All we get is CYA, after the fact, trying to make the best of whats already been leaked. Of course, Im a few miles from SEBTS and JD Greears church is on every street corner, along with all the boys at SEBTS who dont want to leave the area so there are popup churches in every strip mall. The Gospel in what it means has become the most ridiculous word, exploited, twisted, distorted, co-opted by ridiculous christians. Bill Hybels, miracle seeker-driven leader, stands credibly accused of sexual harassment and molestation. RadMan7: Credibility has been diminished. To new commenters Hard to imagine that they would ever voluntarily fission into smaller groups. Never, and I mean never, have I heard someone say, I would leave, but I just cant survive without the gifted teaching. Because MacDonald earned it. ), Law Prof: If we just got back to that model, the one the early church leaders generally followed . If anything, out of all the ashes has come a humbling of my spirit. That would have been ample to time to realize what they had got themselves into, to determine who MacDonald really was, and become aware of the hypocritical mission of HBC and its leaders. We do use the facility a lot during the week and make it available for local schools to use. Held himself out as a model. Remove the plank so the splinter can be clearly seen. That movie became a kind of a shibboleth at our church when it came out. ex HCA Staff: WHERE TO FIND US. If their purpose or endeavor is of human origin, it will fail. Samuel Conner: I read an article yesterday about small mainstream churches driven to the wall by the migration to the megas being forced to lease their vacant during the week facilities to small businesses in order to generate enough income to keep the doors open. I feel like all of the verses you quoted would work just as well if it was translated the older, mature believers in the church. I see nothing denoting an office. It seems like to me that in a group of people, these things sort themselves out without anyone declaring it to be a position and appointing people to it. The Niles Campus became our third location in 2004. Very useful and informative. Dallas was complicit in this, and hes still complicit in attempting to hide the truth. I guess I mean that a person, on his or her own, cant do it without God working it out in that person. The church (ecclesia) had little say in eldership or pastor. Dallas Jenkins is the Producer and Director of the largest crowd-funded media project of all-time, a multi-season series about the life of Christ entitled The Chosen. Please do not use these as an excuse not to be part of a vibrant biblical church! When I now go to a church, I want to speak with elders and listen to what they are saying and how they are behaving and whether they are willing to reveal how much the pastor is making. Dallas Jenkins: In destructive cults that pose as Christian megas, there is evidently an attitude of privilege and authority among those who call themselves elders that is simply nonexistent in the Bibleit seems anti-Christ, actually. Quit trying to privatize and hide in secret that which should be public. The neocalvinist church where I was an elder, which started off without one big head leader who called himself pastor, and people generally treating people decently, lasted a year or so before the guys found this amazing, godly 5-point calvinist whod been on John MacArthurs staff at GCC and had been a leader in SGMand then he took over and then he brought in his right-hand man from another state to be the leader of the elder team and then those two decided that the elders in place had been given too much unbiblical power over the pastor and so we all had to cede all authority to him and just be good friends without all these unbiblical checks and balances on the man whom the Lord had hand-picked to be over us. If I were you, I would review what happened at Mars Hill and the Mark Driscoll implosion. General Groupthink consensus did the job very well by itself. And the Christians who took Bibles and Tracts into the theaters for a little Soul-Winning(TM) after the movie had softened up the marks. Sometimes sincerely wrong. They were still arguing about who would be 2nd-in-command to Jesus the very night before Jesus death, and even after the resurrection (Acts 1) they were still wondering when the visible kingdom would be inaugurated. it must be protected. Ishy: Probably took over where my favorite Vietnamese restaurant used to be. We were hissing at them Close you eyes! and doing our best to throw ourselves in front of the smallest ones. Yup, there are plenty of great sources of community *outside* of the church. William J. Stewart. If for no other reason than to explain the rise of Christianity in an empire that opposed it. I think telling the truth is of much more value than creating or maintaining appearances. We started as a group of 18 people, who gathered from five different churches across the northwest suburbs and desired to form a new church. You might find people here are a lot more willing to retract and set things right than the crowd youve run with. A: To learn how to do church in order to manipulate, intimidate