Excuse. Um thanks, uh, Gibbs. He passed over the tray of coffees. Come on in., Tony relocked the door behind them and gestured to the sofa. Tony decided he really needed to wind down and didnt want to be alone. The older man had been a snarky, cynical detective in the general crimes division but hed taken the young Tony under his wing and taught him how to be a good cop. Faber led him deeper into the PD and passed him a large envelope. Thanks so much! You can leave public comments on any page or post on my site. Theyll be here for him shortly. They stepped out, and Ducky followed as well, leaving him alone with Tony. The FBI van was gone, leaving the carnage in its wake. In fact, they both called out that they were in Royal Woods to provide backup to the agent obtaining the voiceprints and to ensure the equipment was recording properly. He heard Gibbs snap at him and then heard the conversation between him and the latest third on the team, Todd. Tony wasnt sure he could wait though, the guy was getting more brutal each second. He wanted McGee gone. Panama City this year. They had turned off the volume. If you call again, Ill put you on a banned visitors list and you wont see Tony until he asks for you.. If anyone saw that and took it seriously, it would be bad. Hed finally had to go home last night and get some real sleep after four nights sleeping in the recliner by Tonys bed. Hes better technologically than I am, and hell keep it quiet. Yeah, thats not a problem. Thank you! He had gotten a call from his husband and needed to take it. ), Title: How I Met Your Father or Five Times Tonys Ex-Boyfriends Showing Up In His Life At NCIS Was Cumulatively A Very Bad, Awful, Horrible, Painful Thing Plus One Time When It Was Perfect, Pairings: Tony DiNozzo/OMCs, Tony DiNozzo/John Sheppard, Warnings: gay bashing, foul language, slurs, character death (not Tony or John). He didnt like complicated reasoning or negotiating he knew when something was right. First Gibbs/diNozzo Story I enjoyed in quite a while!!! But things are more different than that. Rule twelve existed in the first place to keep things at the office from going to hell if things dont work out. They discussed dinner; Ducky and Palmer would be joining them, and Tony and Jack had big food prep plans. Slowly, waiting for any sign that Tony didnt want this, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Tonys. Wow! Hed left her the one message about Balboa taking over the case and to work with him and, again, not to call. He was on a constant level of pain medication, but was able to get additional pain relief every few minutes through a button. For all that something horrible had brought them together and a lot of bad memories surrounded the event, Tony had survived, they were together, and life was moving on better than it had been before. Beyond that, they had no reaction, but Rick and his SFA were both artificially expressionless, but he could see the simmering anger in both their eyes. Due to my failure, I was challenged to tell part of my life story in a current-ish pop culture manner. And for that matter, me. Connors was the agencys biggest asshole and Gibbs was its biggest bastard. Sweet, isnt she?. But Gibbs gave us orders to finish these reports and nothing else. I went through something recently. I work hard on that. The latter was highly unlikely as he was certain theyd have mentioned that to him had it occurred. Its not urgent, though., Ill get them sent over to you tomorrow., He nodded tersely. He expected better of her, and it was throwing him in a way he couldnt deal with at the moment. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. Before David could reply, Gibbs gritted out, Enough! They both came up short at the venom in his tone. Loved it hope this means youre feeling better. Vance was making noise about Gibbs running special ops from MTAC for the duration, but Gibbs wasnt ready to commit to it yet; he needed to see how things went with Tony first. You got a problem with that? he asked with faked disinterest. OH, line Abby up next to him while were at it. This is the question when Abby moves to Eureka, and Jack finds himself battling to remain in control and keep Zoe (and himself) safe. Maybe we were like a family After all, families do awful things to each other. Thoroughly enjoyed this fic, thank you so much for sharing your talent. It should have been a cakewalk; especially for DiNozzo and David, who had ample undercover experience. Dead Air was so brutal. Want to tell me which one has you in knots and well get it over with?. Gibbs had noted that Tony was limping a bit already, but wisely hadnt commented on it. Your boss shouldnt be number one on your cell, Faber teased. The thumps and crashes were impossible to decipher, but Tony could be heard gasping, Ziva, McGee, now would be a good time!. No, Gibbs.. Unfortunately, no one on his team believes him. Like not limp wrist and prancing or nothing but he lives with a guy that he calls his husband. When the man she thought she was going to marry bails on her after getting her pregnant, Clarke's mother arranges a marriage for her, and Mr Blake is not what she was expecting. But even if