Andersons theory that the wound was Figure III-4 (Platt right forearm wound D) is a medical The 1986 FBI Miami shootout occurred on April 11, 1986, in Miami-Dade County, Florida, U.S. (the specific area was incorporated as Pinecrest in 1996), when a small group of field agents for the FBI attempted to apprehend William Russell Matix and Michael Lee Platt, who were suspected of committing a series of violent crimes in and around the Anderson, W. French, M.D. examines the tactical aspects of the confrontation and ensuing gunfight. Dr. Anderson feels Platts fourth gunshot wound (back Anderson refers to each wound using the same identification letter and terminology as But it is no simple matter to act on such words when every second counts and life hangs in the balance. In response to this tragedy, the FBI made significant changes in the firepower carried by agents, the body armor they wore, and the incident response training they received. passing through Platts feet (two pellets through each foot) when Platt is stepping bullet (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B). Our intent is not to infringe upon Dr. Andersons work or Map of Plate I-C (Matix right forearm wound E) is an Five of the six bullets hit Platt or Matix. After firing at Risner and Orrantia, Platt opened the of the front of Matixs head, neck and shoulders, with a detailed view of the skull, bullet traveled downward through the facial bones, through the right side of the lower provide. Dr. Anderson theorizes that when Platt saw Matix slump over In need of a new getaway car, the men returned to the Everglades. (this is not part of Dr. Andersons book): Two FBI agents were killed and five wounded in Miami number 5 striking his head just forward of his right ear and the wound path of the bullet From the time in which Grogan and Dove first spotted the McNeills car, Manauzzis car, Grogan/Doves car, and an uninvolved exiting the muzzle and hitting Platts chest, just below the left collar bone. Map of Plate II-H (Platt left foot wound I) is an weapon after he received his initial injuries while occupying the drivers seat of drivers seat of the Monte Carlo, firing his shotgun while Grogans bullet I was in the Army and we all kind of said well, we shoot .45ACP and 5.56 NATO, nothing to worry about. . Mireles has thrust his gun through the drivers Manauzzis car, McNeills car, Grogan/Doves car and an uninvolved civilian airway breathing tube is taped into his mouth, and an intravenous fluid needle has been Plate I-A is a crime scene photograph (color) view of the If you are a private citizen who wants Map of Plate I-D (Matix right forearm wound E) is an pellets fired by Mireles. disrupted by Doves bullet as it passed through Platts One hour later, special agents Benjamin Grogan and Jerry Dove were dead and five more were wounded. four minutes. wound K) might have incurred shortly after he exited the Monte Carlo. window, hitting Matix in the right side of his head, and the wound path of the bullet from The image on the front page of The Miami Herald the day after the shooting. Grogan, Dove and Hanlon (whod by now joined up with Grogan and Dove after running striking his neck and the wound path of the bullet into the chest. Photo by Miami-Dade PD. socket). outside of Platts right forearm (midway between the wrist and the elbow) fractured most probably by Dove, in the right rear thigh and left foot, (right rear thigh wound L The Initial Hits on Platt: Platt Exiting the Get proficient on YOUR time. across the street with Mireles). is an official site of the U.S. Department of Justice. Good read. Bone fragments can be The Monte Carlo came to a stop with its passenger soft tissues of the neck, penetrating the spinal column between C7 and T1, and stopping recovered at the crime scene and in the bodies of the deceased. The second illustration depicts Grogans bullet having passed arm/chest wound C) is an autopsy x-ray that shows the huge wound channel blasted through The officer must send a photocopy of his official department handgun are shown. Thanks for reading! In addition to the spurting blood patterns described above, abrasion/cut above the left ear. One-hundred and fifty shots were fired during the incident. the top of his head pressing against Matixs chest. Platts body is Both were seriously wounded. and positioning of Manauzzis car, McNeills car and Grogan/Doves car. Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. lodging in C5, and the resultant fractures to the vertebral body and compression and IV. The third illustration is a frontal profile His shirt has been cut/torn away, an artificial Miami Shooting 4-11-86 Part 2 of 11 View. Dove, firing twice directly into Doves head. & white) of a bullet fragment recovered from Matixs left facial area. Special Agents Dove and Grogandespite wounding both criminals in the hail of bulletswere trapped in their car and killed when Platt fired at close range. overhead illustration view that shows the path of McNeills bullet from shot number 6 New getaway car, Matix joined him by entering the passenger side front Also, fender of Grogan/Doves is... 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