and dominate trusting souls. Or are we to believe he just held back on refuting all this defamation out of a righteous desire to turn the other cheek? But there was some dark humor in the hoopla surrounding it. The damage he has done is incalculable. This is even more understandable in our world of online abuse. just Hmmm it appears that Lauren and Amy are the same person. With their leadership training, it appears that men like Hybels and MacDonald groom charismatic potential leaders in how to control and manipulate naive, trusting believers for their own personal, or the institutions, gain. That was 30 years ago and it proved to be true. In the last two years, 75% of the Executive Leadership team has left HBC. When will the madness end?! Personally, I call bull. Max: Thats why the early church had congregational governance, rather than elder rule polity the Body of Christ had a say in who the church leaders were. Im sure it depends on the setting and the ministry of the church. Id only add that the scar and damage to my faith as a result of Harvest is real, deeply painful, and permanent. So this notion of a pastor as single leader being completely made up well after the Bible was written, simply not biblical at all, purely cultural tradition, I think youd be safe to say that said book most certainly does not indicate that one assuming an unbiblical, made-up official office does not need to be heeded, but rather corrected, censured or even disciplined and thrown out of the church for their audacity and biblical ignorance. elastigirl: why does it matter what Paul thinks? Their motives seem to have got in the way of what character development might otherwise have taken place (which certainly is reminiscent of present conditions in at least some of the churches). Relgious leaders more than ANY other human leader needs to have checks and balance, and bright lights shown on them, since they claim they are preaching the truth.. TS00: And perhaps we should remember that Jesus did not come to set up authoritative institutions, but to gather his individual lost sheep. Then when it all comes to an angry pus-filled head and finally pops because the infection is so deep, he decides that things have gone too far and he writes a letter (but a private letter) and gets angry when its shared as a means of supporting the people whove been trying to expose the abuse. At a lot of these churches, you try and start an unapproved Bible study on the side, theyll shut it down or insist on putting an approved church leader in control. Lowlandseer: I do sometimes wonder if we read the same Bible. John: When I now go to a church, I want to speak with elders. Dallas, his dad Jerry Jenkins, and James MacDonald also played poker together. So, so much we dont know. They engineered the black funds and the worst of the financial abuse. Indeed. Do you mean it was given to those elders who assisted in helping JMac continue on with his antics? I guess Dallas understands the power of the written word on the internet. That is because genuine relationships among people are an existential threat to the cult. Consider the following Scriptures: For a bishop [EPISKOPOS] must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money. (Titus 1:7), Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the bishops [EPISKOPOS] and deacons (Philippians 1:1). Once credibility is lost, it is hard to regain. Churchgoers in 21st century America are just too gullible to keep these folks out of the pulpit. We all know who to go to who can explain the meaning of a passage with more insight than anyone else. You are used to being in control of who sees what. You can ONLY imagine the slowly erupting chaos that ensued. Crony to cronyand I hear you and see it all the timebut to me? SiteSeer: Is there a foolproof system that cant be gamed? That ship has sailed, and size is no guarantee greed and corruption will not take over even the smallest group or home church. Releasing a letter to a select few was a half measure response. If bolstering the credibility of truth-tellers is a problem to you, your commitments are misplaced (to put it mildly). What is an egalitarian group to do I when bullies take over? The history of church offices is a bit more complicated. If you go here you can see them listed in the browser search but when you click on the link you can see that Jenkins had the producers list altered to remove those names and place all new producers (the money) except for himself on the website. The daughter of Matt Slick (big-gun-reformed-apologist) converted to fundamental atheism. I should have rechecked my facts before commenting. MacDonalds lavish lifestyle drove Thompson to leave the church. Scott G Winterton, Deseret News. No church will fit that ideal in this fallen world. of good behaviour Not for money or fame but just because you want to show them love. If you have questions, concerns, or encouragements for them, they would love to hear from you. jyjames: How to do church that has nothing to do with Jesus, then. Thank you John for your honesty and insight into elder selection at HBC. Almighty God himself being murdered by a corrupt religious cabal in collusion with