Ryan is portrayed as an idealistic business magnate in the 1940s and 1950s; seeking to avoid scrutiny from governments and other oversight, he ordered the secret construction of an underwater city, Rapture. The line and Frank's pseudonym both refer to Atlas Shrugged, a book written by Ayn Rand, whose philosophy was the main inspiration for the game in a Hall of the Future section of the park. For BioShock on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "story question (spoiler)". Born BioShockBioShock: RaptureBurial at Sea - Episode 2 Then the real one took up the role of Atlas. In Burial at Sea - Episode 2, Andrew Ryan is heard narrating the "Free Men & Free Markets" Need To Know Theater film, and an Audio Diary of him can be found in the game. Referring to playing Atlas as his "longest con", where Fontaine had created his new persona as a working-class hero who could rally people against Ryan, use them to seize power, and eventually bring ADAM to the surface to become rich. Unbreakable. 1960 Atlas is Jack's guide, serving as his ally in the unknown and alien city of Rapture. [30][31] Ryan also has a vast hatred for the religious, as well as the altruistic, as he believes altruism to be the root of all evil. After Ryan became aware of this, he brutally murdered Jolene. Although dead, his presence remains through Audio Diaries scattered across the levels. "[66] The PlayStation Official Magazine placed him as the eighth best videogame villain on PS3. [3] However, Elizabeth knows that he will perish by Jack's hand in the end. She sees this same vision in her dying moments towards the episode's ending. After Jack makes it safely out of Arcadia, Ryan begins to piece together the puzzle, realizing that it is Atlas who is directing Jack's movements.[22]. [1] Levine purposely named Ryan as he did, using a semi-anagram of Ayn Rand's name to establish the connection. Died Ryan educates Jack about his true self, telling him of his birth, his conditioning, his experiences in Rapture, and the phrase "Would You Kindly", which controls his actions. Like. What's important about the belief system that we've set up in Columbia is that if you were unwilling to listen to the other side, then it's going to lead to your downfall. Jack had been forced to obey every command Atlas gave, triggered by a single trivial phrase: "Would You Kindly". Blog Critics editor described Ryan as arrogant, greedy, and naive, adding that these traits led Rapture to destruction. I want to take the ears off! Main . First, let's start with Andrew's past. Although he built Rapture to escape the sort of "big government" that could take over private industry, Ryan was forced to engage in precisely the same behavior. Appears in Fontaine reveals that his ultimate goal was not simply to conquer Rapture, but to use it and the ADAM technology to extend his power to the surface and become an industry tycoon. Atlas Male Ken Levine also stated that a lot of Atlas' character traits, like the Irish accent, was inspired by the character Tom Reagan from the film, played by, Greg Baldwin, the voice actor of Frank Fontaine in. Voice Actor Tenenbaum was the one who . : Perhaps with Atlas in BaSx being so fond of Lobotomy ( a medical procedure and very odd detail in the game ), it is plausible that Dr J. S. Steinman, in that alternate universe, had killed Fontaine and made himself Atlas ( Maybe THAT also explains why Atlas/Fontaine doesn't know WYK in that story ).. Atlas, Hangman : . Also, several of the loading screen quotes either reference Atlas or are spoken by him. Steinman Non-Consensual Body Modification Body Horror Brainwashing Manipulation Canonical Child Abuse Medical Examination Father-Son Relationship Atlas (BioShock) is Not Frank Fontaine Lobotomy Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Uxoricide Minsk was on the front lines in the First World War. As we discuss possibilities, I'd like to put together a list of key services for the musician and songwriters needs. "[45][46], In essence, Ryan is a vociferous dictator, ruling without restraint and answerable to no-one. While this first episode depicts Rapture in its full glory, Andrew Ryan doesn't appear. Jack(Son) (Father)? (Uncle; Deceased)? (Aunt; Deceased)? We'll be running for our lives with no way home." "This place isn't home to me. Atlas was a name Fontaine adopted when he staged his own death in a shootout at Fontaine Fisheries in 1958 when Security Chief Sullivan's city security forces were closing in on him for smuggling. Frank Fontaine, aka Atlas, is the Arch-Enemy of Andrew Ryan. Russian This further unsettled the citizens of Rapture, as a hundred or more people were imprisoned so quickly, with one citizen even describing it to be like a trick by