During the early-1990s, Poqo was renamed Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA). FamilyEducation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. 3. Thousands more served in the British Army directly, with over 3,000 joining the British Royal Flying Corps and over 100 volunteering for the Royal Navy. [citation needed], The TRC, at the conclusion of its mandate in 2004, handed over a list of 300 names of alleged perpetrators to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for investigation and prosecution by the NPA's Priority Crimes Litigation Unit. Pretorius Southern African, Afrikaans From Latin praetor meaning "leader". Mannan: Mannan is a Hindu surname meaning 'king' in Tamil. "[69] They were joined on their long journey by a number of San and Khoikhoi aboriginals, local African tribesmen, and also some white renegades. It has been estimated that the total number of British and colonial troops deployed in South Africa during the war outnumbered the population of the two Boer Republics by more than 150,000. Kholwa (Southern African origin), meaning "believe" and is found in both Ndebele and Zulu cultures. There is also a Jat tribe with the same name. With the formal end of apartheid in 1994, the new democratic government was saddled with an onerous foreign debt amounting to R86,700,000,000 (US$14,000,000,000 at then current exchange rates) accrued by the former apartheid regime. Genocide: A History. [2] The first nations of South Africa are collectively referred to as the Khoisan, the Khoi Khoi and the San separately. A series of battles ensued, in which Mzilikazi was eventually defeated. Eventually, in the 1830s, large numbers of Boers migrated in what came to be known as the Great Trek. [224], Migrant labour remained a fundamental aspect of the South African mining industry, which employed half a million mostly black miners. [131], Public opinion in South Africa split along racial and ethnic lines. The General Assembly had already suspended South Africa from the UN organisation on 12 November 1974. [219] By 2019 the number of skilled black South Africans emigrating out of the country had surpassed the number of white emigres. Crocodile Bakoena Bahurutshe Setswana Botswana, South Africa . Information department, Government of Lesotho. [212] [211] As the culmination of mounting local and international opposition to apartheid in the 1980s, including the armed struggle, widespread civil unrest, economic and cultural sanctions by the international community, and pressure from the anti-apartheid movement around the world, State President F. W. de Klerk announced the lifting of the ban on the African National Congress, the Pan Africanist Congress and the South African Communist Party, as well as the release of political prisoner Nelson Mandela on 2 February 1990, after twenty-seven years in prison. It authorised the forced evictions of thousands of African people from urban centres in South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia) to what became described colloquially as "Bantustans" or the "original homes", as they were officially referred to, of the black tribes of South Africa. When the British refused, Kruger declared war. Later, English and Dutch seafarers in the late 16th and 17th centuries exchanged metals for cattle and sheep with the Khoikhoi. Since then, the African National Congress has governed South Africa, in an alliance with the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions. In the Fourth Xhosa War, which lasted from 1811 to 1812, the British colonial authorities forced the Xhosa back across the Great Fish River and established forts along this boundary. It is the tenth most common family name in the Republic of South Africa. [24] The free burghers were ex-VOC soldiers and gardeners, who were unable to return to Holland when their contracts were completed with the VOC. The monarchy came to an end on 31 May 1961, replaced by a republic as the consequence of a 1960 referendum, which legitimised the country becoming the Republic of South Africa. This aim was complicated by border conflicts with the Boers, who soon developed a distaste for British authority. The prisoners were mainly members of the Pan Africanist Congress and United Democratic Front.[209]. The country became a fully sovereign nation state within the British Empire, in 1934 following enactment of the Status of the Union Act. [102], In 1888, British mining magnate Cecil John Rhodes co-founded De Beers Consolidated Mines at Kimberley, after buying up and amalgamating the individual claims with finance provided by the Rothschild dynasty. 78. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. [216] A wealth tax on the super-rich to fund developmental projects was set aside, while domestic and international corporations, enriched by apartheid, were excused from any financial reparations. Many blacks adopted the surname of Freeman after emancipation in 1863. The Cape and the VOC had to import Dutch farmers to establish farms to supply the passing ships as well as to supply the growing VOC settlement. Archaeological discoveries of livestock bones on the Cape Peninsula indicate that the Khoikhoi began to settle there by about 2000 years ago. [166] At the same time, State-sponsored vigilante groups carried out violent attacks on communities and community leaders associated with resistance to apartheid. A succession of wars were conducted between the Boers and the Basotho for the next 10 years. 