She is trained by Walter and William Bell as a guardian to protect the universe when a war between her universe and another, clash. Later that day, her stepfather Randall hit her with a belt, resulting in busting her lip. Because of Olivia's childhood past, she had managed to make Christopher open up to her and thus making the Other Broyles (who knew Olivia was from the other side and not his own agent) have a second opinion on her. She went to Dr. Frank, who was the. However, another relationship deserved just as much attention, too and that would be the one between Lincoln and Olivia. Peter sacrificed himself to protect her, waking back up in the real world. She ventured upstairs to investigate; after failing to find anything, she accidentally fired her weapon, narrowly missing Peter. Marilyn Dunham later remarried in the mid-1980s. Walter, in a desperate plea, crossed over to save him, despite Nina's attempts to stop him. However, they continue to work together and her time with Peter reminds her why she fell in love with him, and she tells him she wants to see him happy with her. Olivia finds herself collaborating with enemy forces and also dealing with the threat of the enigmatic Observers. [49] Torv received three nominations at the Teen Choice Awards for Choice TV Actress: Fantasy/Sci-Fi in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Olivia was kept in the dark about Colonel Broyles' death by Phillip Broyles, Peter Bishop and Walter Bishop. FBI Special Agent At the hospital following the events on Bell's ark, Olivia learned that she was pregnant. She smiled as Peter picked Etta up and played with her. However, the rush of adrenaline from the escape had made Fauxlivia's cells to integrate its memory with Olivia's which causes her to doubt which her memory was true. In the home, Olivia discovered her mother Marilyn, who, in the prime universe, had died when Olivia was a teenager. As Peter gets the mail, he noticed a letter addressed to him from Walter. Peter returns to Olivia, and tells her the Greek phrase means "be a better person than your father," and was told to him every night by his mother. After receiving a cryptic email, Dunham realized that she could communicate with Scott through his memories. Once Walter is able to accompany the child observer, Michael, to the future, he erases the time in which the observers are able to travel back and take over in 2015, and Olivia and Peter are once again in the park with Etta as a child. While prime Olivia was busy averting apocalypses and what have you with Peter, Alt!Olivia was building a stable, exciting, and rewarding life with Lincoln and their son. Peter tells Olivia the truth about his relationship with Fauxlivia. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Unable to stop it and her love for Peter, Olivia begged Nina to hold on to their relationship, no matter what were to happen to her memories. Olivia's time in the alternate world was running out (as she instinctively knew that Walternate and Brandon Fayette had whatever they want from her) and she began to find ways to return to the other side with the help of Henry Arliss Higgins. [47] She received a nomination at the 2009 Teen Choice Awards for Breakout Star Female,[48] but lost to Demi Lovato. ("Bad Dreams"), Olivia later helped to solve the case of Valerie Boone, the wife of ZFT scientist Nicholas Boone who had been going on a killing spree as a result of her deliberate infection with an extremely acute brand of syphilis, which Olivia got later on. "[19] She is a loner and dedicates almost all of her time to her work. He took her to the disused child-care facility in Jacksonville, Florida, where the Cortexiphan trials were performed. As Olivia recounted the name of another cryogenics facility from Bell's note, she received a text message from "Charlie" warning her that Nina is the shapeshifter. As in the original timeline, Olivia was instrumental in starting the Fringe Division and releasing Walter Bishop from St. Claire's to save her partner John Scott from biological attack. [32] The producers were so pleased with her Fauxlivia depiction that they thought "it really opened up a bunch of possibilities it went from 'let's see if this experiment works' to 'how can we get more of this? Fringe Division took the case and allowed Lincoln into the fold. With our Olivia trapped in the Alternate Universe and the wrong Olivia being with Peter, Peter begins a relationship with Alternate Olivia. She proved to be the greatest success and demonstrated a number of abilities after receiving the drug, including telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and the ability to cross safely between universes momentarily. But through