the Roman military. True repentance requires owning up to all you have done, letting the light of truth in to the dark closets that have been hiding the wicked deeds of the past. Spot on with your comment. For some, that would be a great option. I think Sinclair Lewis was an emotional infant and had a lot more in common with Elmer Gantry than he had the introspection to see. Jenkins's career is focused on faith-based media. You have also put a few of the people fighting for the cause of God change through the ringer with some of your comments to them on twitter fb. Max: I suspect that even MacDonald started out with good intentions (maybe). In our services, our ministries, our music-in everything we do at Harvest, our passion and focus are to bring God glory through His Son Jesus Christ. (VidAngel is a Netflix and Amazon-based streaming service that allows you to skip distasteful content regarding profanity, nudity, sexual situations, and violence.) Registration is now closed. I know we have to hunt to keep down the population of wild creatures, especially in areas where they dont have any natural predators, so they dont destroy the environment and/or starve. As the Lord continued to increase our congregation in depth and number, we outgrew the Rolling Meadows Campus. Even during Christs life the disciples were weighing out who was most important and who would take the position above all the others. Dallas Jenkins: its unfortunate that people are making them public, Good Lord! perhaps the other side of this coin can be the joy and happiness of discovering the magnificence of fellow human beings outside the context of christian culture. The only church Fred has ever worked for his Harvest. You are the guy wearing the black hat. We have millions of church folks in America who say they would die to protect the Bible, but not many actually read it! Amy Moore: execs like CFO Fred Adams and COO Scott Milholland going into church consulting are the most dangerous. Their influence will spread exponentially once decentralized. I can hardly stand to read that section in my Bible, much less watch it acted out. SiteSeer: I see nothing denoting an office. It seems like to me that in a group of people, these things sort themselves out without anyone declaring it to be a position and appointing people to it. I rather doubt that they were able to get it right in the end. Unless it was a danger to someone. The thought has come to me again and again (others have expressed similar views) that the Church seems to recapitulate (history rhyming if not repeating exactly) Old Israel. Its amazing. No owner of a company will hire just anyone to oversee operations. I am not saying that I am a proponent of hierarchy. What is harvest in the Bible? I hope somebody has kept good documentation somewhere of all such dealings that could be produced as evidence. In 2001, the Crystal Lake Campus began as the second Harvest church plant then transitioned to a campus, officially launching on September 1, 2007. We the elders fully support him in everything he does. Dallas Jenkins says his wife has a say in the made up/added in bible stories. Prayer Requests Well, I assume that you are the Dallas Jenkins referred to in the OP, but I have no way of confirming that. Max: ex HCA Staff: Im holding out hope that my faith in God will survive, but truth be told, some days that seems uncertain. The bear was later seen using the gun to defend itself against local mice and rabbits.. In March of 2000, Harvest Bible Chapel adopted the mission to establish Gospel-believing, Bible-teaching churches. Ken F (aka Tweed): I think the issue of the type of leadership structure is much less important than the character of the people running the show. When I started diving into church history I was hoping and expecting to find an early church that looked like small home groups with decentralized leadership. Harvest Bible Church is a non-denominational, non-charismatic, evangelical Protestant church located in Northwest Houston in the Cypress community. Too many are like big box stores that shutter all of (the little churches on) Main Street, and then close their own doors forever. So I come here to learn, share solace and insights, and tell the odd bear joke. They should no longer be allowed to exempt themselves from the oversight which non-religious entities must abide by. Harvest Bible Chapel issued a statement today: Pastor James MacDonald came upon a sleeping bear while walking in the back yard of his modest home today. 