2. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Add a ton of salt . 50. Which THEN gets turned into Chicken Pot Pie w/ homemade pie crust! Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown, 12-15 minutes. We have a half-acre garden and I garden year around. Ive learned how to cook. Potatoes were a staple ingredient during the Depression because they were cheap, and you could grow them yourself. Fry up a cheap meal of peppers and eggs to keep you full in stomach and pockets. Instructions: Add . Therefore most of our meats, fruits,and veggies are canned in jars. Give these recipes from . Shape and fry up). If not, it is worth it to purchase several Sunday papers for the coupons. Most of our meals were meatless. From hearty stews to creamy soups, there's something . Im grateful that we have an Aldi USAin our area. e chipped beef, chopped leftover bacon from breakfast, canned chicken, leftover roast or just the sauce over rice. Fried egg sandwich. Goulash: Jen L. suggested a pound of pasta, 1 pound of ground beef ( or ground meat of any kind), and a can of tomatoes or sauce. Carrots are the same. They didnt sell it in the stores and you had to ask for it. Salivating. It doesnt have to be that youre eating the exact same meal (e.g. I was just talking to my cousin about this today. We buy meat in bulk, so most of my purchases are for perishables only. Said it tasted like eggs so they ate it. My mom had to be inventive to feed all five of us. 1 1/2 cups flour. They are todays meals. In a bowl, whisk the cornmeal, salt, and remaining cup of water together. I buy rabbits in summer at auction sometimes low as $2 a piece full grown. Linda, Wendy, I love cheese so this will be added next time to my goulash for sure!! My grandmother made Top Ramen once a week for dinner with sliced boiled eggs. 19. Lets face it those big servings of meat were never good for us anyway. 1.5 Great Depression Foods - Prune Pudding. Hamburger, mixed with oats, onion, tomatoes, rice, small can tomatoes paste, an equal amount of BBQ sauce. BEST COMMENT EVER!! I can also mash pinto beans for refried beans with Mexican food. Saturday well have the stew, Sunday, pasta with meatballs. Oxtail:Its the bone of the tail and very tender meat. Victor Moruzzi. Hoover Stew. People during the Great Depression ate mostly bread, potatoes, and vegetables. I keep a well-stocked pantry of dry and canned goods. Thanks for being prepared for the unexpected. I am sharing responses on this post from real people just like you and me on how they are trying to cut food costs. cup cornmeal. From budget-friendly meat dishes to vegetable soups and stews, these dishes are comfort food that your family will enjoy. Peanut/almond butter and jelly on toasted Daves Killer Blue Seed Bread makes an awesome lunch! Add in mash potatoes. Linda. This meal costs less than $3 for four servings. Nice sized ones. For those who think the Spam is too expensive, Check your local Dollar store for Treat It should be right next to the Spam & I cant tell the difference. Eggs and milk (hormone free) are less. Everyone got a bowl of soup. 40. Ham Hocks & Beans - Not just a great Southern recipe but one that you can make on the cheap. (Privacy Policy) *. Top with shredded cheese if desired. 12. So, I still eat a lot like I did growing up, but less now because I cant raise anything, and cant afford much. One . 77. Pour the tomato sauce over to give the rice enough moisture to cook. When we butcher goats hogs etc. Potato soup - water base, not milk - yes - dehydrated potato flakes and vegetables of any sort. 11. 5. Our local fruit and vegetable store has bagged produce for $1. Hot dogs and baked beans - staple at scout camp. Now, this is a roast chicken you make from scratch, not the store-bought pre-cooked ones (which tend to be small). Kool-Aid was cheap, simple to make, and easy to store. Thank you for your kind remarks. A nice piece of cornbread on the side. Feeding 5 here. While we do sometimes buy bread, I make our buns and sweet bread. Three Ingredient Depression Bread. Named after the president that took office right before the crash, Hoover Stew was the name for the cheap slop eaten by residents of shanty towns. The best ones went for dehydrating and the rest for apple sauce. During the Great Depression food shortages, drought, and poverty meant that people had to get creative with what they ate. Check out some of the seventh day Adventist meals. You can add meat, or not. I can almost triple how long something will stretch with rice. 56. We ate lots of beans and Mexican rice. It's definitely worthy of any party, even almost 100 years after its creation. Did this ever bring back memories! Bag of beans, rice, onions, tomatoes, sausage. What do you think? I dont have to purchase that product again until it goes on sale. 12. While we do sometimes buy bread, I make our buns and sweet bread. Great ideas! 7. Porridge for breakfast oats go a long way! 46. Photo courtesy of A Modern Homestead. You can use it to replace butter or oil in many recipes. Linda, Hi Tiffany, thank you! . Lots of canned soup with crackers. Here is a list of 10 depression-era meals we will be eating again if things don't change. Too many are used to fast and easy. In the video below we get to see how they're made from a woman who survived the '30s and loved her mother's baked apples. We cook things from scratch about 90% of the time, rather than using packaged stuff. You throw away a lot of food in peels! Start with tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, radishes, carrots and green onions. They do meatless recipes. 9. I was just reading one for oatmeal patties. Serve hot over bread, biscuits, or toast. {Linda} I really want to thank every one of you for helping me with food saving tips available for the world to see how to save money on groceries! 