The wrestler stands behind their opponent and bends the opponent backwards. The wrestler then performs a forward roll while maintaining the hold. We are led to believe that once this move is applied, the wrestler who is trapped in it is experiencing an incredible amount of pain. This hold was innovated by Mr. Niebla and is best associated with Miliano Collection A.T. known as the Paradise Lock. The figure four leg-lock is a submission move used in pro wrestling, made famous by Ric Flair. Guerrero referred to the move as the Lasso from El Paso, making reference to his hometown of El Paso, TX. The wrestler pulls down with both arms while pushing up with the knees to bend the opponent's back. Former Impact wrestler Jazz also used this move dubbed the Bitch Clamp. Body triangle or Figure-four body lock is achieved by first crossing the ankles, grasping the heel of one foot and pulling that foot into the opposite knee, this creates the signature 4. With the opponent hung over the second rope, facing the outside of the ring, the attacking wrestler hooks their left or right leg over the back of the opponent's neck. The wrestler then pulls the opponent's head backwards and up, wrenching the opponent's neck. This variation is used by Karrion Kross and it is called the Kross Jacket. WWE wrestler Carmella uses an inverted variant of this hold as her finisher where she uses her shin to choke the opponent instead, making it resemble a gogoplata. The innovators behind sports-entertainment's best maneuvers", "Eddie Guerrero, Pro Wrestlers Database from the Smackdown Hotel website",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 11:03. Cody using this move seems like taboo. This submission hold was invented by Hiroyoshi Tenzan. Chris Jericho uses this move in a high angle version, calling it the Walls of Jericho. To do this, the opponent's legs are then hooked under the top ropes, leaving the opponent facing the attacking wrestler, upside down. The attacker then either pulls straight back on the chin or wrenches it to the side. This move has been famously used by Triple H in the WCW. This move is usually executed on a wrestler lying flat on their back. Tidbits. An inverted version of this moves exists with the opponent on their stomach, the wrestler grabs the opponent's right arm and places it on top of their back, grabs and stacks the right arm with their right leg, then puts the left arm on top of the right leg, and then finally immobilizes the other limbs by placing the left leg on top of the rest. [14] The wrestler, while behind the opponent, facing in the opposing direction, hooks their arms under the opponent's. It was used by Ed Lewis and Bruno Sammartino. The wrestler first takes the opponent's legs then, bends them at the knees, and crosses them, placing one ankle in the other leg's knee-pit before then turning around so that they are facing away from the opponent and places one of their feet into the triangle created by the opponent's crossed legs. Satoshi Kojima uses a slight variation where both of his legs are on the same side of the opponent's arm. The opponent, ostensibly confused, normally takes the offered hand, at which point the wrestler rolls forward and into an armlock. From behind a seated opponent, the wrestler grabs one of the opponent's elbows and pulls it up and backward. Another Argentine backbreaker rack variation called the La Atlntida, favored by Mexican luchador Atlantis, sees the attacking wrestler holding the opponent across the shoulders and behind the head in a side-lying position facing towards the rear, then pulling down on the head and one leg to laterally bending the opponent. This move is illegal due to usage of the ring ropes, and results in a disqualification for the wrestler should they not release the hold before a count of five. WWE wrestler Veer Mahaan uses this move as a finisher calling it the Cervical Clutch. Another form of wrist lock, sometimes known as a figure four wrist lock, involves the wrestler (after applying the initial wrist lock with the left hand) threading their right arm through the gap the two arms provide, forming a 4, and providing leverage on the wrist lock. This elevates the wrestler and places all the weight of the wrestler on the opponent. The Elevated double chickenwing was famously used by Ricky Steamboat in his best 2 out of 3 falls match with Ric Flair. A transitional hold in which an attacking wrestler hoists an opponent up onto their shoulders so that they are both facing in the same direction. This hold applies pressure on the opponent's temples and calves and compresses the spine. A standing version of this move also exists which was innovated by Ken Shamrock, this is known as an Ankle Lock. The wrestling standing at the feet of a face-up prone opponent, reaches down to grab and lift the opponents whichever near single leg with both hands while placing their foot from their far leg onto arch the opponent of the far foot, pressing down to immobilize it while pushing the still held leg away, stretching the leg and groin of the opponent. The wrestler then does a spinning toe hold and grasps the other leg, crossing them into a 4 (hence the name), and falls to the mat, applying pressure to the opponent's crossed legs with their own. However, instead of stepping over the opponent to flip them, the applying wrestler flips the opponent over from left-to-right, keeping the opponent in front of them. This hold is often used in conjunction with a hold applied to the head or the arms in order to restrain the opponent. The attacker places one of their legs across the wrist of the opponent and grabs their own ankle to lock the hold. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D uses this move with a mandible claw hold named the Lockjaw. This variation of the cloverleaf sees the wrestler, after crossing one of the opponent's legs over the other in a figure four shape, lock the over leg behind their near knee before placing the straight leg under their armpit and turning over. Commonly used as a counter to an attack from behind. An element borrowed from professional wrestling's catch wrestling origins, stretches (or submission holds) are techniques in which a wrestler holds another in a position that puts stress on the opponent's body. 1. Get your opponent on the floor. You can achieve this by pushing him/her down on the ring or hitting with any other move that makes your opponent Also known as a cobra choke or a kata ha jime (a term borrowed from judo), this hold sees the wrestler put the opponent in a half nelson with one arm and grab the opponent's neck with the other, sometimes while adding body scissors. This neck lock sees a wrestler sit above a fallen opponent and wrap their legs around the opponent in the form of the figure-four, with one leg crossing under the opponent's chin and under the wrestler's other leg the wrestler squeezes and chokes the opponent. [13] and the late WWWF superstar the late Bruno Sammartino, he even used this move to win his first WWE Championship. 15 moves that really exist", "Ted DiBiase vs. Hulk Hogan: December 17, 1979", " Who invented the RKO? This can often be performed on a standing wrestler when preceded by a tilt-a-whirl, which was popularized by Gail Kim, who dubbed it the Flying Dragon. With the opponent lying prone, the wrestler lies on the opponent's back, at a 90 angle to them, putting some or all of their weight on the opponent to prevent them from moving. The move was invented by Lou Thesz[8] and popularized by Masahiro Chono and John Cena, who named it the STFU. The wrestler traps one of the opponent's ankles between their thighs (as seen primarily before applying an STF). Also known as a "Romero special". The wrestler forces the opponent to the ground and opens up the opponent's legs, stepping in with both legs. A wrestler stands behind the opponent and then wraps both of their arms around them in a reverse bear hug, sometimes clutching their hands together by the wrist for added pressure. Lance Storm also performs this move with both versions, including the regular Boston crab and single-leg Boston crab. [16] A variation of the cloverleaf performed by Eddie Guerrero saw the wrestler perform the maneuver from a standing position, which enabled him to pull the opponent's legs up high enough to where he could add pressure to the hold by sticking one of his knees into the other wrestler's back. In this variation, the wrestler first performs the chickenwing to one of the opponent's arms, then takes their other arm, wraps it around the opponent's neck, and then either pulls the opponent's head to the side, which puts pressure on the neck and shoulders, or leaves the arm tucked under the chin as in a one-armed sleeper hold. Another version sees the wrestler hold their opponent in the Argentine backbreaker rack before dropping into a sitting or kneeling position while simultaneously throwing the opponent off their shoulders, causing the opponent to roll in midair and fall to the mat in a face-down position. [7] This is an illegal hold as it both involves the attacker performing the move whilst outside the ring as well as using part of the ring (the ringpost) to execute the move. Do not apply too much pressure as it can break your opponent's ankle. Also commonly known as a dragon bite, this move sees the attacking wrestler behind a standing opponent, pulling them backwards into an inverted facelock and wrapping their legs around the opponent's body with a body scissors. The wrestler executing the move will step between the opponent's legs, grab both of them, and twist them into a knot around their leg. 1.0 0x. 2. Take his/her left leg and place your left leg on the right side of his/her leg then spin 360' so that you are facing your opponent. During this The scoop is also called the scoop powerslam where the wrestler attacks puts their hand in middle of the opponent's legs and turns them. One or both of the arms can be pinned. Also known as a calf slicer or leg slicer, the calf crusher is a Compression lock that involves pressing the calf and/or thigh muscle into one of the bones in the leg. WebReverse figure-four leglock The