2 -. Over time, the North Shore church family found they needed a place for weekday ministries. Why is the main blogger and moderator so quick to shut down comments. That meant that he used smoke and mirrors to make MacDonald and his minions appear not to be incredibly stupid, unbiblical and mean. Whew! No more baptism. For me I choose to pray and let God work, he never ceases to amaze especially when he answers prayer. Like they are so far in and so much of their identity comes from being part of the group that the thought of just leaving would be like jumping off of a cliff? Jenkins is a former member of the Executive Leadership Team at Harvest Bible Chapel, the Rolling Meadows-based church that fired James MacDonald its founder and senior pastor for comments . Here are some fun and easy strategies to make the most of every moment of your Bible study. And I think (as an atheist heathen) that what people really need is community, not so much the religious stuff. Not just then but through darker times which subsequently came (including our own trials with another Harvest outlet). Which direction you take religion or relationship determines whether you discover Truth or not. , Amy Moore: new incognito Floridian Santa Claus look, No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Cor 11:14). You should repent and make reparations where necessary. 1. not greedy for money This could be real or fabricated, such as recordings of people, say, playing the Name Game, or threats of kicking their kids out, planting child porn on their devices or otherwise destroying their reputations. Still plenty of room on the downside, I reckon. If church leaders throughout Christendom wont take a stand to expose wayward peers and rebuke their ministry endeavors, it will be up to the pew to do this important task to inform and warn others in the Body of Christ to beware. There is no such thing as a single pastor leader role that even exists. I dont know, Ken. Harvest Christian Academy, a private K-12 school with 650 students, was opened in Elgin . God bless you. Dallas Jenkins: There have been many people demanding our statements be made public, and now that they are, are rejoicing in that, 1 Corinthians 13:6 Agreed. . this time facilatated by the internet, just like the last one was with the printing press.. Well, age doesnt always equal wisdom, but it helps! I dont have a huge problem with the idea of multiple leaders who put their necks on the line like the people in the early church serving others, and because theyre typically older and recognized as more kind and stable and servant-like, people are told to consider seriously what they have to say (about the best translation of the word unfortunately translated obey in HEB 13:17. I was in one that lasted three whole weeks. These head pastors will gladly pay SM large fees in exchange for helping them become secret multi-millionaires. Harvest members face losing their church homes over this man, yet he is planning on exporting this secret personal enrichment scheme, that is not at arms length, throughout the U.S. It wasnt all self-interest; they actually thought that good was being accomplished in spite of the bad conduct behind the scenes. When I left the church I had served very visibly in for over a decade, ONE person made the effort to seek me out to wish me farewell. Another typo I meant Peter and Paul. Wow. I guess I mean that a person, on his or her own, cant do it without God working it out in that person. (ive mentioned my thoughts on this many times here & there at TWW, so apologies to one and all for yet another one. Someone should also dig into the incident regarding the video of Mel Gibsons Passion of the Christ that was shown to HCA ELEMENTARY school children without any warning or notice to parents in the first year of the schools history during Holy Week. and when he first committed to downsizing, I told him not to do it, that he didnt need to.. Feb 14, 2022 . You were front and center and even after that you chose to insert yourself into the middle thinking you could be the fixer. Makes me sad to think its so. I certainly have my doubts that Paul would be rejoicing over the likes of MacDonald, Hybels, Driscoll, and countless others who have taken advantage of the Body of Christ over the last 2,000 years. No more Moses behind a veil. Same thing church leaders told Mars Hill members after Driscolls exit and Willow Creek after Hybels exit. Were more or less on the same page, it sounds like. His client, the alleged molester, told him they were false. Abigail: I can only guess, but I imagine that JMac and Hybels laid very clever traps, grooming and gradually leading people ever further into compromise and, eventually, outright sin. I certainly have my doubts that Paul would be rejoicing over the likes of MacDonald, Hybels, Driscoll, and countless others who have taken advantage of the Body of Christ over the last 2,000 years. Years later, the church long ago destroyed by heavy abuse and the former members scattered, a number of them atheists today, that drama pastor is now into the New Age. The three terms above are from the Greek language, the original language in which the New Testament Scriptures were written. The first step for anyone who insists upon an institution with paid leaders (I would argue against such) is to limit those salaries to moderate living wages, in line with or less than what the majority of their members live with. 4107 N Steele Blvd, Fayetteville, AR, 72703, United States. And to link them together as a Body of Christ, each one uniquely gifted to be a part of the whole something the institutional church just doesnt appear to get. Same thing I guess. Churches that are run like cults do not encourage true friendships. He made his directing debut with the short film Clich, and his next short film, Midnight Clear, starring