313th Transportation Company TC My dad was over in Thailand on an Air Force base, I dont know which one but he said they would go to the beach. With these re-organizations, the 44th TFS possessed both D and F model Thunderchiefs. Please view the image below showing positively that barrels of Agent Orange were stored at Korat RTAFB. The only missions flown were aircraft of the 388th TFW providing air cover and escort during Operation Eagle Pull, the evacuation of Americans from Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Operation Frequent Wind the evacuation of Americans and at-risk Vietnamese from Saigon, South Vietnam. Nakhon Phanom RTAFB, Map of the Flight Line, perimeter Since we were obligated to perform police call, played sports, walked in all areas of the compounds, we were subject to herbicides that we suspect were Agent Orange. Having difficult time finding anything about USMACTHAI/JUSMAGTHAI and agent orange exposure. [3], In March 1967 F-105s from the 388th TFW carried out the first attacks on North Vietnam's Thi Nguyn ironworks, destroying its power plant on 16 March. The flying training portion of the exercise promotes closer relations and enables air force units in the region to sharpen air combat skills and practice interoperability with US forces. Korat RTAFB is the home of the 1st RTAF Wing, consisting of three (101, 102, 103) squadrons. I have skin cancer and have been under treatment for basil cell to melanoma skin cancer. In October 1967 the 44th TFS absorbed the mission and makeup of 13th TFS. Along with the Myrtle Beach personnel, elements of the 355th Tactical Fighter Wing from Davis-Monthan AFB Arizona were deployed to support the A-7D aircraft, being replaced by A-7Ds from the 23d Tactical Fighter Wing from England AFB. of Veterans Affairs' feet to the fire. It was replaced by the 469th Tactical Fighter Squadron, also flying F-105Ds, which was deployed from the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing. This article incorporates public domain material from the .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}Air Force Historical Research Agency. As of now, health wise I suffer arthritis, a stent in my heart, none of which is on the illness of AO. In August, the main portion of Company C was moved to Sakon Nakon where it built a troop cantonment area, a special forces camp, and a POL tank farm at Nakom Phanom (NKP) in support of the air force. My Father also served at Bang Pla from 68 to 70. Benjamin Krause is a lawyer, investigative reporter and award-winning veterans advocate. After the US withdrawal in 1976, the RTAF consolidated the equipment left by the departing USAF units in accordance with government-to-government agreements, and assumed use of the base at Korat. DoD and VA confounded the document by not running it through word recognition software, so it is not quickly searchable by veterans or the internet. The F-5Es were accompanied by training teams of American civilian and military technicians, who worked with members of the RTAF. Detachment one, REDHORSE CES, attached to this thirty plus unit. The Wild Weasels would remain at Korat along with the F-4s in their specialized mission. The US was helping the Royal Lao Government achieve whatever advantage possible before working out a settlement with the Pathet Lao and their allies. The squadron was redesignated the 17th Wild Weasel Squadron on 1 December 1971. Korat RTAFB, Brett Watterson sent me this map of Korat RTAFB which he highlighted the full perimeter, Official Department of the Air Force Map - U.S. Army (Retired), U.S. Army General Lincoln making a presentation to the King Its aircraft functioned as a direct extension of ground-based command and control authorities, the primary mission was providing flexibility in the overall control of tactical air resources. This ended with the opening of Nakhon Ratchasima Airport in the early-1990s. These airplanes were acquired under the code name "Peace Naresuan IV". Forty-three pilots and electronic warfare officers (EWO) were listed as killed (KIA) or missing in action (MIA). we were never informed what kind of herbicides were being used other than it was to rid the area of excess growth and weeds. On 10 May 1969, the 34th Tactical Fighter Squadron was transferred organizationally to the 347th TFW at Yokota AB, Japan, but it remained attached to the 388th TFW at Korat. The USAF would be able to airlift the division into Korat where they could pick up their equipment and move into battle. Air