there were issues from that event, it was hours ago. He laughed when he got it open. When they heard the LEOs arrive, Vance shut off the recording, expression shuttered. My wife is a few doors down talking to Mrs. Carlson about her pool. I know his qualifications, Gibbs., I mean, that if you had actually read Tonys file, including the parts Morrow and Shepard agreed to put in the classified portion, youd be a fool to have this opinion of him. You really want to go with that? The bare facts will go in my report and probably not even all of them. FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Probably not, but do it anyway. As soon as it was answered, he bluntly asked, How is he?, Hello, Jethro, Ducky responded politely. Lunsford was at his desk and watched DiNozzo get off the elevator, over an hour late. Its not easy, but its good. He gave Tony a quick kiss and tucked the photo album next to him to look at later when he had a few minutes to himself. Tony/Gibbs relationship had just the right note Tough yet tender Gibbs and smart, badass yet vulnerable Tony. !, You think I dont want to know that, too, Ziva? But the case, McGee began from the backseat. This Gibbs is much more likely, even if he and Tony didnt have feelings for each other. Do not call me unless you personally are in danger, and then you better have called 911 first. NCIS-Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs ist nicht bekannt fr sein freundliches Auftreten, aber fr seinen enorm przisen Instinkt Then again, there was a lot Gibbs had never considered, until he met Tony tony and peter fanfiction "Tony," he said, when he saw he was being dressed in the briefs Celebrities Dating . Getting that section cut to a flash drive wont take any time. In part he was just used to keeping Shannon and Kelly close to his heart, but hed tried sharing them with his wives in the past and it had made them feel threatened. Yeah! Hes tough hell be okay., Gibbs brows shot up. Gut giving off warning sirens, Gibbs wasnt sure he really wanted to hear the rest. Not moving. Finally, Tony said, Should I be trying to help them?. About wanting you here, or about not getting tired of you?. There. This time his aim was off, a very bad outcome for Lunsford. This isnt as bad as it looks, McGee began. Usually. He had pulled or wrenched something or maybe just the bruises from bouncing across the Beltway. And so you assigned your existing case to Balboas team?, Ive got no one to work it, what did you expect me to do?, Im not arguing, just clarifying. Vance drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair. He stayed with me through my recovery and I was offered a job with his project. Remind them that making Tony defend himself is basically saying there might be a reason for an agent to do something like this again., They may still have questions for him, Gibbs. I just - I thought you were smart enough not to be out as a cop. Of course I followed so I know when you post updates! Thats what makes you a prick. Gibbs pressed the call button. So mote it be. He tossed the envelope of their stuff to McGee. But, between Jason Hayes and Patrick Sheppard, Tony had learned what family really meant, and Abbys definition just wasnt it. If your friend will give the police my info, I can give you a lift where you need to be., Where have my manners gone? Tony shook his head and gestured at the two men. When you and DiNozzo were set to steal Domino, you were ordered not to engage if you got caught, and yet you did. Agent Axelrod this is an old friend of mine, Padraig Webb. Hes in excellent shape, a healthy weight, and used to exercise. Tony was sighing because he knew the man. Plundering Tonys mouth, he slid completely on top of his lover, always gratified with the way Tonys body accepted him, legs parting swiftly and wrapping around Gibbs hips. I was on my way home when this thing comes flying out of the back of a van. And why., Yeah, that wasnt exactly nice but the shitty part, the real dick move, John, was you doing it right after you finished fucking me. Spring break with my frat brothers. There are four files on there. Anyone who directs their firearm at me will be disarmed. His left leg was splinted and elevated. I swear it doesnt look good for them, Gibbs. Now sit on the goddamn floor!. The furnace in the building sucked and so did the ductwork in his apartment. I know you do, Tony, he replied gently. om nom nom, this is fucking *awesome*!! But you never know.. The very first visiting hours I havent been here and you happen to show up?, She jumped. Joined NCIS about a year ago. Tony approached the table. I assume you remember getting the voiceprints in Royal Woods?, Tony carefully wasnt moving. I am not as eloquent as your other commenters but I agree wholeheartedly! Or survive several days with a serial killer? This was awesome! I especially enjoyed the Gibbs POV. Yes, Boss, McGee responded immediately. In a world where NCIS, Stargate SG-1, and The Sentinel coexist with the MCU, the consequences of the battle for the Triskelion (as seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier) are deadly for more than just SHIELD and HYDRA agents. Tony, he breathed. Ill call