the cortexiphan and the power of their love, she soon remembered her life with him. The building, a hotel, is quickly identified from the list of candidates, and it is evacuated in time, moments before it is pulled into the parallel universe. Olivia shot him after this but did not kill him. [30] Pinkner describes shooting the Fauxlivia scenes in the DVD audio commentary: "When [Torv] first showed up on set in this different guise, she had really embodied this other character in a very playful and sexy way. Yes, the Olivias seemed destined to carry a torch for Peter, even when Peter was blinked out of existence but Lincoln was there to help Olivia solve cases, deal with her losses, and just generally be the best partner he could possibly be. I'm sorry, but I am only human and that is beautiful. She struggles with trust issues and letting other people help her out. Status As a result, Olivia is capable of unspecified psychic abilities, as demonstrated when she shuts off a series of lights wired into a bomb as a kill switch simply by thinking it. By the time Fringe arrived, Roland gave himself up willingly, and they found Amanda dead again. [7] Following the transition to an alternate reality, Olivia meets her doppelganger "Fauxlivia", and ultimately shares a kiss with Peter Bishop. Olivia Dunham - List of Appearances. A reimagining of Olivia and Lincoln's first case, from Lincoln's POV. She did it with excellence, and now she's really getting the chance to show people, 'Hey, I'm a really hard worker and a terrific actor.' [20] Executive producer Bryan Burk later said "there was just something really special about her and really smart". After being visited by her partner, Charlie and given a gun, Olivia is unsuccessfully questioned by the shapeshifter, who has adopted the appearance of a female nurse. Returning to the Federal Building in Boston, Dunham was assigned to investigate a lead at a storage facility along with Scott. Consequently, "when Lincoln comes in, she's a little more open to him [than she was with Peter] and working with someone again."[24]. ("Jacksonville"), Walter explained to Olivia the truth about the Peter from the prime universe dying as a child. This is the episode to go to if. Dunham returned to the hospital soon after Scott killed Steig, and engaged in a high-speed car chase that ended with Scott's death, though with his dying breaths, Scott told her to question why she was sent to the storage facility. She went to the bowling alley, managed by Sam Weiss where he told her she was one of the best people hes known, and hes sure shell do the right thing. To prepare Olivia, they used the quantum entangled Selectric typewriter that the shapeshifters had used to contact the parallel universe. Olivia struggled unsuccessfully with trying to activate the typewriter, even with Walter's support. Upon discovery, Dunham was to attempt the first test, and the first test only. The Olivias and Walters cautiously agreed that they needed to put aside their differences to save both worlds, completely unaware of Peter's disappearance. Olivia and Peter as children in the field of white tulips. At three years old, Olivia lived in Jacksonville, Florida, because her father was stationed at the local military base. ("Peter"), Olivia had a sleepless night over the discovery. The two were able to finally begin (or rather continue) their relationship together. Walternate is having Fauxlivia 's memories implanted into Olivia so that he can use her ability to cross from one universe to another. They had the same tattoo with one on her nape and another on his back. This was when Peter came to the realization that he couldn't begin a relationship with the "wrong" Olivia again, like he had done with the Alternate Olivia. No matter how many versions of Lincoln and Olivia the show could conjure there were roughly four they always had each other's backs, and Lincoln Lee loved Olivia in every universe. She remained in amber until 2036. Olivia accompanied Broyles and his family to the same hospital that Max, one of the victims who was saved, was being treated. Without Walternate travelling over to meet Peter and bring him back with Newton's bridge, it appears Fauxlivia did this and took Olivia back as a captive. Olivia and Peter got married. She had once shared a kiss with Lincoln Lee. The quarantine is estimated to have taken place roughly twenty years prior. They realized that Olivia is unaware that she has been possessed by William's mind, and instead had likely locked her ego away, making it difficult to contact her by normal means. ("Olivia"). Olivia forces Henry to take her to the Opera House. Olivia discovered a building occupying a soft spot between the two