6. I dont know how she came to make them, they had never been served to her. A small potato or other starch and a generous veggie portion. We are vegetarians here (my husband strays from that occasionally-LOL) but I found The Gentle Chef website: thegentlechef.com who has many recipes for turning vital wheat gluten into meats that are quite good. I picked up 4 loaves and froze them. 70. I think that I spend too much in search of ingredients. Shutterstock. Canned meat wasn't available for many people living in rural areas. boiling water. So many ways to make ends meet without being deprived of a good filling meal. The flavors of this cake are buttery and sweet with vanilla flavor. My mom raised us on very little money. Blessings to all of you! It made sandwiches for my husbands lunch all week, then I made broth and turned that into noodle soup. Meatballs (ground meat, bread crumbs, egg, ground up veggies, leftover cheerios or other low sugar cereal I use 1 part meat, 1 part bread type stuff, 1 part vegetables. There are a lot of free things out there also to help. Add a final layer of carrots. During the depression, my elders on both sides made oxtail soup because it was the cheapest part of the cow. A little olive oil and garlic over the pasta toss together, its healthy and filling. Now, this is a roast chicken you make from scratch, not the store-bought pre-cooked ones (which tend to be small). Add your broth, and simmer till done. During the Great Depression, corn meal was one kitchen staple that was typically easily accessible and cost-effective. Save all your vegetable scraps to make a good stock base for any soup or stew. Clara Cannucciara was a lovely woman who lived throughout the entire Great Depression. So it should come as no surprise that someone figured out how to take a few basic ingredients (cream of chicken soup, onion, butter, etc.) What varied between households and over time was the quantity and quality of each of those courses, especially . But I think what helps the most is buying in bulk and avoiding, For us, that means buying beef by the 1/4 or 1/2, ordering from Zaycon Foods. This has to be one of the best articles ever written. My dad loved bologna and fried spam. She could get hot dogs and slice them up and add garlic, tomato sauce,and water and make the most awesome casserole ever. 53. It is made with a layer of sugar cream, followed by a layer of custard, and then topped with meringue if you wanted to get really fancy. Old-World Puff Pancake. Beef and rice: From Laurie C. - Ground hamburger, mix in beef Rice a Roni, and add a can of corn. Excellent article. Linda, My Mum made soup du jour using a can of soup, usually cream of mushroom or cream of chicken, and adding what ever leftovers she had. This included all the steaks and roasts. When I was going thru hard times I did a lot of beans and rice different ways rice cooked in beans rice underneath beans with spices beans with tomatoes. Made from fried potatoes, onions, and hot dogs, this mixture was then topped off with canned corn, canned peas, and stewed tomatoes. I make chicken soup, tacos, and rice with it. And as mentioned by many, learning to use everything up along with proper storage and preserving methods helps. When we lost our food budget for two months, I turned to boil a whole chicken and shred the meat to use in many meals. A small meal during the 1930s, like the diners of the day often served, would have usually cost between 15 and 40 cents, depending on what you ordered and where the restaurant was located. Still do and hate food waste. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for any and all ideas. As kids, we asked for this for dinner and could not get it often enough. Make EVERY meal count. These soups and stews are perfect for when you're craving a comforting bowl of deliciousness. 1. 2 - 3 teaspoons of black pepper. 10. Oh yum, I must make this sandwich now. Pinterest is AWESOME for helping with recipes! Copy link. The following recipes are just a small sampling of what was common or popular in 1930s America. We buy and plan for leftovers and we pride ourselves on getting larger cuts cheaper and getting many meals from it. 27. You can make a white sauce with water (to save on milk), once you have a white sauce you can add any seasonings to add flavor and then add something lik. Hi Frank, great comment! Recipes from the Great Depression. A hand full of mixed veggies from the freezer and some seasoning along with some onion and a small part of the meat is good, or you can add noodles or barley. I used to have one of their old recipe books had a lot of recipes for a fake meat product, I think they use a lot of TVP now, it made for aninteresting read. I think I could get 5 meals at least for our family of four (although eating is more like 2 1/2 people). It is appreciated. I have bought a half gallon of OJ there for 50 cents and a FLAT of strawberries with nothing wrong with them for 2$ (0.25 a quart). Popular dishes included chili, macaroni & cheese, soups, and creamed chicken on biscuits. They say healthier eating equates to less money spent on medical needs, so I am hoping there is truth to that. Aldi is great for low prices on produce. How can families feed themselves? I felt my health was the very best when I ate only vegetables. Cheap and healthy meals. and come up with a coupon for an item or % discount. Here in the south, we have to deal with hurricanes which will result in a loss of electricity which means loss of all refrigerated and freezer foods. Dandelions were often used in meals as well. All they can do is say, no. Plastic baggies can be washed and re-used instead of thrown out. A lot has changed on rural America's farms in the 70 years or so since the Great Depression. He has several books (Seitan and Beyond is my favorite) but a good sampling of his recipes are available free on his site. Life is so good! In the early 1930s, scientists at Cornell University came up with milkorno, an inexpensive food to feed the Depression-hit masses. So how do we serve a good meal and save? Soup can always make a little meat go a long way. First of all, I am going to share some meals my husband and I grew up on and some we still eat today. So if you live in an area that that is possible & have a few like-minded families, sit down & work out the details. 