Houdini. Hanover replaced Baldwin as the voice of Fontaine in, Even though Atlas is a major character, he does not have a uniquely designed model (unlike Andrew Ryan, Sander Cohen, and late-game Frank Fontaine). Andrew Ryan is the owner of Ryan Industries and the founder of Rapture. [11] The Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 forced Ryan to flee Russia and immigrate to the United States (also like Rand). Andrew Ryan is always seen with his hair slicked back and sporting a smart suit and necktie. Steve D dominated Tank in the previous match, if you can believe it - I can't, but he did in fact carry . You can kill me, but you will never have my city. Nationalizing Fontaine Futuristics, even creating a black market that shouldn't have had to exist in Rapture but Ryan made it that way. .10 Comparing valuation across nature-based, statement-based, behaviour-based and integrated valuation using the 3R criteria (Relevance, Robustness and Resources) .11 Comparison of the relative merits of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, United Nations System of Environmental Economic Accounting (UN . Even Ryan's long-time friend Bill McDonagh resigned from the Central Council in protest. From 1946 to 1958, Rapture experienced tremendous economic progress, and solid political stability. 4- "My city was betrayed by the weak". [26], When Jack (the player's character in BioShock) arrives in Rapture in 1960, Ryan views him as a threat, initially believing him to be a government agent, most likely sent by the Russian KGB or the American CIA. As he watches the ruckus taking place in Rapture, Ryan taunts Jack and revels in delusions of his city returning to its former glory. Fontaine therefore faked his own death. [16] However, once Fontaine's businesses grew in such power that they began rivaling Ryan's own, Ryan took measures to curb Fontaine's influence. Inexplicably, Ryan knows of Elizabeth's presence in the city of Rapture, the fact that she's been working to help Atlas escape Fontaine's Department Store, and the deal she made with Suchong, whom he interrupted for making a deal without consulting him first. It wasn't so hard for Fontaine to disguise himself as Atlas: only the basic change of appearance and a different way of speaking. The package at the beginning of the game is revealed to be a gun, "Would you kindly..?" His ideals are also promoted in Ryan Amusements through the presented scenes and animatronic puppets of himself and others depicting his vision of the "parasites' world." [59] Onyett agreed, describing him as a "Randian hero". When Elizabeth refuses his ultimatum, Ryan calls her a rube and sends his oncoming forces on her as well. Project X in the same novel is similar to the atom bomb, as both were applications of science for destructive purpose: Project X was created to "preserve peace" and "squash rebellion," QED oppress and punish those who disagreed with the government. Andrew Ryan is featured in BioShock 2, which takes place eight years after the events of the first game. The same facial similarities can be seen on the Audio Diary portraits of Fontaine and Atlas in. As Fontaine was later to relate in one of his Audio Diaries, "Ryan wanted Frank Fontaine dead, I just gave him what he wanted. During BioShock Infinite's first story-driven downloadable content, Burial at Sea - Episode 1, several propaganda posters depicting Atlas can be spotted in The Bistro at Fontaine's kitchen and the employees' locker room behind the Appliances showroom at the Housewares building of Fontaine's. Answer (1 of 3): To be honest, they have so many similarities as villians that I have a hard time making a decision. Andrew Ryan was born Andrei Rianofski in a village near Minsk in Russia (modern Belarus), during the time when the Tsar still held . These efforts eventually were successful in destroying the smuggling operation, but Fontaine for a long time remained elusive, always managing to be "where the evidence isn't." The "Would You Kindly" board outside Ryan's office shows how he put together the clues connecting himself to Jasmine Jolene, with Jack as their illegitimate son. Occasionally, throughout the game Fontaine breaks character and does not have his story straight. .9 Applying the methods families framework to the practice of valuation in . phrase, to kill him, mockingly ordering him to "obey", which Jack is forced to do.