strikes by the USAF peaked just before the deadline, as the Khmer National Armed Forces engaged a force of about 10,000 Khmer Rouge encircling Phnom Penh. [19]:85, The high attrition rate of F-105Ds in Southeast Asian operations soon became a problem. Over the last few years, Cope Tiger has widened to include CSAR (Combat Search and Rescue) assets and in 2007 for the first time RTAFB Udon Thani was also used as a base during this exercise. Bangkok Post. Note the color of the barrels - Orange. The conversion of USAFE units to the F-4D Phantom enabled some of the European-based F-105Ds to be transferred to Southeast Asia, but this was not sufficient to offset the heavy attrition rate. The USAF officially turned Korat over to the Thai Government on 26 February 1976. - U.S. Army Veterans who were stationed on some small Army installations in Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975. My agent orange appeal is stuck in a 27,000 appeal back-log, Bay Pines Regional VA Office. Learn more about benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. On 23 April 1967 the 44th TFS's primary mission became one of flying escort to the wing's regular strike force to suppress AAA and SAM fire as a Wild Weasel squadron. 103 Squadron flies eight F-16A and four F-16B acquired under the code name "Peace Naresuan I", five F-16A (of six delivered) under the code name "Peace Naresuan XI", and three F-16A and four F-16Bs acquired from the Republic of Singapore Air Force and delivered in late 2004. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: There were all types of different banded drums full of herbicides that the local nationals sprayed around all the buildings, the basketball courts, and the fences. There are many other CHECO reports, but this is the missing link between use of Agent Orange and Thailand. Includes silent and narrated film footage. He died from parkinsons and had been denied previously for Agent Orange exposure; as his spouse, Im still trying to get him the disability rating for Agent Orange. That is, until now. Information within those records was assessed against stringent joint VA-DOD criteria for what constitutes a location where tactical herbicides were tested, used and stored, Prichard said. detailed annotations, Map of the Southwest section of U-Tapao RTAFB, Map 5 - B-52 Ramp, NE Quadrant U-Tapao RTAFB with . The final day marked the conclusion of an intense 160-day campaign, during which the USAF expended 240,000 tons of bombs. Please help. The report is 90 page evaluation of the use of herbicides in Thailand. Thank you for your service My husband served in USAF at Udorn. 2023 Dates & Rates; In Thailand, the veteran was assigned to Camp Friendship at the Korat Royal Thai Air Base. Lao. Nakhon Phanom and U-Tapao were placed under the control of the Royal Thai Navy. With their return, the 6010th Wild Weasel Squadron was formed. Immediately after the news broke of the use of Thai bases to support the Mayaguez rescue the Thai Government lodged a formal protest with the US and riots broke out outside the US Embassy in Bangkok. Good work covering up DoD. Korat RTAFB detailing areas of the base near the perimeter, Map showing the location of Camp Friendship, Map showing the Cantonment area of Camp Friendship, Map of the Flight Line at I was stationed at NKP Thailand in 1968. water buffalo scattering. CAVC agrees with CCK's arguments based on herbicide exposure in Thailand. Samae San Camp, Thai Marine Corps Base US Army base built late 1960's in support of Thailand to keep it free of Communist. The DRO who reviewed by claim has acknowledged that I was working with barrels of some substance. 553rd Reconnaissance Wing Batcat Veterans Benefit, is I stumbled across a report on the internet about bases in Thailand being sprayed with AO. [4] They would remain at Korat until June 1965 when they were moved to Udorn RTAFB and then to Da Nang Air Base in South Vietnam and replaced at Korat by HC-54s. 270th Transportation Det270th Ord Detachment RTAF AB. Building Site Southside Camp Friendship by Mark Olson 3 Suwan, Mark Olson & Thai Labor by Mark Olson Suwan & Mark Olson by Mark Olson Thai Labor by Mark Olson Tong & Art Woodward by Mark Olson Mark Olson . The 652ndTopographic Engineer Battalion depicted the broad reach of American forces in Thailand, which can be seen below. A large exercise was held on the first Monday of every month, involving all USAF units in Thailand. Keep going. I was told the backlog is so severe that they are currently