her. Blew out my knee senior year, went to the police academy after I graduated and healed up. Then that cop shows up and within months Morrow makes them the premier MCRT and keeps giving them provides and TADs. That was sooo good. ), Buck choked on his saliva, slamming the cover page over the introduction. The more they talked, the more he began to mumble and slur his words. David was seated on one side of the table looking hostile, and McGee was on the other looking fatigued and resigned. There was suddenly another shot, and the second man, who had been suspicious of Tony, likely because hed seen him working as a cop at some point, Gibbs assumed, said, You killed Mark!, And Im going to kill you if you make one more move, Tony barked. He was stuck running down an AWOL sailor, his sixth in a row. He had more layers and masks and barriers than even Gibbs had. Dr. Daniels had notified me that you were with the detective investigating Anthonys assault, so I gave you your privacy while I was obtaining an update on the poor boys condition., Stuffing the keys and evidence bag in his pocket, Gibbs shook off the dark thoughts. It wont gel in my brain. More detail. They hurt?, Feeling like his chest was constricted, Gibbs managed to neutrally respond, Theyre fine. I cant really explain. They wouldnt do that., They did do that, Gibbs snapped. Normal graft. McGee and Davids betrayal had cut him so deeply that Gibbs thought he might just give up entirely on law enforcement. You didnt wonder why the FBI agents who backed you up when you chased the killer werent there until after you shot him? You dont want to be charged with assaulting a federal agent., No one is going to know anything about you, ever again. Fucking fag. Tony and Jack had, oddly, exchanged gifts of sweaters, plus Tony had given Jack a really good bottle of bourbon and a beer of the month thing, while Jack had given Tony some movies he was really excited about. I wasnt part of it. After the breakfast dishes were cleaned up, the plan was to exchange gifts. Theres your shit. Gibbs was reading the morning paper on Tonys e-thingy when Tony stirred and asked for water. And he confirmed it. . Awesome!!! English, Duck., I assure you, I am speaking English. Yeah, I know.. Neither report mentioned what was going on with Tony nor that they werent listening. But if thats what weve come to, then it ends here. Thats not exactly grooming him to be an SFA, Vance commented. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. And this week there had been eight bodies of Marines. I wont push but Ill be around DC for at least a few months. At first, I stayed on as an NCIS liaison with the project but after Director Morrow went to Homeland seven months after I was attacked, the new Director pushed to have me brought back. And Lunsfords FBI friends were slow chasing the suspect since DiNozzo was out in front but the perp couldnt even manage to kill the cocksucker. It was a really nice surprise to find the notification for this in my inbox, As always you write Gibbs and Tony with such panache and love. Gibbs pulling his head out of his ass is awesome, also this case was always a huge deal that was totally ignored in canon a wonderful treatment of the possible outcome. You are a rockstar! So Ill just say I absolutely loved it and leave it at that. Until Kate came along. Part of the plot was also inspired by theTony's Boyfriends - You Choose Challenge by rose_malmaison. They will monitor it in the near term, but may have to operate if the swelling worsens or if he displays troubling symptoms. You wouldnt be working for me just with me if you agreed. Lunsford frowned and looked away. Nothing. Faber had insisted hed meet him at the hospital with an explanation. Gibbs nodded in a way he hoped was reassuring, and Tony shifted his attention to Ducky, who was attempting to ply him with water. Guess karma can be a bitch. She was quietly resentful over the breakup of the team, and he wouldnt ever forget her childish and selfish tantrum in the face of Tonys suffering. Summary: Tony feels the bullet tearing through his arm as the only point of heat in the cold and damp around him. The more time passed, the more Tony let go of any guilt he felt over the loss of the team, but shedding that guilt opened the door for the justified anger. The issue being, of course, that body bags werent designed to be opened from the inside. Id like your permission to bring Mr. Palmer down. This site contains fan works, all recognizable canon characters, settings, plot, etcetera, are the property of their respective owners. She just made things difficult with Gibbs. The sound of the slide on a semi-automatic could be heard just as Tony said, Look, Im Anthony DiNozzo with NCIS and Im not here for whatever is going on at this house. And because that was the first time Tony had managed to say the words, even though Gibbs knew how he felt because he paid attention to the actions of the man, they got caught up in some of that stuff Jack and warned them not to do. Tonys the best investigator, Kates specialty was profiling, and Tony felt McGee needed his own niche. I got very little out of him before the ambulance took him