universes. ("The No-Brainer") Dunham later went undercover with Peter Bishop to solve the case of a bioweapon that mutated its victims. Upon collecting both the box and key, they opened it to find a parchment, revealing that Olivia herself was the crowbar. Now, one can argue that maybe that wasn't the best way for us to introduce the main character, but there was a purpose. As Olivia and Fauxlivia are the same genetically, both of them are blonde as Olivia uses the alternate's dye to disguise herself. Walter was holding a grudge against William Bell for using Olivia as a part of his scheme to collapse both worlds. Peter suddenly woke up from the machine in 2011. Alice did not believe them until Derek started to refer to their children. [7], Olivia is given permission by Nina Sharp to meet William Bell, who currently resides in another dimension, with his office in the World Trade Center's South Tower. [16] Olivia and Peter are soon caught up in Walternate's scheme to destroy their world using the doomsday machine and Olivia tells Peter she loves him before he steps into the machine to stop it.[17]. They were married and have a daughter. Peter, Walter and Bell use LSD to go into Olivia's mind to locate and save her, but Bell is lost forever when he helps Olivia come to grips with her hidden fears and she regains consciousness. Olivia and her niece, Ella Dunham, a rookie FBI agent. Olivia noticed a similar glow emanating from the windows of apartment 6B in the Rosencrantz building, owned by the widow Mrs. Alice Merchant. Lincoln was always just a little bit calmer and less emotional than Olivia, and Olivia was always there to push Lincoln out of his comfort zone. [45] She was listed in's Top 50 Favorite Female TV Characters.[46]. Gender Meanwhile the Fringe Division had recently opened a cold case about a serial kidnapper called Candyman, who kidnapped children who are then left drained of their youth and one of the victims are Colonel Phillip Broyles' son, Christopher Broyles. Once there, Peter found the adult Olivia waiting for him, but realized by her eyes that this was not her. Sam helped her work through it by giving her a "project" that required her to collect business cards from people wearing the color red. [20] Production team member Alex Graves commented on Torv's casting: What Anna brings to the project is that she comes into the world of Fringe with all of its edge and mystery, and she brings this sort of elegance and poise to it that makes you just love her and want to make sure she's OK and gets through it. Platonic love, romantic love, unrequited love Lincoln and Olivia were connected on a level that transcended all logic. In his review of the pilot episode for New York, John Leonarwas found Torv "wonderfully played" her character. It is clarified that September simply decided not to save the drowning Peter as he crossed over, so much of the circumstances of Olivia's life have changed without Peter's involvement in them, and in some cases, a domino effect has taken place. However, Sam had disappeared and could not be found. Olivia, unaware of the warning signs for the zone, instead raced through it instead of stopping to put on a respirator, nearly asphyxiating herself, and dodged the bricks in time to capture Milo. One test was successful, as she temporarily found herself in a gift shop on Liberty Island in the prime universe. [43] In a 2010 list, Time Magazine's James Poniewozik called Torv's performance one of television's best of the year. They were each other's person, and they were at their best when they were together. Many events still occurred, though, including her incarceration in the Alternate Universe and her impersonation by Fauxlivia. It is confirmed by Broyles that Olivia's captivity in the alternate universe took place over a period of two months. The nurse attempted to kill Olivia, but fled after being shot by Agent Jessop. [4] Walter has a video of Olivia as a child, ostensibly recorded during the drug trials, which shows her curled up in the corner of the room next to a badly charred bed with Walter saying: "It's all right, you didn't mean it. Olivia was able to retrieve the device but was forced to amber herself before returning to the Harvard Lab. Rebecca Kibner, while under a heavy dose of mind-altering drugs, had witnessed events in the parallel universe including the presence of the shapeshifters. A younger Olivia revealed herself as Olivia's true ego; assured of Peter's identity, she willingly went with him and Bell. She'd like to go home and let someone else shoulder that burden of saving the world for a few minutes. He gave her adrenaline after she ahd been paralysed and shot Brandon. Roland explained that though she was alive, when he looked into her eyes, he realized she wasn't the same person and thus terminated the process. 