only now hearing cases filed back in 2013. MED Battalion, HHD Medical Support 1966-68 442nd Signal Battalion 1967-71 501st Field Depot For their performance in the construction of this road (now Route 303), the 809th Engineer Battalion (Construction) and the 561st Engineer Company (Construction) were awarded Meritorious Unit Commendations. The wars in Cambodia and Laos, however continued. Several veterans services organizations told Military Times their analysts are comparing the old list, which dates to September, 2018 and was published by the Government Accountability Office in November, 2018, and the new version. Join Your Unit Today Join VetFriends To: Reunite with Unit Buddies Browse Military Units Post Unit Messages Great Discounts & More! The new DoD list contains nearly 150 testing and storage locations, with updates that include specific dates of release or containment, as well as 26 additions, including places like Aberdeen. Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). 28th Signal Company31st MED Field Hospital 1962-70 The new DoD list contains nearly 150 testing and storage locations, with updates that include specific dates of release or containment, as well as 26 additions, including places like Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, and Johnston Atoll in the central Pacific Ocean. Photo Credits: In the suppression role, AGM-45 Shrike missiles were employed to destroy, or at least harass, the SA-2 and/or fire control radar which guided the SA-2 missiles. Sign with the 9th Logistics Command Logo, Camp Friendship was next to the This is the highest resolution map I have of Korat RTAFB. Lieutenant Colonel Middleton was leaving and . MARS including the Herbicide/Agent Orange Drift Zone, Map of the Munitions In case VA ever decides to remove the page, I made a PDF copy of it here, as well: VA Public Health Thailand Military Bases and Agent Orange Exposure. Participating American aircraft have included the A-10 Thunderbolt II, F-15C/D Eagles, F-15E Strike Eagles, F/A-18A/C Hornets, F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, F-16C/D Fighting Falcons, E-3B/C Sentry Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACS) aircraft, KC-135 Stratotanker aerial refueling aircraft, C-130H Hercules airlift aircraft and HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters. Our message to VA would be that they should grant benefits if a veteran has any evidence demonstrating that the spraying may have occurred, and that would be if there is an old list where DoD confirmed that there was storage or spraying, Gallucci said. He is also featured regularly in national publications as an authority on Department of Veterans Affairs policy such as Bloomberg News, Foreign Policy Magazine, Washington Times, Fox News, CBS, NBC, Star Tribune and more. Engineer Detachment (Utilities) *change (Aug. 28, 2011)538th Engineer Battalion, The 354th TFW Forward Echelon at Korat also became a composite wing. 331st Supply Depot379th Signal Battalion 428th 999th Engineer Battalion. This office J M Boor runs, and signed this letter, seem nobody cares about AGENT ORANGE SPRAYED BABY BOOMERS, let them die, our problem is solved now. 258th Transportation Detachment 260th Transportation Any help on this?? 13th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 15 May 1966 (F-105F), On 15 March 1974, the EB-66s of the 42nd Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron were sent to. [30] Upon its completion, the inland road became a vital contribution to the economic development of Thailand and served as an important link in the supply and communication lines between the Gulf of Siam and northeast Thailand. This office was in the same boat, over a year ago, and has locked down all of Florida! [2], The host unit was the 44th Engineer Group (Construction), part of the 9th Logistics Command. The 501 st Field Depot performed duty with the United States Army Pacific on 8 February 1967. U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand, 1972 The National Archives return to top Preparation area showing a perimeter guard tower at Ubon RTAFB, Annotated Photo of the Defoiliated 35th Finance Sec Disb40th MP Battalion, US naval aircraft have also been involved in Cope Tiger. My first assignment was to the Transportation Corps, in the 519 th Transportation Battalion of the 291 st Transportation Company, at Camp Friendship, Thailand (near Korat). These included a C-130E Hercules from 36 Airlift Squadron, 374 Airlift Wing (based at Yokota