away other than the names of his partners, a vague description of them and their vehicle, and instructions to call you., Gibbs frowned even though he didnt have all the info yet, something wasnt making sense. Now however, fixes for it are one of my favourite themes and this one is extremely enjoyable. Clive down in Evidence said she resigned from the Secret Service because she was fucking on the job. Two of them were in medically induced comas and the others were feeling the pain but they had survived. Merry Christmas, sweetheart, Gibbs returned softly with an endearment Tony only let him get away with in moments like these. Tony was presently having some neurological tests, so Gibbs was taking the opportunity to listen to his accumulation of voicemails. Theyd been tap dancing around the subject since their first conversation in the hospital, but neither had come right out and said it. Word Count: ~23.5k Acronyms: Surgical ICU is strict, but not nearly as much as ICU proper., I know. He blew out a breath. Its been so long since Ive watched NCIS much less read any fic, and Im really enjoying these. The two walked away and Lunsford continued to his desk, eyes narrowed. When the MCRT runs out of options, Tony opens up to a victim about something he'd been keeping hidden. It was about ten minutes later when those fingers tightened again and Tony gave a faint moan, head turning a bit to the right and his expression twisting with pain. Im very sorry for your loss., As the lieutenant nodded and narrowed his eyes, the broken door latch released and Tony went to close the door again. And if these partners exist and manage to turn up, well just take care of them, too., From there the sounds became chaotic as a fight ensued. Im not up for formal or fine dining but not really wanting too casual., Damn, So McDonalds is out. Why do you want me around? Tony asked cautiously. And I have no damn idea what Im going to say to him. He didnt explicitly remember you were a cop or your name, but you set off warning alarms in his head and he asked the homeowner to call you back because he was suspicious. I really have no control over him whatsoever. Tony looked strung out and in agony. Hows Tony doing, Rick asked as soon as theyd finished the case update. I checked on the driver of the other car and hes shaken but the car is basically totaled. Agent Manny Lunsford walked down the hall next to Agent Ric Balboa. Im afraid you will have to curb your usual means of corrections for some time, Ducky responded lightly, though there was obvious serious concern under it. I had seen some very bad things that I knew were out of line and was warned that I didnt really see anything. Me? he asked incredulously. Been an agent since then, recently transferred to DC. Ducky chuckled as he handed off Gibbs bag. Well, I went through a lot of major shit over the past few years but recently I had a - well a revelation, sort of. by Pluto Moon. Ive been tracking your phone., His jaw was clenched so tight, he was lucky he didnt break teeth. Despite all that, the thing he least wanted to do was have to see the look in Tonys eyes when he learned that his partners had broken rule one. Regardless, his gut said Balboas team was on the right track and he felt comfortable in his choice to hand the case off. Morrow was planning to put Gibbs into a new position where he wasnt in charge of other agents on a team. Theyd sort this out eventually. Tony began to smile; that open, bright, happy smile that Gibbs didnt get to see nearly enough. You needed to know Tony was hurt, and I assumed youd be hearing from one of the other two right after they see Vance.. But when Padraig appeared, he physically resembled Gibbs a good bit and was kind and funny and complimented Tony and asked him out. Do we need to note every volume adjustment now?, Gibbs knew Ziva was arrogant, but he was surprised at just how deep that arrogance ran. Well, I can certainly understand your point, and I agree with you, but the Director is only stating fact when he says the matter may be out of his hands., Gibbs shot Ducky a baleful look, but decided to change the subject. He gets a bullet graze or a concussion and a few days of desk duty and everything goes back to normal. She ended on a bit of a petulant note that made Gibbs want to throttle her. The audio started with Tony talking to a man about his dog. The stage is set. Surgery on the leg is tomorrow. Author: Jilly James Well, I think Ive rambled enough. A couple wealthy businessmen, who apparently needed a dangerous hobby, and one basic drug smuggler having a meeting at their base of operations. But you never know, maybe we're all surprised? They may want to talk to Tony at some point., Why? Gibbs nearly snarled. It was also suuuuuper satisfying personally to see Abbys reaction and Gibbss loss of faith in her. "I wasn't feeling bullied, Grampy. I am always blown away with your writings. Just out of a war zone and told that your baby brother died in a freak medical accident and others were saved but not him? Considering how far away they were, if they had responded the first time Tony asked for backup, they should have arrived before the first punch landed. It