Evangelion is derived from the Greek word for good news, which is evangel. Even more so given that he is referring to literature that was originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic, and that the Gospel of Matthew appears to have been written in Greek rather than translated into it, as some scholars believe. So the Synoptic Gospels actually begin later in Jesus' ministry. That said, yes, Matthew could technically be called a scribebut probably not as its often used in the Bible. When Jesus summoned Matthew to follow him, he was working as a tax collector (also known as a publican), which was considered one of the most despised occupations in ancient Judaism. Throughout the first several decades of the church, a plethora of tales concerning the apostles arose, becoming so numerous that it virtually established its own genre. Jesus is on the lookout for those who are truly committed. We cant be definite that he was born in the first century since we dont know how old he was when he encountered Jesus, but we can be confident that he lived throughout that time period. They clearly hadnt passed muster for special Rabbinic training, but having been with Jesus for 3 years, and seeing him alive again, gave them special qualifications: When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and knew that they had been with Jesus. Another important thing to remember is that John lived until at least AD96, when the book of Revelation was published, which is 66 years after Jesus death and resurrection. On the other hand, before he met Jesus, Matthew was greedy. While in Jerusalem he chased the moneychangers from the temple and overturned their tables. The betrayal and execution of Jesus would be gruesome, with beatings, blood, and a crucifixion among the many horrors that would befall him. But after that, the consistent picture of the disciples is of an older Peter and James with long beards, some gray hair, or balding heads, clearly middle aged, and clearly older than their strapping young Rabbi. Matthew was a man who could have moved comfortably in political circles, and his book mentions things that someone in his position would know. In the same way, Matthew used the word in this passage to call our attention to the direction in which Jesus ministry is now heading. We do have something we dont have, which is the gospels, which demonstrate that Matthew was one of Jesus most compelling instances of the forgiveness God extends to everyone who ask. However, Jesus accepted and loved this tax collector for who he was, regardless of his background. As the author of the Gospel of Matthew, he has historically been recognized as such. 60, brought him to martyrdom in the latter nation. They traveled with Jesus for seven miles without knowing who he was, but came to realize who he was when they had dinner with him. But thats it. May we purposefully prepare ourselves to answer the call for His glory and our delight, as we discover that there is abundant grace and restoration for all of us as we lean into the brokenness and muck that lies before us. Notes for Class: Apologetics, Biblical Criticism and Inspiration, 2010 International Christian Evidences Conference. 4, p. 643). When Jesus called Matthew to follow him, he was a tax collector (or "publican")one of the most reviled professions in ancient Judaism. There would be no such thing as a half-hearted belief. Tax collectors were held to a low standard of responsibility. According to the scripture, Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. He is traditionally regarded as the author of the Gospel of Matthew. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. St. Matthew, also called St. Matthew the Evangelist, St. Matthew the Apostle, or Levi, (flourished 1st century ce, Palestine; Western feast day September 21, Eastern feast day November 16), one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ and the traditional author of the first Synoptic Gospel (the Gospel According to Matthew ). 0:00. Jesus was taken to the Temple in Jerusalem for the Jewish religious ritual of Redemption when he was 40 days old. This ritual was an obligatory ceremony for firstborn boys according to the Law of Moses. Were going to look at what the Bible says about Matthew, what we know about the gospel that bears his name, and some other tidbits about this enigmatic apostle. To learn the history of John, the disciple of Jesus, we begin with his life before he met Jesus. Due to this viewpoint, there is some variation in their ages, with John presumably being the youngest and Peter maybe being the oldest due to the fact that he had previously been married. On the other side there was a garden, and he and his disciples went into it. Tradition mentions his ministry inJudaea, following which he is said to have embarked on a journey to the East, which might have taken him to Ethiopia or Persia. Mostly older teenagers, young Jewish bachelors, and not blue-chip Harvard stars either. Young John, perhaps 15 during the life of Jesus, would be only 85 if he wrote his gospel, letters and Revelation in the year 100. Your email address will not be published. As a Jew, stepping into this profession was essentially an act of betrayal to his people. Joseph's death is not recorded in the Bible. Matthew is mentioned in Matthew 9:9 and Matthew 10:3 as a tax collector who, while sitting at the "receipt of custom" in Capernaum, was called to follow Jesus. . According to Matthew 4:2122, James and John intentionally abandoned their father in the boat in order to follow Jesus. Youll walk away from it with enough knowledge to have a thoughtful conversation about the Bible with a pastor, an atheist, or anyone else. Matthew also states that AFTER Jesus was born, that Magi came to Jerusalem, to Herod and asked him "where is he that was born the King of the Jews." The priests Herod then consulted said that the prophecy indicated that Jesus would have been born in Bethlehem. But the simplicity of this passage speaks volumes. If they were unable to locate a rabbi who would accept them as a pupil (much like a college admission application), they entered the employment by their mid-teens. Luke 3:23 says that he was about age thirty when he began his ministry. You will be able to see your next lesson in 10 seconds. 