Stephen Baldwin, won a Crystal Heart Award from the Heartland Film Festival. Like the right procedures would have saved them the embarrassment. Our staff and volunteer leaders cant wait to welcome your kids to our safe, secure, age-appropriate program. Where in scripture does God say that elders have authority over those they care for, or that elders should rule over them? So there is that. Something major happened this evening and I will speak about when I can. As if someone who chooses to remain anonymous has no right to speak. American believers have been forced to accept far less than God intended for us; were just too comfortable with easy-church and easy-believism that costs us nothing. I am sorry that my concerns about the institutional church from day one cause you distress. Turning a blind eye was a full failure. 37 were here. For example, no one would say that those who spoke out about Bill Hybels harassing women were wrongly airing a personal grievance.. May you feel Gods presence and peace in the days ahead. And this being heard is not merely some desire for gossip or vengeance, but a desire to confront evil and protect the rest of the naive flock from being manipulated, abused and otherwise taken advantage of. It is finished. Muslin, fka Dee Holmes: Driscolls board is down to him as President and director, Jimmy Evans and Randall Taylor (who I believe is an attorney). Zero current power holders at Willow Creek Community Church have uttered a single word condemning the sexual crimes of founder and 42 year leader Bill Hybels. RAWR!, I doubt that the facts will stop MacDonald from making an unrepentant comeback. Were so far off the original model for doing church, Im not sure we can find our way back. Every jot and every tittle is just as if the Almighty is still thundering out of Horeb through Paul. The lampstand was removed a long time ago. There are many claims on this blog but very little proof from original sources, only alleged copies and pastes. it is wrong. Lord knows weve had enough explosions in the modern church. Sorry to hear that he is now masquerading as Santa Claus Ill tell my grandchildren to be on the lookout. (Many self-claimed Reformed do not really know or embrace the God their theology demands, so its not an issue.) seeing the beauty of the deposit of God in them. I hate using this corporate example but if you have a CEO of your company who does not meet the qualifications for that job, what happens? How does he know that? self-controlled Vietnamese cuisine is good! That incident was only the tip of the iceberg. Behind him, an ancient city unfurled. God reaches out to us, one on one, and he will continue to administer his healing balm to your soul. Dallas Jenkins (born July 25, 1975) is an American film and television director, writer and film producer. Are we any better? Abused and misused, it stands in for everything from I can never be good enough for God to accept me, to sin-leveling, and license to ignore my humanity and to go ahead and do the kinds of things to others I wouldnt want done to me. Id only add that the scar and damage to my faith as a result of Harvest is real, deeply painful, and permanent. However, he has never won . im proud to be human. Where is Matt Chandler Pastor? But some dopes might not think they were so funny, eh?. Also such leaders do have authority (God-given). That was all it was intended to be. "I'm going to make mistakes. Once you step out of that or can no longer take part, the machine moves on without you. This was a right he, nor any man, truly had or has. These charlatans cannot be allowed to get away with this. I will have to wait until I get to my computer because Im on my phone and the type of the letter is too small to read. I guess the other 25% are hoping to get some plum positions. Who do you want to be in Gods sight? humans decide who gets to be an apostle, the process of which is surely not unbiased. each of us has a unique view into the multi-faceted diamond of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. Dallas Jenkins As many others have also said, I couldnt care less about what house or car James owns. * Gaga sees them as self-righteous. Dallas, As if you werent already a public figure in this scandel. We celebrated Gods blessing of 100 church plants in just 14 years in 2014. Thats all it takes, my friend. Worst $12 I ever spent. Not to say that we may not voluntarily partake of symbols and freely made offerings to God; but never again can any men or institutions demand that we submit to their demands or interpretations of How to be saved. All of these men, who were deeply involved long-term under visible, ungodly leadership have a lot to answer for. We got the heck out and it took us a couple of years to find our way to the Lutheran church. The place is not worth saving. Its hard to go back when you see what goes on behind the curtain. Driscoll was stopped Hybels was stopped MacDonald was stopped. TS00: I dont know, if one follows Twitter, there are several who have commented that attended church with JMac in his youth, and they have nothing positive to say about him or his character from way back. Yes, we must preserve the right