[28]. Male (Jack finds himself at the Rapture subway station. [1] With Frank Fontaine declared dead by the Rapture Council,[2] Atlas used the poor houses left behind (such as Fontaine's Home for the Poor) to recruit disillusioned citizens and build up supporters against Ryan. [32] A strong atheist,[33] Ryan disregards all forms of organized religion. [60] Official Xbox Magazine editor Dan Griliopoulos likened his appearance to that of Gomez Addams, the father from The Addams Family. "[14] He created shield companies on the surface like Warden Yarn (an anagram of his name), and through it conducted business with suppliers, such as Orrin Lutwidge's Scarlet Sovereign Import and Export, to purchase materials necessary to build his city. Hair Color In a televised broadcast that night, Ryan acknowledged "trials" in the previous year but offered a toast to the city that 1959 may be Rapture's finest year. Physical Description Ryan, facing destruction of his city, agreed to Suchong's suggestion, claiming that if Atlas and his supporters were to win, they would turn their opponents into slaves, and free will would vanish regardless. Ryan's experiences under Bolshevik rule led him to his personal philosophy: everything good about the modern world was created by great individuals striving to make their own way. After Elizabeth delivers the Ace in the Hole (revealed to be the trigger phrase to command Jack) to Atlas, he hits her upside the head with a wrench, not being in need of her services any longer. Even though Fontaine is long dead during the events of BioShock 2, several of his audio diaries mentioning his fake identity and activities can be found throughout the game. "Blitzed" author Norman Ohler explains why Germany submarine pilots (including Hitler) were u Fontaine's illegal profits enabled his businesses to expand, placing him in a good position to fund and exploit the new ADAM industry. Brown [7] However, the state-run social programs created in the 1930s increasingly tested that devotion. According to Ryan, "In the end, what separates a man from a slave? Andrew Ryan is a complex man whose most defining trait is his egomania, as well as his objectivist ideals, which he spreads to all of Rapture. In BioShock 2's DLC story, it is revealed that Ryan employed Charles Milton Porter and Reed Wahl to create Rapture Central Computing and build the Thinker. He only appears in person in the Rapture Central Control level. I want to take the ears off, but I can't! His speech, originally heard in snippets during BioShock, can be heard over the public address system in its entirety. Appearances Atlas' model in the Smuggler's Hideout (see the behind the scenes section). Jack then reaches Hephaestus, Rapture's source of power, and enters Rapture Central Control, Ryan's headquarters. No, no, he dun know. With this long-awaited objective now accomplished, "Atlas" reveals his true identity as Frank Fontaine, the smuggler, mobster,and businessman who rose to power in Rapture's society and challenged Andrew Ryan's claim over the city, thus leading to its downfall. Cookie Notice Birthplace [11], For a time, Ryan was devoted to his adopted country, grateful for the wealth and fame it awarded his intellect and determination after he managed to get rich by fortunately striking oil on his property and investing wisely afterwards.? Fontaine spliced up so he could change his appearance and name in order to hide from Ryan. Atlas guides Jack through Arcadia, where Ryan releases a toxin into the air that kills all of the trees. No. Frank Fontaine, as Atlas, sends Jack on his journey to kill Ryan using the "Would You Kindly" trigger phrase, though Ryan is not aware of it at first; when Jack first arrives in Rapture, Ryan assumes he is someone from the Russian K.G.B. However, Ryan refused to compromise with "parasites" and killers, and was intent on fighting to the end, believing that giving in to Atlas would bring down the entire city. He just asked Steinman to make one if his men look like him which was killed by Ryan's men but it wasn't the real fontaine. Another Two Faced . . . Gender Atlas put his hand on Jack's shoulder. | Ken Talks Bioshock, His Inspirations & More (2020/2021), The Fukertons Exclusive interview with the voice of Frank Fontaine: Greg Baldwin. His "I am not a Liberator" quote is taken from the (in)famous Argentinian-born revolutionary, Che Guevara. When Ryan learned of this betrayal, he personally killed her in a fit of rage. Ryan descended into paranoia, withdrawing from society and ruling over the remaining populace as an increasingly ruthless tyrant. Atlas is the revolutionary who led many of the disillusioned of Rapture against Andrew Ryan and his supporters during the Civil War. When Rapture's society began to collapse under its own weight due to the growing problems of civil discomfort, smuggling and contraband, splicing, and eventually all out war, Ryan slowly changed from an honorable, earnest leader into an oppressive tyrant. Levine states that to him, Ryan's philosophies come from Art Deco, describing the style