was one he hadnt seen in well over a decade but it had once been well beloved. Hed been ducking Abby since hed left NCIS after the emergency call about Tony earlier, even though hed told her hed be in touch when he could and to not call him. After processing the scene, Fabers people ceded jurisdiction to the DEA and told them there was an audio recording of the attack, but theyd have to go through us to get it. Is that what you want?, Gibbs raised a brow. Tony chalked that up to SEAL training. She changes them just as much as they change her. Hitting play, he leaned against the wall next to the two-way mirror, carefully watching their expressions. But even if he wanted to be promoted, Im not happy with his technology skills. But their arguments lately have been more friendly banter than antagonistic. It had taken him a bit to try books, and not just use it to read his newspaper, but he was happy enough now to use it for whatever he could. But Stuart told him that he just couldnt handle the stress and worry about Tonys safety. Uh, cake walk or milk run, Ziva, McGee offered. He felt filthy, the smell of the sewers, of death filled his nostrils and he knew he would be sick if he didn't get rid of his clothes soon. Now Gibbs was facing a small stack of presents from a clearly nervous Tony. And theres the reason why I love this fic. Were on our way, just keep talking to me. Nor did he have time for a serious new apartment hunt. Ducky had fortunately been back for a bit at that point and had stepped out to talk with the on-call doctor. A fic worthy of Anthony Dominic DiNozzo Jr. I am soo glad I ran across a link to this on Twitter. That isnt - look, Im still in the Air Force, sort of, technically, I mean, on my taxes and whatever, but in reality, Im sort of not. Gibbs rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on. How could Ziva and McGee not tell me that?. And he knew something about that damn cop was off. My next twist - hah, you wanted pop culture - I will be telling the story in a popular fan fiction format called 5 plus 1. Im not saying it was fair, but theres nothing I can do it about it now. Octavia and Clarke are sent down to Earth without Bellamy. Manny Lunsford was out for a drink with his brother-in-law after a nasty week. So I came up with a head cannon on Tumblr for this and, wellnow I want to write it.~~~~~~~~-OR- And how stupid is it that reading 10 chapters of a guide to dating a Buckley by his coworker is how Eddie finally got his shit together and asked Buck out for a date? Or how are Harmon Rabb Jr, Meg Austin, and Casey Ryback all NCIS agents? The cop continued, The cluster fuck of a huge breach of procedure, hell, full out dereliction of duty, is an NCIS mess. I know procedurals take liberties, but that was one step too far. Eventually, he had to stop the flow of words. Well uncomplicate it! Abby, for example, isnt inherently bad, but she is flawed and those flaws cause her problems. That still gave him a couple hours to deal with things here. Why I wished for it? Tony didnt mind. Find out. Before David could wave it off again, Gibbs slapped the table. Okay, so youre all here to bear witness to the payment of the bet I lost. "You're supposed to be the best undercover in the business. At some confusion in Gibbs expression, Palmer pulled open the bag and spent the next ten minutes explaining the Kindle to Gibbs. He looked around, wondering where Agent Axelrod was. That man had no business pointing his weapon at me. If it were my choice, they would have been fired on Tuesday when I found out they turned off their damn comms and left him to die. Im just looking for a house in a nice gated community with security guards wholl be there when you need them, and all the other perks.. Gibbs glanced at his two soon-to-be-former agents. Special Agent Loki Laufeyson by Skylar Wittenborn 92.6K 4.1K 89 After the devastating invasion of New York, the war criminal Loki is being punished. Not a bruise between them., Brows knitted in confusion, Tony asked, Where were they?, Gibbs was actually surprised Tony remembered enough of what happened to ask these questions. Merry Christmas, Dad.. Just because some local yokels pride was wounded being unarmed by a woman?, Ziva, McGee said on a sigh, we talked about this ad nauseam; when were on a case and a police officer asks you for identification, you cant do that. Point taken., Huffing in annoyance, Gibbs continued to glare. But even if Abby promised to be silent on everything thats happened, she wouldnt be able to hide it from Tony. Gibbs had already had to hear this twice, and having to listen to it a third time was near torture, but he bore it because he had no choice. Youre lousy at following orders, Gibbs countered. They could decide to reassign him., Tony gave him an intense look. Leos arrive, Vance shut off the recording, expression shuttered it seriously, it was throwing in!, Meg Austin, and then you better have called 911 first be an SFA, Vance off! Austin, and McGee was on the job boss shouldnt be number one his. Been eight bodies of Marines operate if the swelling worsens or if he and Tony didnt to... 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