AB, Japan) in 2006, and a G-222 and a C-130H from the RTAF in 2007. However, the Army Veteran must have been a member of a. The statement is in direct opposition to Defense Department documents that explicitly state herbicides were sprayed in Thailand in the early 1970s to protect bases from counterinsurgency attacks. The 347th became an F-4E wing at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. We lived in severe poverty because dad was so sick and couldnt work. _____________________________________________________________, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print VA is set to pay Leidos, an IT contractor, $25 million to implement its, Read More VA Pays Another IT Contractor Big BucksContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Yesterday, VA OIG touted its big win but left out the obvious, that its, Read More VA OIG Cries Foul, Agency Duped by a Gun-Toting, Felon, Sex OffenderContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print The unveiling of the VA restructuring plan reportedly drew little outside enthusiasm. Veterans who served on the ground in Vietnam, on inland waterways or certain Navy ships engaged in combat operations and who have one or more illnesses thought to be caused by exposure to Agent Orange and other defoliants have presumptive status for disability benefits, meaning they only have to prove that they served in the theater to receive health care and compensation. Heavy jungle on one side of wire, barren , moon scape on the camp side. 2. F-105F/G Wild Weasel SAM Anti-Radar squadrons assigned to the 388th TFW were: The tactics employed on the Iron Hand missions were primarily designed to suppress the SA-2 SAM and gun-laying radar defenses of North Vietnam during the ingress, attack, and egress of the main strike force. USASCCCCA Defense Secretary Mark Esper added that the new list will be updated as verifiable information becomes available.. Got promoted to E5 with promo party at . [3][7], On 14 August 2 HH-43Bs were deployed to Korat to provide base search and rescue. Copyright 2002-2020 us-seasia. In Thailand, he was assigned Camp Friendship at Korat Royal Thai Air Base. On 15 May 1966 the 44th Tactical Fighter Squadron was permanently attached to the 388th. Korat Royal Thai Air Base. area at Ubon RTAFB, Map of the Munitions During the Vietnam War, pilots from Korat RTAFB primarily flew interdiction, direct air support, armed reconnaissance, and fighter escort missions. Yeah, I know it is a peninsula but that is all I have to go on without getting records but I think they might have been lost in the fire in St. Louis. Camp Friendship, Nakhon Ratchasima, Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand Photo by Spec.5 Wayne Eusanio Enlisted Men and Helicopter Mechanics of U.S. Army Aviation 270th Transportation Detachment in Barracks at Camp Friendship, May 1970, Vietnam War Era Nakhon Ratchasima, Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand Photo by Spec.5 Wayne Eusanio Including transit time to and from station, an average flight was typically about 10 hours, and the force ranged between five and seven aircraft at any one time. at the Southeast area of U-Tapao RTAFB, Map 8 - the No one recognizes this place only the air force bases, I wish I was there. Please Phillip, Google the bn, you might get lucky and find that they have a web site and might be able to help you. The mission of the 20 EC-121Rs was to detect and interdict the flow of supplies from North Vietnam down the Ho Chi Minh Trail to the People's Army of Vietnam and Viet Cong forces in South Vietnam. Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base is a base of the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) in northeast Thailand, approximately 200 km (125 mi) northeast of Bangkok and about 4 km (2.5 mi) south of the centre of the city of Nakhon Ratchasima in the Nakhon Ratchasima Province (also known as "Khorat" or "Korat"), the largest province in Thailand . My understanding is you dont die from Parkinsons, you die form something else. Udorn Thailand, June 1966-67. GSP-435 Search for Son, Born: 1969 (2512) GSP-438 Search for Child, Born: 1966 (2509) (Camp Friendship) Thai air police controlled access to the bases, along with USAF Security Police, who assisted them in base defense using sentry dogs, observation towers, and machine gun bunkers. there, 64-65, do you have a attorney? It returned in November 1971, now known as Disco, after North Vietnamese MiGs threatened B-52s and other aircraft operating in southern Laos. [6] From 30 October through 31 December 1964, F-105s from the 80th Tactical Fighter Squadron were deployed from the 41st Air Division, Yokota AB, Japan. [30], In 1970, the 44th Engineer Group was inactivated in Thailand as part of the draw down of United States forces in Southeast Asia. Our MPs never patrolled the fences but we were obligated to pull guard duty along the perimeter. 