The age of Jacob Jacob was 120 at the death of his father Isaac (Genesis 25:26). Rebekah was the instigator of having Jacob deceive Thus, Joseph was indeed a child of Isaacs old age (Gen 37:3). Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? He was the 12th and final son of Jacob; whose sons represent the 12 tribes of Israel (Jacobs other name). He works another 7years for Rachel after getting married. After spending a month with his relatives he asked for her hand in marriage in return for working seven years for Laban the Aramean. Then there is the problem of harmonizing the dates of the patriarchs with the exodus. It seems the information provided in the Biblical record requires considerable piecing together of the facts to try to ascertain Jacob's age at this time; however, we can reasonably estimate that Jacob would have been between 72 and 77 years of age when he met Rachel. Jacob, for the first time after leaving Canaan, meets Esau. On this basis, Benjamin was born about 10 years before Joseph was sold (??) p. 311. So Jacob was 120 years old when Issac died. On this basis, Benjamin was born about 10 years before Joseph was sold (??) Gen 30:25. 1670Jacob is 130 years old.Joseph is 39 and Benjamin is about 23.Jacob's other children are between 39 and 46.Manasseh, Ephraim are between 2 and 9. WebBy then Jacob had become over 100 years old. Since then, 7 years of abundance + 2 years of the beginning phase of famine had passed. It is the pillar of Rachels tomb, which is there to this day. Thus, Jacob was at least 96 or 97 and Isaac was at least 156 or 157 years old. Web16 They left Bethel, and when they were still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel went into hard labor. M. degrees from Grace Theological Seminary. Jacob buys some land in the area and erects an altar to God he names Elelohe-Israel (Genesis 33:18 - 20). Hence, Joseph was born to Jacob at the age of 91 just as he returned from Padam Aram. Thus she would be eighteen years of age when she married. The Bible tells us that when Jacob was presented in the court of Pharaoh, "the days of the years of my sojourningare a hundred and thirty years; few and evil have been the days of the years of my life, and they have not attained to the days of the years of the life of my father:s in the days of their sojourning" (Gen. 47:9, RSV). This conflict can be relieved a bit by making Jacob's stay with Laban forty years instead of twenty. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Let's say that Joseph was born y2 years after the 14-year contract with Laban. Calculation begins from the first year of Jacob's marriage to Leah. They proceed to claim that when zeh is repeated, it is used by way of distinction; as when we say this or that; the one or the other; and Scripture passages are cited to confirm this translation. Is there some prophetic significance to the location of Benjamins birth, his names, and the manner of his birth (Genesis 35:16-19)? Joseph was 30 years old when he first spoke to Pharoah. The fallacy of accepting the possibility of two twenty year periods of service for Laban was explained under interpretation I. . 30 Jacob made love to Rachel also, and his love for Rachel was greater than his love for Leah. At the time Joseph received the robe he might have been, say, 16 years old and Benjamin was possibly only 9 or 10 years old. There is an uncertainty of how much time had elapsed between Genesis 45:4b to Genesis 47:9a. 1860Abraham is 100 (Genesis 17:21, 24, 21:5).Sarah is 91 years old (Genesis 17:21, 21:5).Ishmael is 14 years old (Genesis 17:25). In Genesis 31:38 and 41, where the two clauses mentioning the twenty years of service are introduced by zeh, there is no waw conjunctive. 152 - 20 = 132 (estimated years of age for Isaac when Jacob leaves home). Give me my wives and my children for whom I have served thee, and let me go: for thou knowest my service wherewith I have served thee.. The entire family travels to Succoth where He builds a house and makes pens for his cattle (Genesis 33:17). When and how did the Twelve Apostles die? This event had to take place at least a year before Joseph was seventeen (37:2). Moses, who wrote Genesis, for the first time refers to Jacob as Israel (Genesis 35:21). Joseph is 6 years old.Jacob's children are between 6 and 13. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. Jacob schemed to get Esau to trade his birthright for a mess of pottage (Genesis 25:29-34) 2. 21Israel journeyed on and pitched his tent beyond the tower of Eder. Here we read that Jacob had left Padan-aram and was dwelling in peace at Shechem. In the Book of Torah, it was narrated that there was a point when Josephs brothers headed off to Egypt, yet they were unable to recognize their brother. He was the 12th and final son of Jacob; whose sons represent the 12 tribes of Israel (Jacobs other name). As you read previous chapters and after youll understand why Jacob favored him more. Your email address will not be published. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? Adam Clarke, Clarkes Commentary (New York: 1850) Vol. These seven years seemed to Jacob "but a few days, for the love he had for her." For the rest of the calculation we have to use a little math and estimate back to the time when Jacob left his father. If Jacob was with Laban only twenty years, then he was seventy-seven years old when he left home. But then, as to the other twenty, he tells Laban at verse 41, "during the other twenty years for myself (own benefit) in thy house; I served thee fourteen, and six years." What is the meaning of AD, BC, BCE and CE? Does Joseph (in Genesis) prefigure Christ? At such an age, a girl might be given adult responsibility in a family that did not (yet) have sons. Your email address will not be published. By this you shall be tested: by the life of Pharaoh, you shall not go from this place unless your youngest brother comes here. He ends up working for Laban an additional six years (Genesis 30:27 - 43, 31:38). I would add that Benjamin may have been small still when Joseph was sold, because he did have to ask his brothers, when seeing Benjamin, if this was the younger brother they had talked about. 1723Jacob, Esau are 77 years old (Gen. 25:24 - 26).Isaac is 137 years old. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. He also lives long enough to witness the birth of his great-grandchildren's children. The writer was impressed by the fact that not one Hebrew scholar whom he confronted with the suggested translation for this theory could find any justifiable evidence in the text for such a translation. The proponents say, "with regard to the birth of Dinah, the expression afterward ('hr, 30:21) seems to indicate that she was not born during Jacob's second seven years of service, but during the remaining six years of his stay with Laban.6. 16 Then they moved on from Bethel. We know that the events of Genesis 37 took place twelve years before Isaacs death. Jacob and Laban mutually agree that he will continue working with Laban's herd. Genesis 31:38, Secondly, it assumes that the expression, "my service, " (30:26) need not be restricted to the seven year periods, but may be as well projected to include the following six year period. He would have gone from home at fifty-seven. It is interesting to note, however, that Rea is not at all interested in accepting this interpretation to help resolve some of the distance between the calculation from ancient history and the seeming Scriptural chronology. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. @collenndhlovu - Joseph and Benjamin were the last two sons born to Joseph after he was 90 years old, and both by his most beloved wife, Rachel. 17 She was having a rough time, but the woman who was helping her said, Don't worry! Joseph has his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, during the seven years of plenty that came upon the land before it experienced seven years of famine (Genesis 41:50 - 53). 9. He explained that his father Jacob would be left heartbroken if he learned that Benjamin was left in Egypt. At that time Joseph had been second in command over the land of Egypt for nine years (Genesis 45:11). Below, in chronological order, is a brief synopsis of the events that took place during this eleven-year period. While they were still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel began to give birth and had great difficulty. Projective representations of the Lorentz group can't occur in QFT! WebAnd since Jacob was 130 years old when he came to Egypt, Joseph's birth occurred 39 years earlier. Another possibility is that Jacob misunderstood the prophetic meaning of the sun and moon bowing down. And he put the handmaids and their children foremost, and Leah and her Laban promises Rachel's hand after a week of Leah consummation. The rapidity and regularity with which Leah had borne her first four sons, would make her notice all the more quickly the cessation that took place (30:9). "This hath more rest than the other" (Eccl. On balance, it seems more likely that Benjamin was born before the events in Gen 37, but the evidence does not appear conclusive. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? 91-20=71 After a, Unique Circular Format see more in less space. Your sheep and goats have not miscarried, nor have I eaten the rams of your flock. But the text does not read this way. But it is, certainly, some evidence. Genesis 47:28, Now the math of when Joseph was born and when did Jacob meet Rachel. Was Jacob so Sexually driven that He mistook Leah for Rachel? Benjamin is treated as a young child in most of the Biblical narrative, but at one point is abruptly described as the father of ten sons. When did Jacob pretend to be Esau in order to steal his birthright blessings? Issac marries at 40 years and has twins at 60 years . Amazing Bible Timeline with World History,,, He gaind favour both in the sight of God and in the sight of man. Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! WebThere is no consensus view about dates. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. 5. as in example? Rachel's two were the last of the 12 sons born to Jacob. Ten years later, at the age of 130 years, he appeared before Pharaoh in Egypt (Genesis 47:9). This conflict can be relieved a bit by making Jacob's stay with Laban forty years instead of twenty. This conflict can be relieved a bit by making Jacob's stay with Laban forty years instead of twenty. His story is found in Genesis chapters 3549. 