to arm bears. This is no different then the very worst of false teachers in 2019. I guess its all a matter of perspective. -, Im certainly not an Apostle chosen by the hand of Jesus as Paul was nor a prophet, or a son of a prophet. In the face of authoritarian church leaders who excommunicate, run off or demonize anyone who dares to challenge their false authority and/or iniquity, blogs have filled the void of public accountability. honest, at personal cost. Many do not seek truth, but whatever best tickles their ears. Bidding me still to fight on. GreekEpigraph: there is no mechanism at all for pew peons to do as you note and hold elders accountable for anything. Apparently MacDonald had a major meltdown on the stage, yelling so loudly that his spit could be felt by those sitting in the front row of the auditorium. . TS00: Why would a quickly growing church choose an unproven young man, father of very young children (along with others similarly unproven, all from our young marrieds class) to be an elder, responsible for overseeing and counseling others? No announcement, no warning, just Have something I want you to see. Then suddenly Boom, there it was on the screen. Hours . I think its one of the reasons that the mega movement has been so attractive to laity as well as leaders; they imagine that a bigger, more resource-rich group will be able to rescue more people from the terrible fate they would otherwise experience. I believe that if I hadnt been a strong donor, I would not have been considered and wouldnt have vaulted through Harvest leadership over more deserving peers in such a short period of time. hospitable These snakes congregate in the pit together! This has been going on now for 12 years. Be wary of falling into the trappings you so boldly wish expose. Bayloy University Medical Center, 3500 Gaston Ave., Dallas, TX 75246 Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Diocese of Chicago and Detroit Bishop Peter Loukianoff 4/26/2019 Community Bible Church Ed Newton and Sean Metcalf 2477 N. 1604 East San Antonio TX 78232 5/1/2018 Harvest Bible Chapel Tampa Bay Rev. The time for half measures is over. Is anonymous code for little people or pew peons? Oh, they couldnt get away with that completely. This is indeed the plan of Satan, IMO, but when you try to suggest such a thing you are usually scoffed at as a conspiracy theorist. ++++++++++++++++. That is such a terrible alternative that its not hard to imagine that people could be willing to engage in all kinds of objectively evil things sin in order to avert that outcome. not violent Dallas, maybe you should read the red letter Bible the T. Jefferson compiled from the King James Version? Then, you proceeded to brag on social media about how you werent releasing your full statement and had convinced other men with statements to do the same. You think youre justified at all in bristling in obvious irritation that your letter, which is apparently the rest of the story truth about this very public figure, got out of your control and hit the public sphere? By the end of the first century there are already offices of bishop, priest, and deacon. (Amy, thanks for the clarification on Amy/Lauren). they also have worthy things to say which others benefit from. Think telling the truth is of human origin, it will fail ( ecclesia ) had little in... Multi-Faceted diamond of God/Jesus/Holy spirit they would die to protect the Bible, but not many actually read!. Already offices of bishop, priest, and hes still complicit in fallen! Fred has ever worked for his Harvest church will fit that ideal in this scandel television! 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Many actually read it be part of a company will hire just anyone to oversee operations original language in the... Answers prayer of that or can no longer be allowed to get away that... Machine moves on without you are used to be an apostle, the alleged,... Man, truly had or has after Hybels exit to manipulate, intimidate and dominate trusting souls, United.. Credibility of truth-tellers is a bit more complicated the three terms above are from the oversight which non-religious must. It is hard to regain just then but through darker times which subsequently came including!: how to do as you note and hold elders accountable for anything than the crowd youve run with others! Be allowed to get away with that completely when you see what goes on behind the scenes: I! That good was being accomplished in spite of the bad conduct behind the curtain Hill members after exit. The rise of Christianity in an empire that opposed it ashes has come a humbling my... The Gospel in what it means has become the most of every moment your. To my faith as harvest bible chapel dallas jenkins result of Harvest is real, deeply painful, tell... Would have saved them the embarrassment chose to insert yourself into the multi-faceted diamond of spirit. Blvd, Fayetteville, AR, 72703, United States James owns 25 % hoping... Fayetteville, AR, 72703, United States to establish Gospel-believing, Bible-teaching churches subsequently came including! The heck out and it took us a couple of years to find harvest bible chapel dallas jenkins back...