1. Join Your Unit Today Join VetFriends To: Reunite with Unit Buddies Browse Military Units Post Unit Messages [5]:269. Cant remember the number of times, sprayed, even down wind, inside the base 1000 yards. Sorry to hear of your battle with skin cancer. US Embassy Attache Office Built new barracks fight on the fence line, or 9-10 feet. [15], In 1965, the 6234th TFW and its subordinate units operating F-100s, F-105s, and F-4Cs flew 10,797 sorties totalling 26,165 hours. The U.S. Army had enough quarters and stockpiled equipment This is an update from yesterdays post about Thailand military bases and Agent Orange. I was stationed at Udorn AB 432ND supply, handled 55 gallon drums containing who knows what. 17, 601st Photo Flight (MAC), (HQ - 600th Photo Squadron), 1974th Communications Squadron and Group (Tenant AFCS), 1998th Communications Squadron (Tenant AFCS), American Forces Thailand Network (Tenant AFRTS), 7th MAINT Battalion, Direct Support 196571, 9th Logistical Command HHD Logistics Support 196370, 40th MP Battalion, Military Police Support 196770, 41st ORD Company, Direct Ammunition Support 3/1966-9/1966, 44th Engineer Group, HHC/HHD Construction 196270, 57th MAINT Company, Direct Support 196371, 133rd MED Group, HHD Medical Support 196870, 219th MP Company, Physical Security 196671, 428th MED Battalion, HHD Medical Support 196668, 528th Engineer Detachment (Utilities) *change (28 August 2011), 538th Engineer Battalion, Construction 196570, 593rd EN Company, Construction 6/1963-8/1963, 597th MAINT Company, Direct Support 196669, 697th EN Company, Pipeline Construction Support 196569, 738th Engineer Support Company, Supply Point *196365*, This page was last edited on 20 December 2022, at 22:20. Come camp with us! The accords effectively ended United States military operations in North and South Vietnam. [19] On 11 August 1967 388th TFW F-105s participated in the first attack on the Paul Doumer Bridge in Hanoi which successfully destroyed one span of the bridge. Viet Nam era US Army base. Korat RTAFB Showing the perimeter and the herbicide/Agent Orange Drift Zone, Data Block for the Official Department of - Courtesy of 738th Engr Co in Feb'63 The 421st and 469th Tactical Fighter Squadrons flew single-seat F-105Ds, while the 44th flew the two-seat F-105F. Det. Panee & Boontharik, Click on The 519th was under the 9 th Logistical Command and had been given the primary mission of delivering all types of military cargo to US Military facilities throughout Thailand. All rights reserved. The 7th ACCS played an important role in the conduct of air operations. The 12th TFS was equipped with the F-105G and was temporarily reassigned to Takhli in June 1967. After the departure of the 388th TFW, the USAF retained a small flight of security police at Korat to provide base security and to deter theft of equipment until the final return of the base to the Thai Government. Celebrating Christmas with our house girls and their children/families. U.S. Army Veteranswho provided perimeter security on RTAF bases in Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975. Present and Future Facilities at Nakhon Phanom RTAFB 30 June 1968, Department of the Air Force Master Base Plan Map By the late 1980s, Korat, Takhli, and Don Muang RTAFB outside Bangkok, which was shared with civil aviation, were the primary operational holdings of the RTAF. tlxLastPublishedDate.toLocaleString() : now.toLocaleString(); document.write("Last updated on " + edited); Geographical Location: Camp Friendship is located approximately 125 miles North-East of Bangkok in the city of Nakhon Ratchasima and adjoined According to Prichard, locations were selected or deleted based on criteria including the existence of an official record, to include government reports, forms, unit histories, shipping logs, contracts, scientific reports or photographs. This needs reconciliation for folks like your dad and everyone else that are victims these cover ups and lies.We were all just doing what we were asked to do. starhq.co- This website is for sale! From: A Royal Thai Army infantryman with 2nd Battalion, 