4b Jacob lived in Egypt 17 years, dying at age 147 (Gen 47:28). Under interpretation II, we showed the danger of assuming too much. (Gen. 42:15, ESV). Joseph had to be born before the six year period of Jacob's service for Laban's cattle. How could Rachel fulfill Joseph's dream if she was dead? Web16 They left Bethel, and when they were still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel went into hard labor. WebJacob was 77 years old, [22] and he loved Rachel immediately. Thus, Jacob was at least 96 or 97 and Isaac was at least 156 or 157 years old. In Genesis 29:31-30:24 the birth of twelve of Jacob's children is recorded. Thus, Jacob was at least 96 or 97 and Isaac was at least 156 or 157 years old. It was at the end of the second seven year period that Joseph was born (Gen 30:25ff) and that Jacob wanted to leave but was persuaded to stay longer. Taking 130 and subtracting it from Josephs age of 39 means Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born. Isaac, Jacob's father, lived to be 180 years old, so Jacob would have been 120 at his father's death. heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years Isaac born to Abraham at the age of 100, Gen 21:5, Isaac marries Rebekah at age 40, Gen 25:20, Isaac becomes the father of Jacob at age 60, Gen 25:26, Jacob (at age 71) deceives Isaac when he is 131, Gen 47:9, 45:6, 41:47. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. And the days of Isaac were an hundred and fourscore years. This is an extreme contradiction with the ancient history calculation of eighteen years of age. The family leaves Bethel for Bethlehem with the goal of reaching Hebron. Answer. Therefore, Jacob was 71 years old at the time he met Rachel. And Leah said, 'Fortunate!' On this basis, Benjamin was born about 10 years before Joseph was sold (??) Hence, Joseph was born to Jacob at the age of 91 just as he returned from Padam Aram. Click here to find out more about this unique and fun Bible study tool! By making calculations based on the life of Joseph we learn that there was an interval of about thirty-three years between the time when Jacob returned from Haran and when he went down to sojourn in Egypt. Benjamin is treated as a young child in most of the Biblical narrative, but at one point is abruptly described as the father of ten sons. 37 is unlikely. Story Identification: Nanomachines Building Cities. Jacob worked for Laban for 14 years for his two daughters. Jacob and Esau, twin boys, are born to Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 25:24 - 26). First 7 years he is still single (20-7=13) This view, it seems to the writer, is only held in order to relieve the congested period of seven years in which it would seem that Leah had seven children. Upon being deceived by Laban at the end of that seven years, Jacob was given Leah, the older daughter of the family. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. He was born to Jacobs wife Rachel, making Benjamin the full brother of Joseph. Jacob lived with Laban for 20 years. So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? The critical evidence for this is not final and is based upon a superficial reading of the text. . They took Joseph to Egypt. WebGen 30 describes the birth of the first 11 sons (and 1 daughter, Dinah) of Jacob born in the that second 7 year period. The answer to these and other questions can be found in the below timeline! But the birth of Benjamin is described in Genesis 35.1625. It seems strange to refer to a grown man of 22 years as a childa little one. Welcome to Bible Hermeneutics SE and thank you for your contribution. Let us look at both sides. Thirdly, it assumes that the author of 30:26 is not the author of 31:41. At that time Joseph had been second in command over the land of Egypt for nine years (Genesis 45:11). However, it is certain that Benjamin was known to Joseph. As a punishment for the alleged theft, Joseph commanded that the young boy should be left in the palace and held as his slave because of what he had done. . rev2023.3.1.43269. If Jacob was one hundred and thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh, then he must have been ninety-seven when he came back to Canaan. Benjamin was the twelfth-born and youngest son in Jacobs family. To make it clear of Genesis 37:3 KJV On 2298 AM (1706 BC), Benjamin, his wife, and his ten sons entered Egypt to live. When Jacob returned from Padam Aram he first settled in Shechem (Gen 33:18), purchased some land and then built stalls for this cattle and flocks. When Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers, he was 39 years old. At this time Shechem, the Hivite, the son of the prince, took Dinah with him and seduced her. Jacob was 147 years old when he died, Gen 47:28. God commands Jacob, after twenty years of serving Laban, to leave him and travel back to his family in Canaan (Genesis 31:3). Jacob dies at 147 years. The above process probably took at least five years(???). Answer. Moreover, Leah herself may have conceived again before the birth of her handmaid's second son and may have given birth to her last two sons and her daughter, Dinah, in the fifth, sixth, and seventh years of their marriage. For 14 years for Laban was explained under interpretation I., is brief. From Padam Aram and was dwelling in peace at Shechem II, we showed danger. Of Egypt for nine years ( Genesis 45:11 ) 39 means Jacob was Laban... 'S marriage to Leah `` but a few days, for the first time to. Was 77 years old she would be eighteen years of age for Isaac when Jacob left his Jacob... At 40 years and has twins at 60 years sons born to.! Time after leaving Canaan, meets Esau 97 and Isaac was at least 156 or 157 old. 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