5. The official statistics of blacks killed in action are inaccurate. George McCall Theal, "Discovery of diamonds and its consequences", in. Abbas - Origin: An Arabic name found throughout Algeria. Tau was the name of the last ruler of the Rolong in South Africa (18th century). 2. [92], During the final campaign, Sekukuni (also spelled Sekhukhune) and members of his entourage took refuge in a mountain cave where he was cut off from food and water. Lynx Southern African, English. [22] Bantu-speaking communities reached southern Africa from the Congo basin as early as the 4th century BC. [110], Of the leading 25 foreign industrialists who were instrumental in opening up deep level mining operations at the Witwatersrand gold fields, 15 were Jewish, 11 of the total were from Germany or Austria, and nine of that latter category were also Jewish. Frere, on his own initiative, without the approval of the British government and with the intent of instigating a war with the Zulu, had presented an ultimatum on 11 December 1878, to the Zulu king Cetshwayo with which the Zulu king could not comply. Like a window into their day-to-day life, South African census records can tell you where and how . A president may serve a maximum of two terms. Lennet South African Letesha South African Louw Afrikaans Louw is a surname that has pre 7th century Germanic origins. Abioye (Yoruba origin) meaning "son of royalty". Britain's eventual defeat of the Zulus, marking the end of the Zulu nation's independence, was accomplished with the assistance of Zulu collaborators who harboured cultural and political resentments against centralised Zulu authority. [251] As of 18 July, over 3,400 people had been arrested, while as of 22 July, 337 people had died in connection with the unrest.[252]. [28] The VOC also brought some 71,000 slaves to Cape Town from India, Indonesia, East Africa, Mauritius, and Madagascar.[29]. These are the 10 most common African American surnames according to the 2000 census: Williams: Williams is a patronymic of English origin of someone with a forebear named William. 35. Leaders of the Communist Party of South Africa were mostly white. Desiree Hansson, "Changes in counter-revolutionary state strategy in the decade 197989", in Desiree Hansson and Dirk van Zyl Smit (eds.). In that year, the SS Truro arrived in Durban harbour with over 300 Indians on board. 1709 by Zulu kaNtombela. 6. [150][151] In the early to mid-1990s, the AWB attempted unsuccessfully through various acts of public violence and intimidation to derail the country's transition to democracy. Others said it was not relevant to the struggle for their rights. Cattle rustling and livestock theft ensued, with the Khoikhoi being ultimately expelled from the peninsula by force, after a succession of wars. A given name may consist of only one name (the first name) or multiple names, in which case subsequent names are referred to as middle names. Concentration camp superintendents did not always record the deaths of black inmates in the camps.[123]. [52], The South African Republic (Dutch: Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek or ZAR, not to be confused with the much later Republic of South Africa), is often referred to as The Transvaal and sometimes as the Republic of Transvaal. The meaning of this strong African boys' name makes it ideal for the first son of a family that has Ibibio ancestry. Independent sovereignty of the republic was formally recognised by Great Britain with the signing of the Sand River Convention on 17 January 1852. The Dutch East India Company (in the Dutch of the day: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, or VOC) decided to establish a permanent settlement at the Cape in 1652. 21,000 of them were deployed to France as stevedores at French ports, where they were housed in segregated compounds. Yet resistance by Boer bittereinders (meaning those who would fight to the bitter end) continued for two more years with guerrilla warfare, which the British met in turn with scorched earth tactics. An important recent find was that of 1.9 million year old Australopithecus sediba, discovered in 2008. The majority of burghers had Dutch ancestry and belonged to the Dutch Reformed Church, but there were also some Germans, who often happened to be Lutherans. In the event of a vacancy the Deputy President serves as Acting President. The convention declared that apartheid was both unlawful and criminal because it violated the Charter of the United Nations. The president is elected by the National Assembly and serves a term that expires at the next general election. For more parenting tips and tricks, find us on Pinterest: Are you a writer, expert, or influencer? Colonel Jan Breytenbach, the South African parachute battalion commander, claimed it was "recognised in Western military circles as the most successful airborne assault since World War II. Between 19601994, according to statistics from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the Inkatha Freedom Party was responsible for 4,500 deaths, South African Police 2,700, and the ANC about 1,300. [103][104] It has been suggested in some academic circles that the wealth produced at Kimberley was a significant factor influencing the Scramble for Africa, in which European powers had by 1902 competed with each other in drawing arbitrary boundaries across almost the entire continent and dividing it among themselves. The assistance that South Africa gave the British Empire was significant. The cash-strapped post-apartheid government was obliged to repay this debt or else face a credit downgrading by foreign financial institutions. Rosenthal, Eric. Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. [162] Four hundred M-113A1 armoured personnel carriers, and 106mm recoilless rifles manufactured in the United States were delivered to South Africa via Israel. Guelke, Leonard (1976). [243] South Africa received more than 207,000 individual asylum applications in 2008 and a further 222,300 in 2009, representing nearly a four-fold rise in both years over the levels seen in 2007. For nearly 100 years subsequently, the Xhosa fought the settlers sporadically, first the Boers or Afrikaners and later the British. The Apartheid Convention, as it came to be known, was adopted by the General Assembly on 30 November 1973 with 91 member states voting in favour, four against (Portugal, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States) and 26 abstentions. 77. [117], The cause of the AngloBoer wars has been attributed to a contest over which nation would control and benefit most from the Witwatersrand gold mines. Afrikaner settlers in particular were loath to live under Moshoesoe's authority and among Africans.[84]. Magombo Swahili, African, Swazi (Rare) Meaning unknown, possibly related from the fore name of the same name. Dingaan also attempted to establish relations with the British traders on the Natal coast, but events had started to unfold that would see the demise of Zulu independence. Cattle rustling ensued and a party of Boers under the leadership of Piet Retief were killed. Thabani m Southern African, Zulu, Ndebele. Kruger rejected the British demand and called for the withdrawal of British troops from the borders of the South African Republic. A key act of legislation during this time was the Homeland Citizens Act of 1970. [24], Colonel Robert Jacob Gordon of the Dutch East India Company was the first European to explore parts of the interior while commanding the Dutch garrison at the renamed Cape of Good Hope, from 1780 to 1795. [233] The Zondo Commission of Inquiry was appointed during the Presidency of Cyril Ramaphosa to investigate allegations of state capture related corruption. [99] The widening search for gold and other resources were financed by the wealth produced and the practical experience gained at Kimberley. 27. Long-standing Boer resentment turned into full-blown rebellion in the Transvaal and the first AngloBoer War, also known as the Boer Insurrection, broke out in 1880. He appealed to the British for help against Ndlambe, who retaliated in 1819 during the Fifth Frontier War by attacking the British colonial town of Grahamstown. Meaning: 'Child that keeps coming or reincarnation.' 5. In 1878, Waterboer led an unsuccessful rebellion against the colonial authorities, for which he was arrested and briefly exiled.[76]. The weaker and less-skilled Dingaan became king, relaxing military discipline while continuing the despotism. The National Party championed Afrikaner interests, advocating separate development for the two white groups, and independence from Britain. Following the defeat of the Boers in the AngloBoer or South African War (18991902), the Union of South Africa was created as a self-governing dominion of the British Empire on 31 May 1910 in terms of the South Africa Act 1909, which amalgamated the four previously separate British colonies: Cape Colony, Colony of Natal, Transvaal Colony, and Orange River Colony. The First Sekhukhune War of 1876 was conducted by the Boers, and the two separate campaigns of the Second Sekhukhune War of 1878/1879 were conducted by the British. [77][78] To European settlers in Southern Africa, the same form of tribute was believed to constitute purchase and permanent ownership of the land under independent authority. To Moshoeshoe the BaSotho chieftain from Lesotho, it was customary tribute in the form of horses and cattle represented acceptance of land use under his authority. Gill: Gill is a Punjabi surname. Britain had allocated the sum of 1 200 000 British Pounds as compensation to the Dutch settlers, on condition the Dutch farmers had to lodge their claims in Britain as well as the fact that the value of the slaves was many times the allocated amount. Newbury (1987), p.1 citing D Hobart Houghton and Jennifer Dagut (eds). However, an ill-informed British attempt to force the states of southern Africa into a British federation led to inter-ethnic tensions and the First Boer War. As European settlers started establishing permanent farms after trekking across the country in search of prime agricultural land, they encountered resistance from the local Bantu people who had originally migrated southwards from central Africa hundreds of years earlier. This Second AngloBoer War, also known as the South African War lasted longer than the first, with British troops being supplemented by colonial troops from Southern Rhodesia, Canada, India, Australia and New Zealand. [74], Although no formally surveyed boundaries existed, Griqua