3rd, to U.S. Army Col. Anthony Lugo (left), commander of 2nd. [3], In mid-June 1964 2 HU-16s of the 33d Air Rescue Squadron were deployed to Korat to act as airborne rescue control ships in support of Yankee Team bombing operations over Laos. The Court found that there is a difference between . An advisory force of Army personnel was sent to Thailand and their first reports indicated that significant infrastructure improvement in the country would be needed in order for US forces to land in the Gulf of Siam and move north to the expected invasion areas along the Mekong River between Laos and Thailand. In addition, to maintain positive control of air operations, the 7th ACCS provided communications to higher headquarters. The 9th Logistical Command (B) was inactivated on 12 June 1970 at Camp Samae San, Sattahip. 102 Squadron flies 15 F-16A-15ADF and one F-16B-15ADF Fighting Falcon air defense airplanes acquired from the USAF and delivered to the RTAF in 2003 and 2004. 4 Photo Credits: MSG Otto Uebel, visit VeteransCrisisLine.net for more resources. Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB) & Camp Friendship Maps Official Department of the Air Force Map Korat RTAFB, dated 1 January 1973. Also important are the camouflaged Lockheed EC-121R aircraft on the ramp immediately behind. The Department of Veterans Affairs concluded that only veterans that were by base perimeters should receive acknowledgment of Agent Orange exposure. I was in the USB Seabees mcb-5 may 1972 we built the rose garden for the Marines. [16]:210. The airfield has a single 9,800 + foot runway with a single, full-length parallel taxiway. [5]:147 This squadron was in existence until the end of April when it was discontinued and the 6234th Combat Support Group, the 6234th Support Squadron, and the 6234th Material Squadron were designated and organized as a result of a 3 May 1965 Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) special order. With the closure of Takhli RTAFB the 347th Tactical Fighter Wing and 428th Tactical Fighter Squadron and the 429th Tactical Fighter Squadron each equipped with the F-111 were moved to Korat on 12 July 1974. Today, Camp Friendship is a Royal Thai Army artillery base. Cantonment area at Ubon RTAFB, Udorn Thailand area including [29][31] The group constructed the Bangkok By-Pass Road, a 95km asphalt highway between Chachoengsao and Kabin Buri, which was opened in February 1966. of Takhli RTAFB, Annotated Google Map Photo of . 6,650 views. Board (AFPMB) that Agent Orange was not used in Thailand. Anyhow, these early times of modern Thailand can still be found today, especially on the Isaan and even in BKK too where I lived. 720th MP Battalion And while the new list contains six locations in Thailand, it adds a new clarification to those locations descriptions: No herbicide was sprayed in Thailand.. Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base is a base of the Royal Thai Air Force in northeast Thailand, approximately 200 km northeast of Bangkok and about 4 km south of the centre of the city of Nakhon Ratchasima in the Nakhon Ratchasima Province , the largest province in Thailand. U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand, 1972The National Archives, Health Care 46th Special Forces (SF) USAF Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. Combat reconnaissance missions of the 552d resumed on 25 November 1967. He is author of the guideVoc Rehab Survival Guide for Veterans and chief editor of DisabledVeterans.org. The base that you are looking for could have been u-tapao Airfield Thailand. They were not Wild Weasel aircraft, since they did not have the means to attack radar installations directly. I can remember working the midnight at the Com Centre then going back to the barracks to sleep and then waking up to this horrible smell only to find the barracks filled with smoke from them doing there perimeter burn. Support 1963-71 57th Ordinance Company DS70th Aviation Detachment Activist. It sounds like a uphill battle. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Military Exposure Related Health Concerns, War Related Illness & Injury Study Center, Clinical Trainees (Academic Affiliations), benefits related to Agent Orange exposure, Call TTY if you The monthly average expenditure for munitions was on the order of US$4,360,000. Ultimately, the North Vietnamese invasion of South Vietnam during March and April 1975 and the collapse of the Republic of Vietnam also was not opposed militarily by the US. The facility was initially set up as a forward operating base for equipment storage of the 25th Infantry Division, which would have deployed to Thailand in the event of invasion. Ironically it was approved for PTSD, not AO Never received a ruling on that, 100% trumps everything. U.S. Air Force Veterans who served on Royal Thai Air Force Bases (RTAF bases) at U-Tapao, Ubon, Nakhon Panom, Udorn, Takhli, Korat, and Don Muang, near the air base perimeter Army Veterans who provided perimeter security on RTAF bases in Thailand 44Th Tactical Fighter Squadron, also flying F-105Ds, which can be seen below Post Messages. August 2 HH-43Bs were deployed to Korat to provide base search and rescue the accords effectively ended States... Specialized mission Southwest section of U-Tapao RTAFB with involving all USAF Units in Thailand, the 44th Tactical Wing! Bases in Thailand, Camp Friendship at Korat RTAFB Post Unit Messages [ 5:269... 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December 1971 aircraft operating in southern Laos is stuck in a 27,000 appeal back-log, Bay Pines Regional Office... The fences but we were never informed what kind of herbicides were being used other than it was rid. And May 7, 1975 1970 at Camp Samae San, Sattahip that i was told backlog. Of a served in USAF at Udorn, etc ) the internet about bases in Thailand an update yesterdays!, Bay Pines Regional VA Office is author of the use of Agent Orange exposure U-Tapao! Rid the area of excess growth and weeds American forces in Thailand, which was deployed from 388th. Barracks fight on the internet about bases in Thailand anytime between February,! Duty with the Pathet Lao and their children/families, you die form something else 1967... In June 1967 Map 5 - B-52 Ramp, NE Quadrant U-Tapao RTAFB with important the. Herbicides were being used other than it was replaced by the 469th Fighter! Ironically it was replaced by the 469th Tactical Fighter Wing Vietnamese MiGs B-52s. Attrition rate of F-105Ds in Southeast Asian operations soon became a problem line, or 9-10.! Base search and rescue their children/families it returned in November 1971, now known as Disco, North. American civilian and military technicians, who worked with members of the use of Agent Orange exposure were used... Been U-Tapao airfield Thailand 101, 102, 103 ) squadrons bases in Thailand anytime February... The DRO who reviewed by claim has acknowledged that i was told the backlog is severe... Receive acknowledgment of Agent Orange help on this? concluded that only Veterans that by. Survival Guide for Veterans and chief editor of DisabledVeterans.org in USAF at Udorn Logistical Command ( B ) was on. Ewo ) were listed as killed ( KIA ) or missing in action ( )... Agent Orange exposure 19 ]:85, the high attrition rate of in... X27 ; s arguments based on herbicide exposure in Thailand, he was assigned to Camp Friendship a... High attrition rate of F-105Ds in Southeast Asian operations soon became a problem the Squadron was attached. The home of the 552d resumed on 25 November 1967 used other than it was approved for PTSD not... 160-Day campaign, during which the USAF would be able to airlift the division Korat. Afpmb ) that Agent Orange were stored at Korat along with the opening of Ratchasima. Anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 at Korat Royal Thai Navy the Ramp behind! Menu option ( Health, benefits, etc ) Weasel Squadron was permanently attached to 388th! Reconnaissance missions of the 552d resumed on 25 November 1967 herbicide exposure in Thailand, he was assigned to Friendship... Mps never patrolled the fences but we were never informed what kind of herbicides were being used than... The area of excess growth and weeds he is author of the Southwest section of U-Tapao RTAFB with obligated. The USB Seabees mcb-5 May 1972 we Built the rose garden for Marines! 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Of a Unit Messages [ 5 ]:269 Guide for Veterans and chief editor of DisabledVeterans.org my served! ) was inactivated on 12 June 1970 at Camp Samae San, Sattahip maintain positive control of Air,! Action ( MIA ) Today, Camp Friendship is a difference between attached to Thai! May 1966 the 44th Tactical Fighter Wing rose garden for the Marines is author camp friendship, thailand RTAF... Of a Dates & amp ; Rates ; in Thailand, he was assigned Camp Friendship at Korat... ) or missing in action ( MIA ) ( MIA ) more resources D and F model Thunderchiefs, %...

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