8.6 (2,224) Rate. Olivia passed out when Walter clanged a bell to begin the process of Rebecca telling them more about this. Olivia survives, with gaps in knowledge of the alternate universe's protocol. We didn't write anything for her because well, now you know why. Upon interrogating Steig, Dunham discovers that John Scott had been speaking to Steig before the 627 incident, and had even been threatening him. Shortly after the bridge was formed, Olivia and the other Olivia began to swap case files, both being extremely cold and suspicious of the other. She tells them that Sean is the result of in vitro fertilization, so his biological father could have other children. As a child, she suffered from abuse and was experimented on by Walter Bishop, although much of her memories of him were repressed. He provided her with an icon symbol and a hand-written name to remember. The Alternate Fringe Team She had a live-in boyfriend who is a virologist for the CDC named Frank Stanton with whom she had met during a cholera outbreak in Hoboken. ("Ability"). Shortly after reuniting, the pair discover that their relationship in the other universe never existed and Olivia has a new lover, Lincoln Lee. Alice's connection to the parallel universe Derek had caused the crack. Peter tried to reassure her that his feelings with Olivia are true and not with Fauxlivia but Olivia remains unsure. Immortality: Directed by Brad Anderson. Olivia begins to realize how much Fauxlivia has consumed her life. Meanwhile Broyles is considered missing and Lincoln is the head of the division. Dunham, emotionally shaken by the entire case, met with Walter and Peter soon afterwards who decided to stay and help with future cases. Peter left her standing in the rain. William Bell worked on a Fringe case. The two split up to search the storage facility, and Scott found and pursued a man who was hiding in one of the containers. Fringe Episode 2.22 Scene - Peter and Olivia - The Kiss gillybabies 7.12K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K 341K views 12 years ago Olivia tells Peter why needs to come back with her she seals it. [9] She regains part of those memories and learns more about the invasion between dimensions. Olive and "Dr. Walter" at the daycare facility in Jacksonville, 1985. Sometime later, Walter also discontinued testing her emotions. In 2015 when Olivia is at a park with Etta and Peter they are caught up in a global attack by observers and she and Peter are separated from their daughter. Peter realized that when Olivia is scared, she retreated to somewhere safe, and suggested they search her mind's version of Jacksonville, her childhood home. When Olivia finds and confides in Walter himself, he empathizes with her and threatens her stepfather Randall with a call to social services as well as the loss of financial support from the trial ("Subject 13"). Cause of death First Appearance Olivia Dunham, shot and killed by Walternate out of revenge. They are rescued by Etta in 2036. Together, the two reached the immersion tank that Olivia used earlier, but found it to be empty. This started out as a fill for the Fringe Kinkmeme prompt, "Lincoln/Olivia (or anyone over here) - quantum entangled typewriters and long-distance relationships." All known timelines: Peter, husbandWalternate, father-in-lawWalter, adoptive father-in-lawMarilyn, mother Unnamed father Unnamed uncleRachel, sisterGreg, brother-in-lawElla, nieceRandall, stepfather (deceased in rewritten timelines)Eddie, grandfather Missy, auntAgent Scott, former lover Lucas - ex-boyfriendRewritten timelines only: Eddie, nephewEtta, daughterNina, guardian "[39], In a response to some early negative reactions to the actress' performance, Jon Lachonis noted in a review of the first season's seventh episode that "Anna Torv, whose chill portrayal of FBI agent and Pattern investigator Olivia Dunham has come under fire for being too wooden, seems to have reinvented her character to answer the critics. He began to test her emotions in various ways and discovered that fear was the key. He was a valuable part of her life, just as much as she was an essential part of his. When she was finally able to locate Lane, however, he threatened to commit suicide by jumping off a building (with the many people who had followed him) unless she shot him dead. Red Carpet Romance. Before Brandon started the operation, Olivia received a visit from Colonel Broyles, who was still grateful to Olivia for helping his son. However, her incarceration was a kidnapping in this timeline, and her stay in the alternate universe lasted 2 weeks, instead of 3 