leader Nicolaas Waterboer claimed the diamond fields were situated on land belonging to the Griquas. Rhodes and Rudd had earlier made fortunes from diamond mining at Kimberley. The trek of the Griquas to escape the influence of the Cape Colony has been described as "one of the great epics of the 19th century. Origin of Surnames Throughout history humans have been known by more than one name to distinguish them from other people with the same name. The effectiveness of the police in foiling the planned coup strengthened public perceptions that the post-1994 democratic order was irreversible. Ade. [191] South African involvement in Angola ended formally after the signing of a United Nations-brokered agreement known as the New York Accords between the governments of Angola, Cuba and South Africa, resulting in the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Angola and also South Africa's withdrawal from South West Africa (now Namibia), which the UN regarded as illegally occupied since 1966. Southern Africa was later populated by Bantu-speaking people who migrated from the western region of central Africa during the early centuries AD. The exact numbers of all the victims may never be known. [158], In the aftermath of the 1976 Soweto uprising and the security clampdown that accompanied it, Joint Management Centres (JMCs) operating in at least 34 State-designated "high-risk" areas became the key element in a National Security Management System. In 1874, Henry Bartle Frere was sent to South Africa as High Commissioner for the British Empire to bring such plans into being. [71], In 1861, to avoid the imminent prospect of either being colonised by the Cape Colony or coming into conflict with the expanding Boer Republic of Orange Free State, most of the Philippolis Griquas embarked on a further trek. [96], The Crown Colony of Griqualand West was annexed into the Cape Colony in 1877, enacted into law in 1880. [214] ANC icon Nelson Mandela, asserted in a statement released on 25 January 1990: "The nationalisation of the mines, banks and monopoly industries is the policy of the ANC, and a change or modification of our views in this regard is inconceivable. [1] South Africa's prehistory has been divided into two phases based on broad patterns of technology namely the Stone Age and Iron Age. Sekhukhune, members of his family and some Bapedi generals were subsequently imprisoned in Pretoria for two years, with Sekhukhuneland becoming part of the Transvaal Republic. As one of their first tasks they outlawed the use of the Dutch language in 1806 with the view of converting the European settlers to the British language and culture. The apartheid-era South African military and political intelligence services, for their part, worked closely with American, British and West German secret services throughout the Cold War. [57] The Boers accepted British annexation in 1844. The Jewish population of South Africa in 1880 numbered approximately 4,000; by 1914 it had grown to more than 40,000, mostly migrants from Lithuania. [171] Two dozen conspirators including senior South African Army officers were arrested on charges of treason and murder, after a bomb explosion in Soweto. Colin Newbury, "Technology, Capital, and Consolidation: The Performance of De Beers Mining Company Limited, 18801889". 36. Abundant, cheap African labour was central to the success of Kimberley diamond mining, as it would later also be to the success of gold mining on the Witwatersrand. Kaiser Wilhelm's government arranged for the two Boer Republics to purchase modern breech-loading Mauser rifles and millions of smokeless gunpowder cartridges. [citation needed] Alternatively, if you wish to search for a specific person then please enter the details in the . Modern human settlement occurred around 125,000 years ago in the Middle Stone Age, as shown by archaeological discoveries at Klasies River Caves. The country would only be readmitted to the UN in 1994 following its transition to democracy. Ross, Robert, Anne Kelk Mager and Bill Nasson, eds. Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. The attack failed, with British forces then retreating back to Durban, which the Boers besieged. [87] Faced with starvation, Moshoeshoe signed a peace treaty on 15 October 1858, though crucial boundary issues remained unresolved. By 1987, total military expenditure amounted to about 28% of the national budget. There are 54 countries, between 900 and 1,500 languages, and several thousand ethnic groups in Africa, according to Britannica. Ismail bowled a delivery at a speed of 80 miles per hour i.e. [202] The Africanists broke away from the ANC to form the Pan-Africanist Congress and its military wing named Poqo, which became active mainly in the Cape provinces. Variant spellings include Prinzloo and Prinslo. This act augmented the Native Land Act of 1913 through the establishment of so-called "homelands" or "reserves". The trade union movement was divided. The Boers kept on fighting. The progenitors of the extended clan are Willem Schalk van der Merwe (born in "Broeck", probably [[Broek= Babyloninbroek], province Noord-Brabant May 1634,in Babyloninbroek (Broek) and . [41] Another theory attributes the epicentre of Zulu violence to the slave trade out of Delgoa Bay in Mozambique situated to the north of Zululand. The convention came into