2020. He is an eyewitness of Jesus Christ's ascension. 2 There He was transfigured before them. According to this interpretation, Matthew (which is likely to mean Yahwehs Gift) would appear to be the Christian name of Levi (whom Mark refers to as Levi the son of Alphaeus), who had been working as a tax collector in the service of Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee at the time of Jesus birth. The Gospels are the four books that make up this collection. Matthews relics were allegedly unearthed in the Italian city of Salerno in 1080. But all the disciples are present ( theycame to Capernaum vs 24). Despite the fact that Matthew is revered as a martyr, no one knows for certain where or how he perished. It seems that the author paid particular attention to Jesus statements about money, had a greater understanding of financial matters, and saw finance as a helpful lens to understand the gospel. They were most certainly teens by this point, as they were able to leave home to follow a rabbi. The level of craftsmanship with which The Gospel According to Matthewwas written never ceases to astound me. The meaning of Matthew . Dont we have more patience with their blunders and pride? Almost all we know about Matthew comes straight from the gospels, which is a good thing. Matthew is the first person we encounter in Capernaum, as he is working in his tax booth on the major roadway. RESPONSE:As you correctly surmise, the solution to this question is somewhat shocking. When Jesus called Matthew to follow him, he was a tax collector (or publican)one of the most reviled professions in ancient Judaism. He was born to Joseph and Mary sometime between 6 bce and shortly before the death of Herod the Great (Matthew 2; Luke 1:5) in 4 bce. Matthew, also called Levi, was the tax collector who Jesus called to follow Him in Luke 5:27 (also mentioned in Matthew 10:3), though he doesn't get much mention after that, except. Matthew 14:14. Matthew was one of the tax collectors whom Jesus saved. There are a number of contradicting tales of how he passed away. Later apocryphal texts emerged claiming to be written by him, and some early church fathers supported these texts, but the works only survive in fragments and quotations, and modern scholarship is divided on their authorship. Lets get ready. After that, the Son of Man will be handed up to the chief priests and scribes, who will condemn him to death and hand him over to the Gentiles to be ridiculed, flogged, and crucified, after which he will be resurrected on the third day. Jesus and His followers had embarked on a journey to the city of Jerusalem from Galilee. Although the Bible declares that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23), the term sinner was reserved for the worst of the worst in ancient Judaism, such as tax collectors. Little is known about this apostle. It is amazing all the information that Scripture gives us. In Matthew 17, Jesus foreshadowed the events leading up to His own death and resurrection for the second time. Jesus also referred to them as small children, which might have been a reference to the fact that they were several years younger than He. Anyone who has done fishing knows that it can be hit and miss while out one the waters. List price: $25.99. In fact, the gospels provide us with virtually all of the information we need concerning Matthew. So that would make most of the apostles teenagers when Jesus called them to follow him. Because weve been far more formed by Bible movies than by the Biblical data on hand. Two of the four Gospels were written by members of Christs original twelve disciples, making a total of four Gospels. According to Matthew 9:9 and Mark 2:14, Matthew was sitting by the customs house in Capernaum (near modern Almagor, Israel, on the Sea of Galilee) when Jesus called him into his company. No, Matthew wasnt a shady writer in the traditional sense. Andre Iguodala compares Stephen Curry to Jesus Christ - "I think I've met the closest thing to Jesus Christ" Iguodala claims he knew Curry was destined for greatness from the moment he joined the Warriors in 2013, and even went as far to compare him to Jesus Christ when praising him He was devoted to Jesus, and once he made the decision to serve the Lord, he never looked back. Claims to fame: Matthew works as a tax collector before meeting Jesus. In short, Matthew recorded the story of Jesus' life during a time when few people had actually been alive to witness Jesus' miracles or hear His teachings. Matthew says that Jesus is born in Bethlehem. 66 He wore clothing made of camel's hair and ate locusts and wild honey ( Matthew 3:4 ). Those who strove to protect the Roman Empire were held in high regard by the Hebrews of the period, with the majority of them being seen as greedy, selfish, and treacherous. Matthew travels extensively with Jesus and the apostles. They were considered religious outcasts since the manner in which they carried out their profession publicly flouted the Law of Moses. Since Zacchaeus was "short in stature," he ran ahead. Over 30 million students around the world benefit from this resource. The men were Moses and Elijah. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But, as I said, we dont have to infer that he was THAT much older, since his brother Andrew is still unmarried and he works with close friends James and John, also unmarried. There is very little information available about this apostle. Do you want to be a student or a teacher? Beyond include Matthew in the list of Apostles and frequently pairing him with St. Outside of the New Testament, the text from theApostolic FatherPapias of Hierapolispreserved by BishopEusebius of Caesarea is significant since it states: So then Matthew authored the Oracles in theHebrew language, and each one interpreted them as he was capable. The Gospel is a collection of stories about Jesus Christ. 3 Then two men were there, talking with him. Matthew was an accurate record keeper. The holy city, Jerusalem, comes down from out of heaven, looking as new and innocent as a bride ready for her husband. As we come to see Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah, and the Savior, may we also recognize that in order for any of this to be real, He had to take the route of the cross. Matthews gospel appears to rely heavily on Marks (which is why there are so many parallel passages), but the Gospel of Mark is believed to have been written by a man named John Mark, who was not an eyewitness. It was not until Antioch, some years after Jesus resurrection, that the term Christianity was coined. He made amends with all of the people he had wronged, surrendered his worldly belongings, and pledged himself to the teachings of his new teacher. Two, because we find them working in trades at the time Jesus calls them, none of the disciples likely were star students. The man's name was Matthew. And in the Lords Prayer, Matthew makes a curious substitution. Matthew, who was also known as Levi, was a minor character in the Bible; he is only referenced by name in the lists of apostles and in the story of his calling. He is reported by Luke to still be alive when Jesus was around 12 years old in Luke 2:41-42. Jesus likens him to a person bringing forth treasures new and oldthe old being those acquired as a tax collector (such as gifts for accuracy and organization), the new being Jesus teachings; about the kingdom of heaven. As a man doubly equipped, Matthew is now ready for further scribal activitythe writing of the book that bears his name. Walter A. Elwell and B.J. He invited his friends as well so that they may all meet Jesus. For a short time after healing the paralytic, Jesus remains in the area of Capernaum by the Sea of Galilee. His face became bright like the sun. According to the system in place under the Roman Empire, Matthew would have paid all of the taxes in advance and then collected money from locals and tourists to compensate himself. While Jesus and his followers were eating supper at Matthews house, a large number of tax collectors and sinners joined them and ate with them. As with most of the apostles, its hard to say exactly how Matthew died. As we approach the first of three instances on which Jesus prophesied both His death and resurrection to His followers, Id like to take a minute to look forward to these three occurrences in particular. One, it means that if most of the disciples are apprenticing at their trades when called, as in the case of James and John working in the family fishing business, they must have been older than 15. A period of preparation is underway, and we will be encouraging you to walk through that season intentionally; knowing that at the end of the road lies a bloody cross and our Saviour, who rose from the dead and is God with us. A fourth point to consider is that the subsequent lives of several of the disciples provide information about their likely ages. during the Roman-Judean War that one of the revolutionary factions came to identify itself formally as the Zealots. According to the Gospel of John, Jesus' mission to the Jews was highlighted by seven miraculous signs. We dont normally do much in the way of Lent observance around here, but just as Advent is tied to Christmas, Lent is tied to the Passion of Christ and the celebration of the Resurrection. There are no birthdates listed for any of them. Now, God, Himself, will dwell with the people . , . Jesus with Moses and Elijah. There were no records of his early life, but he introduced himself as a tax collector (publican) in his own book during the time of Herod Antipas (Matthew 9:9; 10:3). Death, on the other hand, having been overcome, shows Him to be the genuine and better King; the suffering Servant promised by the prophet Isaiah. The only people who saw more of who Jesus was and what he was capable of were Peter, James, and John. He completed a Th.M. This tax collector was reviled for who he was, but Jesus loved him for who he was. Of course, the news that Jesus imparted would be devastating to Peter and the rest of the disciples. Like Mark 1:14, Matthew begins after John the Baptist is imprisoned; John 1-5 shows that Jesus' ministry actually began earlier, interspersing ministry in Judea and Galilee before moving to Capernaum. At that time Matthew's name was Levi; he was the son of Alphaeus. According to Matthew 4:21-22, James and John intentionally abandoned their father in the boat in order to follow Jesus. We should not be made to feel unqualified because of our physical appearance, lack of education, or previous experiences in our lives. Youd have to be completely convinced that Jesus is who He claims to be, that His is the only path to genuine life, and that its definitely worth it to push through the muck and gloom in order to see the beauty. Moses: The Old Testaments Greatest Prophet. John, his brother James, Peter, and Andrew were all partners in the fishing business before they became disciples of Jesus. Dont our hearts go out to them more as they struggle to grasp all that Jesus is saying to them? Certain scholars believe that Matthews Gospel has internally referenced evidence that ties it to Matthews profession, which might suggest that he was the biblical author. 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