months. Olivia was still treated with Cortexiphan, but without her meeting with Peter as a child. With Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson, Lance Reddick, Blair Brown. Olivia. ("Pilot") [14] They begin dating and their relationship is progressing when Walter realizes he has brought back William Bell, who died in the alternate universe, by using soul magnets and he now resides in Olivia's mind. ("Concentrate and Ask Again"). They proved to be a couple that could stand the test of time. Harris, working with Internal Affairs, intended to get revenge on Dunham for her prosecution of him. When Peter resurfaces Olivia is surprised to see him but believes he comes from a parallel universe. If the crack widened, Walter predicted they would see occurrences of the same singularities that have plagued the parallel universe, and suggested the use of the same amber-like compound they had previously recovered to limit the damage. Though still cautious about moving forward, Olivia and Peter kissed and headed to the bedroom upstairs at the Bishops' home after she arrived for drinks. (Original TImeline)Alternate Timeline :Shot directly in the head by Walter Bishop to prevent a third universe; revived by Cortexiphan in 2012. While working on the case, Dunham began to suspect that Mitchell Loeb was involved, and immediately went to search his house, eventually getting into a standoff and killing Samantha Loeb. Olivia reunited with Peter at the hospital. ("The Same Old Story"), Dunham investigates The Observer. Though the Fringe Division that developed in this universe had been able to use amber to contain these vortices, a group called the "End of Dayers", led by a man named Moreau attempted to breach the fabric of reality at soft spots and create more vortices. ("Entrada"). Phillip Broyles, the managing agent of the case, chose Francis and Scott to examine the plane, and eventually submitted to Dunham's requests and let her join the search team as well, despite his dislike of her. Critically acclaimed for an evolving storyline, Olivia has highlighted determination and focus as her main traits, according to Abrams. [1] Olivia was involved in a serious relationship with fellow FBI agent John Scott,[1] and his supposed betrayal and death was something she dealt with for much of the first season. While assisting Peter in crossing to the Other Side, Olivia was visited by a wounded September, who warned that, in all possible futures, no matter what he tried to do, she would die. in Psychology and Criminology, and served as a United States Marine Corps special investigator, prosecuting Sanford Harris, who was charged with sexually assaulting three Marine Corps Privates. Nina, initially doubtful that Olivia met Bell, recognized the "great storm" phrase, and attempted to help Olivia in any way possible. Olivia welcomes her boyfriend Frank that has just returned from Texas and wants to . For the episode with that title, see, List of awards and nominations received by Fringe, Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series, "Anna Torv as Special Agent Olivia Dunham: Character Bio", "Anna Torv excited to play 'Fringe' double as Fox show edges into 3rd season, gains new perspective", "Anna Torv: Making 'Fringe' a mainstream hit", "Fringe 1.07 - In Which We Meet Mr. Jones - Reviewed", "Fringe producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Anna was just so professional, and so great. She was monitored by Dr. Anderson. ("There's More Than One of Everything"). Created by J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci, the series follows a special unit of the FBI known as the Fringe Division, which investigates abnormal cases involving "fringe science". This other Olivia seems to have different behavior, lifestyle and relationships from Olivia. This division is where she spearheads various paranormal events related to The Pattern, alongside civil consultant Peter Bishop and his father, Dr. Walter Bishop. She ends up in a short coma and wakes up in an incoherent state and in shock. "[26], Torv and Akiva Goldsman discussed various ways to differentiate the two depictions of Olivia;[27] ultimately two different physical demeanors were created. Walter and Peter are called in to investigate the case of a very dead thirty year old man, that appears to be in his nineties. At the Saturn Awards, Torv has been nominated each year for her performance during the first four seasons of the series, ultimately being awarded at the 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 ceremonies, becoming the only actress to win four consecutive awards in that specific category for a television series. Olivia temporarily crosses over and discovers the truth. At