as, "Yes, we are men, and we control the universe! At the last minute, they did a focus test on Ireland, where Hanover was from, and the test group loved this version of the character with an Irish accent. Ryan Security was sent in to wipe out Atlas and anyone who stood in their way, which failed when the revolutionary and several of his men managed to escape. An early level of the game has the player visit 'Ryan Amusements', a theme park originally intended to indoctrinate the youth of Rapture with Ryan's ideology. He is a criminal mastermind, demonstrates high intelligence and a skill for evasion, and becomes the arch-enemy of Andrew Ryan as he simply wishes to use Rapture for money and power instead of maintaining Ryan's purported lofty ideals. 1-. Rapture wouldn't be nearly as interesting without Ryan and his complementing the action and exploration, shouting propaganda and taking every opportunity to broadcast his world view. Andrew Ryan simply had too much power and was about to clamp down on Fontaine and shut down Fontaine's operations. At either extreme it leads to ruin. Earlier, to keep Rapture safely hidden from the "Parasites," Ryan forbade unauthorized contact with the Surface. [67] Bit-Tech placed Ryan #10 on their top ten list of gaming NPCs. His experiences in Russia led to his hatred of communism, and the equally authoritarian regime of the Tsar which preceded it. The game's back-story describes the city as envisioned by business tycoon Andrew Ryan in the mid-1940s as a means to create a utopia for mankind's greatest artists and thinkers to prosper in a laissez-faire environment outside of increasing oppression by the world's governments and religion. In BioShock 2 Multiplayer, Team Atlas is one of the two factions fighting the civil war (the other beingTeam Ryan). Rapture's high-water mark can be traced to New Year's Eve, 1958. 5- "Before the final rat has eaten the last gram of you, Rapture . Ryan had Fontaine assassinated in the late 50s, which caused the workers of the docks to become mad with splicing, swearing revenge against Ryan. Andy[1]White King[2]Great Orion[3]Papa Ryan[4] If one compares his photo to Fontaine's, it is easy to notice that Atlas's face is clearly Fontaine, only with hair, without a mustache, and a more noticeable cleft chin. The people might not be my parents but they did work for Fontaine, and there's money hidden away . His own actions perverted Rapture into a twisted police state. Jack fights Fontaine, who finally dies at the hands of a group of Little Sisters. When a plane crash occurs near the Lighthouse above Rapture, one of Atlas' followers, Johnny, tries to reach a survivor of the accident, Jack, who had descended in a bathysphere. Seemingly providing shelter for orphans and the poor, in reality he was subjecting them with ADAM, a deadly substance he forcibly extracted from little girls, turning them into dangerous and insane Splicers. He states that Atlas cannot be trusted, and remarks on Elizabeth's otherworldly origin, unique abilities and intelligence and how they'll be wasted when Atlas turns on her. He manages to end the lockdown and continues on to Fort Frolic, a recreation district. As Atlas is forced to escape and Jack fights his way through the Splicers, the submarine explodes, killing Atlas' unseen wife and son. He is the Chairman of the Rapture City Council, owner and operator of Hephaestus, and one of the most important men in the city. He is the main antagonist throughout most of BioShock. The final straw for Ryan was the destruction of Hiroshima with the atomic bomb. He invented the alias of Atlas, mimicking an Irish accent and rallied the people against Ryan, leading them into a civil war in 1959 which tore the city apart. Minsk was on the front lines in the First World War. From Brainwashing Ja. I'm pretty sure Tenenbaum didn't know that Atlas was Fontaine, or that you were the child sent to the surface. The farm I told you about is a real place. In BioShock, did Andrew Ryan know Atlas was Fontaine? He also appears through security monitors, revealing himself to Elizabeth after she sends her hair sample to Yi Suchong in the Silver Fin Restaurant. Ryan's response was to use his entire fortune to build Rapture; a community where "the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, where the great would not be constrained by the small," in the only place he felt the "Parasites" could not touchthe depths of the Atlantic Ocean. , using a semi-anagram of Ayn Rand 's name to establish the connection Griliopoulos! Born BioShockBioShock: RaptureBurial at Sea - episode 2 Then the real one took the! Do. [ 28 ] atheist, [ 33 ] Ryan disregards all forms organized... 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