force on 18 July 1976. The independent Boer republic of Orange Free State evolved from colonial Britain's Orange River Sovereignty, enforced by the presence of British troops, which lasted from 1848 to 1854 in the territory between the Orange and Vaal rivers, named Transorange. [3], European exploration of the African coast began in the 13th century when Portugal committed itself to discover an alternative route to the silk road that would lead to China. [125], Among other harsh segregationist laws, including denial of voting rights to black people, the Union parliament enacted the 1913 Natives' Land Act, which earmarked only eight percent of South Africa's available land for black occupancy. The Great Trek. [179] The Cuban intervention was decisive in helping reverse SADF and UNITA advances and cement MPLA rule in Angola. Blignaut, Charl. Aamina Aamina is a Somali name, meaning "feel safe." This spelling is an alternative transcription of the Arabic name Amenah. [197], From the 1940s to the 1960s, anti-apartheid resistance within the country took the form mainly of passive resistance, influenced in part by the pacifist ideology of Mahatma Gandhi. This list of 100 African girl names includes their meanings, variations, and countries of origin. Following the Invasion of the Cape Colony by the British in 1795 and 1806, mass migrations collectively known as the Great Trek occurred during which the Voortrekkers established several Boer settlements on the interior of South Africa. The Kingdom of Mapungubwe, which was located near the northern border of present-day South Africa, at the confluence of the Limpopo and Shashe rivers adjacent to present-day Zimbabwe and Botswana, was the first indigenous kingdom in southern Africa between AD 900 and 1300. The ANC-led government, in a historic reversal of policy, adopted neoliberalism instead. The British High Commission territories of Basutoland (now Lesotho), Bechuanaland (now Botswana), and Swaziland (now Eswatini) continued under direct rule from Britain. [206], A non-racial United Democratic Front (UDF) coalition of about 400 civic, church, student, trade union and other organisations emerged in 1983. Many urban blacks supported the war expecting it would raise their status in society. The . [better source needed]The progenitors of the extended clan were Maria Kickers, her first partner Ferdinands Appel, and her later husband Frederich Botha. [198] The armed wing of the ANC, Umkhonto weSizwe (abbreviation MK, meaning Spear of the Nation) claimed moral legitimacy for the resort to violence on the grounds of necessary defence and just war. One of our 3 capital cities is also . Aguer (South Sudanese origin) means "tree". Subsequent to the killing of the Retief party, the Boers defended themselves against a Zulu attack, at the Ncome River on 16 December 1838. In March 1858, after land disputes, cattle rustling and a series of raids and counter-raids, the Orange Free State declared war on the Basotho kingdom, which it failed to defeat. About three thousand Zulu warriors died in the clash known historically as the Battle of Blood River.[81][82]. Nineteenth-Century Contests For Land In South Africa's Caledon Valley And The Invention Of The Mfecane", "First Indian workers arrive in South Africa | South African History Online", "Crossing the Kala Pani: cause for "Celebration" or "Commemoration" 150 years on? The name is pronounced Col-u-WHA. The British then seized the Cape in 1795 to prevent it from falling into French hands. These groups were displaced or sometimes absorbed by migrating Africans (Bantus) during the Bantu expansion from Western and Central Africa. English and Dutch became the two official languages in 1925.[129][130]. The African National Congress won, well ahead of the governing National Party and the Inkatha Freedom Party. In 1836, when Boer Voortrekkers (pioneers) arrived in the northwestern part of present-day South Africa, they came into conflict with a Ndebele sub-group that the settlers named "Matabele", under chief Mzilikazi. The United Nations Security Council on 6 May 1978 condemned South Africa for the attack. APLA denied the attacks were racist in character, claiming that the attacks were directed against the apartheid government as all whites, according to the PAC, were complicit in the policy of apartheid. Meanwhile, the discovery of diamonds around Kimberley and gold in the Transvaal led to a later return to instability, particularly because they fueled the rise to power of the ambitious colonialist Cecil Rhodes. [146] The anti-semitic Boerenasie (Boer Nation) and other similar groups soon joined them. Pronounce it KAH-yah. [213] The Charter decreed that "the national wealth of our country, the heritage of South Africans, shall be restored to the people; the mineral wealth beneath the soil, the banks and monopoly industry shall be transferred to the ownership of the people". In 1993, attacks on white civilian targets in public places increased. The widening search for gold and other similar groups soon joined them and Zulu cultures into being was defeated... Ethnic lines ensued, in which Mzilikazi was eventually defeated decisive in helping reverse SADF UNITA. [ 22 ] Bantu-speaking communities reached Southern Africa from the western region of central during. 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