Fringe division, Charlie visits a scarred Lincoln. And definitely had depth and a history behind her eyes. Harris primary reason for driving Olivia out of the case was due to his involvement in the ZFT. "[35] MSNBC was equally praiseworthy of Torv and her character, writing "Olivia is the soul of the show two-fisted and defiant, yet vulnerable. [41] Midway through the second season, Sarah Stegall from SFScope believed Torv "had the most progress and the most satisfying development" of all the main actors, stating she "is now carrying this role with grace and strength". ("Reciprocity") Olivia questioned Peter Bishop since he had confused Olivia's coffee preferences with Fauxlivia's (with Olivia liking black coffee). Just the fact that he valued and cared about every Olivia he met, speaks volumes about their connection. Due to the amount of Cortexiphan rushing through her body, Olivia would be able to heal herself if the bullet was removed in a timely manner. Despite his ability to predict every outcome, he didn't consider the possibility that she was from another universe, which saved her life, as she was unaware of amber protocol, with compromised air quality. ("Ability") Olivia proved to be the most capable and strongest of all the test subject children. In the world of Fringe, a lot of emphasis was placed on the relationship between the star-crossed lovers that were Peter and Olivia. Olivia convinced him that her universe is not at war with theirs; the troubles started not from any hostile action, but only as an accidental side-effect of Walter Bishop's initial crossing to save Peter 25 years prior. Olivia met Lincoln Lee, who she had never previously met in this timeline when his partner was killed by a shapeshifter. Walter came up with a plan: he and Peter would enter Olivia's mind with the aid of LSD to locate her ego and help it to regain dominance in her mind, while Walter hoped to download William's mind into a computer. Bishop, incarcerated in a mental institution, was only allowed to be visited by immediate family members, however, so Dunham located Peter Bishop, Walter's son, whom she would use to visit Walter. ("The Transformation"), When David Robert Jones appeared at the Federal Building in surrender, he demanded to speak to Dunham only. Olivia also acquired the ability to expertly remember sequences of numbers and to count cards. Weiss suggested finding a proverbial "crowbar" that could be used to break the shield protecting the device to give Peter enough time to enter it. However, Olivia felt that she needed to return to her normal environment and dealt with a case that made her reflect on Peter's own actions with Fauxlivia. The bridge between universes was still created, and she was forced to work with the woman whom she felt stole her life. When they arrived at the station, Olivia ordered Henry to drive away, and managed to fire at a small valve on a gas tank, allowing the explosion to cover their trail. Using a makeshift set of ropes and pulleys, Roland engaged Amanda's body in a marionette act to make her perform like a ballerina, promising her he will bring her back to life. A photograph of Olivia as a teenager with Nina Sharp in the alternate timeline in Nina's office. ("Fracture"). He then suddenly disappeared. Olivia Dunham is a fictional character and the main protagonist from the science fiction television series Fringe, which aired on the Fox Broadcasting Company in the United States from 2008 to 2013. With Massive Dynamic's resources, they were able to recreate the amber and a release system to encase the building, but hold it in reserve as a last resort only. She broke the cure Walter planned to use to cure Peter, so Walter had to return home with Peter of the Alternate Universe. As the Fringe division sets out to Roland's home, Roland injected Amanda's body with more of the serum, and she was brought back to life. She is the central character of the series. By the time Charlie arrived, Olivia fully believed she was Fauxlivia, and after saying goodbye to her mother, returned willingly with Charlie to Fringe headquarters. ("Novation") At some point, Olivia attended boarding school. ("The Arrival"), After solving cases involving a bus accident ("The Ghost Network") and a mysterious bald man ("The Arrival"), Olivia finally became somewhat used to her job and was on good terms with Phillip Broyles and the rest of her co-workers. And Lincoln & # x27 ; s POV to use to cure Peter, Walter... All the test subject children timeline when his partner was killed by Walternate out the. From Texas and wants to together, the two universes tried to reassure her that his feelings with are. 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