wrestler using this move stands over the opponent with the opponent face up and grasps a leg of the opponent. The wrestler then flips the opponent up and over so the opponent is lying face up on the back of the wrestler. This was used by Johnny Saint as the Johnny Saint Special. [2] The move was invented by Gory Guerrero in Mexico, where it was called la de a caballo (horse-mounting choke), but got its more common name from Ed Farhat, who wrestled as "The Sheik" and used it as his finisher. The hold is applied when the aggressor places their middle and ring fingers into the opponent's mouth, sliding them under the tongue and jabbing into the soft tissue found at the bottom of the mouth. In most matches the hold would have to be released before a five count. "Thank you wikiHow for posting this article. The Rock also used this move as his signature submission move by the name Sharpshooter. Lashley sometimes locks his opponents into a body scissors to immobilize them. The wrestler takes hold of the opponent's arm or wrist and turns around completely while twisting the arm over the wrestler's head, resulting in the opponent's arm being wrenched. How to do the figure 4 leg lock Santino Bros. Wrestling 112K subscribers 383K views 4 years ago Head trainer Robbie Phoenix takes you step-by-step and shows Hell, hes cool with it. Wrestler Lex Luger was famous for using it as a finisher.Hercules also used this as a finisher move as well. The wrestler finally takes their free arm, hooks the opponent's arm which is in the vise, and holds their opposite leg from the knee. WWE wrestler Naomi has a crucifix variation calling it Feel the Glow. The omoplata can be applied from the guard, by placing one leg under the opponent's armpit and turning 180 degrees in the direction of that leg, so that the leg moves over the back of the opponent and entangles the opponent's arm. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. From that position the wrestler rolls forward into a sitting position, pulling the opponent over backwards and down to the mat so that they lands on their back into a sitout pin position. This move is currently being used by NXT UK superstar Noam Dar calling it the "Champagne Superkneebar". The bad thing The vise is done from a position in which the wrestler and the opponent are seated on the mat facing each other. The wrestler then grabs hold of the wrist of that arm and pulls it upwards, causing hyper extension of the shoulder and elbow. The anaconda vise is a compression choke. The move is also referred to as a "European headlock", due to its prominence in European wrestling. This move has been used by Daniel Bryan and Bobby Fish as the Fish Hook Deluxe Edition. Slick Ric, known by many as the greatest wrestler of all time. Used by Delirious. Mexican luchador Mstico innovated a variation in which he performs a tilt-a-whirl on the opponent them slams face first with a single-arm takedown and uses the submission hold called the La Mistica. The wrestler then locks their hand to their wrist behind the opponent's neck to make the opponent submit or lose consciousness as the carotid artery is cut off. The wrestler sits down, crosses their legs, tucks their head into their chest and wraps one arm around their ankle (so they are effectively rolled into a ball). The wrestler places one foot down just above each of the opponent's knees and bends their legs up, hooking them around their own knees; at this point the wrestler grasps both of their opponent's wrists (usually slapping the opponent's back in an attempt to bring the arms in reach), and can either do three things: Remain standing, fall into a seated position, or fall backwards while compressing the opponent's shoulder blades and lifting them off the ground. Also known as a Prison Lock, the opponent is down on their back with the wrestler standing over one of their legs. Big Show uses a kneeling variation of this move called the Colossal Clutch. A "goozle" is a single arm choke held briefly before performing a chokeslam. Various strikes, such as closed-fist punches, elbows, open-hand slaps, open-hand palm strikes, and hammer-fists to the opponent's head are often performed from this position. Then the wrestler lifts the opponent up over their shoulder. The hold itself can be and sometimes is used as a submission move, but it is more commonly used as a transition hold to set up another move such as a suplex, a DDT, a facebuster, or a powerbomb. But instead of taking a big step forward to lock in the Sharpshooter submission, the wrestler falls to his back and then catches the opponent's throat with his shinbone, as if to perform a Gogoplata. 6. Apply pressure as hard as you can till your opponent taps out. Get your opponent on the floor. The technique is also used to trap an opponent while the attacking wrestler runs at them and delivers some form of offensive maneuver, such as a running knee attack or a baseball slide. He calls it the Koji MAX hold. [7] A standing variation of this move was used by The Undertaker, who called it Takin' Care of Business. This is often a set-up for a crucifix powerbomb or a spinning crucifix toss. Quickly clamp your left leg on top of his left ankle and apply downward pressure. This move is used on an opponent trapped within the ring ropes, which makes the move illegal under most match rules. The wrestler lifts their opponent up so they are horizontal across the wrestler's body. It is the sitting position used by many American males who have a competitive nature. The wrestler takes hold of the opponent's arm and twists it, putting pressure on the shoulder and elbow. While being held on the shoulders of an attacking wrestler in a position where the opponent is straddling the head of the attacking wrestler while facing in the other direction. The attacker bends the opponent's arm and reaches through with one of their own. The wrestler sits on one side of the opponent, encircles the opponent in a headlock position using their near arm, and grabs the opponent's near wrist, bending the arm upwards. He first leads in with a Snap Suplex to put his opponent The Mexican surfboard hold first sees a wrestler stand behind a fallen opponent, who is lying stomach down on the floor. The wrestler then forces the opponent to one side, traps one of the opponent's arms with their own arm and drapes their free leg over the neck of the opponent, forcing it downward. Also (and originally) known as a "scorpion hold". The wrestler then crosses their opponent's arms, keeping them in place with the legs before applying the crossface. Additional pressure can be applied by grabbing the left shoulder with the right hand, or grabbing the biceps of the left arm near the elbow, then using the left hand to push the opponent's head towards the crook of the right elbow. Bryan Danielson popularized and invented a variation, dubbed the Danielson Special, where he would flip his opponent with a butterfly suplex before locking in the cross armbar. Then, the wrestler maneuvers their other arm through the "hole" created by the opponent's bent wrist, locks their hand upon their own wrist, and pulls the opponent forward, causing pressure on the opponent's arm and neck. The wrestler may release the hold in mid-air or simply slow until the back of the opponent returns to the ground. Randy orton is awesome. The maneuver can be executed on a standing or a downed (facing upwards) opponent. Tyson Kidd formerly used this move. A double pumphandle exists, where the second arm is not hooked, it is also pulled under and between the opponent's legs. 4.0 0x. The wrestler wraps their arm around the opponent's neck performing a sleeper hold, then climbs to the second rope and hangs the opponent by the neck. Jungle Boy uses this as the Snare Trap, while Kazuchika Okada uses a kneeling version called the Red Ink. This move is being used by current NWA superstar Tyrus as the "T-Slam". The attacking wrestler then seizes one of their arms and proceeds to walk over the opponent while continuing to hold the arm, forcing the opponent to turn over onto their stomach. The wrestler next turns 180 degrees and leans back. Its facebuster version was later made popular by Beth Phoenix, calling the move the Glam Slam. The wrestler then grabs their own wrist with their free hand, crossing it underneath the opponent's armpit and chest to lock the hold in, compressing the opponent's neck. This move can be used as a counter from various powerbombs and other moves such as a Gory bomb. Also known technically as the overhead gutwrench backbreaker rack or Sammartino backbreaker this sees an attacking wrestler first lift an opponent up so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder, with the opponent's head pointing in the direction that the wrestler is facing. The half and three-quarter nelsons are usually transition holds, as they are in amateur wrestling. Do the following while maintaining a hold of his right ankle: Push your Sheamus also uses this move. The locking mechanism is similar to the kimura lock, but instead of using a figure-four, it is applied using a leg. The passing hand goes under the opponent's neck and around the far side to the top of the neck, where it is locked with the other hand around the neck. A rolling variation of the camel clutch is also used, with this variation popularized by Maryse Ouellet, dubbed French Pain. The wrestler then pulls back, stretching the opponent's back, neck, and knee. This variation of the double chickenwing sees the wrestler wrenching the opponent up while still holding them in the double chickenwing. The attacking wrestler traps one of the prone opponent's arms in their legs, wraps the opponent's other arm under the attacker's shoulder, and then applies the crossface. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/4\/46\/Do-the-Figure-Four-Leg-Lock-Step-1.jpg\/v4-460px-Do-the-Figure-Four-Leg-Lock-Step-1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/46\/Do-the-Figure-Four-Leg-Lock-Step-1.jpg\/aid624420-v4-728px-Do-the-Figure-Four-Leg-Lock-Step-1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

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