7. Get the Recipe! Add salt, pepper, and sugar to taste. To make this 5-Ingredient No Peek Chicken dish, all you need to do is . 3. from Julia's Simply Southern. These were featured in cookbooks and magazines of the time and promoted the use of cheap foods, often consisting of filling items like soups, noodles, and beans. Serve with a side of cornbread. My sweeties standby recipe he calls goulash just elbow macaroni, seasoned hamburger, onion, and tomatoes. Butter. Robyn: Red beans and rice. You can stock and it will take a little time. When they start getting limp, I chop them up and freeze them to use in soups like this. 2 tbsp of cold water. Still pricey but so much better. Ingredients: 1 1/4 cups sifted cake flour 1 1/4 tsps. Such a reminder of my childhood, and my present conditions as well. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. Grace Mannon Updated: Feb. 21, 2023. 6. If they ask what store, she refers to her list but they usually dont ask. 31. We have started trying to go meatless a few days a week. 23. She made them before she was 2!! The total cost, for four servings, is $2.36. Now lets save some money! I buy 1/2 cow and a 1/2 pig from a local farmer the freezer was worth the investment yes its expensive up front but does the math its cheaper the long run and its local fresh and so much cheaper than the store in the long run. Yes, thats money escaping. Heres the unique thing she Googled for names of ALL the grocery stores in her area, even very tiny or ethnic ones. Ramen noodle packages are not considered food in my house. For that reason, little was ever thrown out. Its filling, cheap and kids love it. We now have a shed that is set up strictly for meat processing which has a long counter, freezer, meat slicer etc. Bean soups were a staple of Depression Era recipes, as beans are a cheaper protein than meat, and you can toss whatever leftovers you have on hand into the pot. Red beans and rice with half a pound of sausage add a few spices costs about 6 bucks and feeds my family for 2 days. Food Storage Moms, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. For instance, I have to eat a particular brand of bread for a health problem I have. Also, lots of peels or ends of veggies can be frozen until you have enough to make a veggie stock with them. I started growing my own vegetables, spices, and fruits (strawberries, raspberries and I will be adding elderberries this year) two years ago and this will be my 3rd year. Ah, soup: the ultimate comfort food. I was really skimpy on the meat, but Ive always liked that ratio better. We stretch stretch stretch!! I can tomatoes, pickles, applesauce, etc. If not ask for a manager. Frugal Depression Era recipes to help you feed your family for less! Have you ever seen that fog that rolls down and out when you open the door? Thank you for your tireless enthusiasm to help people prepare and become independent! 69. I love your articles. The meat just costs far too much and pasta is filling. Put them on a baking sheet and add unpeeled garlic cloves. Processing meat is really not that hard to do. To stop eating out, we take cheese and crackers or sandwich makings. We eat what we want most of the time because we shop strategically. Hot or cold baked beans on bread or toast. 61. . I also make sure to add beans to taco meat to stretch it. Cold air sinks, so every time you open that door, your freezer has to work that much harder to reestablish the temperature. Loved reading how others save money on food. Etc. I will be 70 soon and I still make bread, life is so good when you cook from scratch! Linda, Wow! When I buy meat, I buy it only on sale, and I buy enough for several meals and then freeze either portions or leftovers. People at the time were forced to find cheap and creative ways to use food efficiently, resulting in some dishes you may not think of making today, but that was what the resources of the time . Oh my goodness, the prices just keep escalating at the grocery stores. I know this sounds crazy, but we all need to rethink what we think a meal is. We are our own meat processors. Check out some of the seventh day Adventist meals. It saves a lot of money when Im not buying prepackaged food. We kids usually only got 2 meals per day, lunch and supper. Fun fact: It's called "Navy Bean Soup" because it was considered a staple food of the United States Navy in the . We fill up on salads and 2-3 vegetable sides.Did you know you can make your own cheese using dry powdered milk? Bring water to a boil. 50% off yogurt makes nice frozen treats that we would not have otherwise. Down in Louisiana, there is a Creole version of the dish. We raised hogs for meat. Then I dont go back to the store and get caught in oh this is a good deal. 63. 1.7 Great Depression Foods - Dandelion Salad. Cooking with potatoes, pasta, grains,and beans. My Mom and Dad grew up during The Great Depression. "This is because they're rich in omega-3s . Doesnt have to be fancy and expensive. My dad was born in 1918 and my mom in 1927, when I was a kid they ate tomato sandwiches, homemade bread, bread torn and put in a glass then added milk. You will notice that you begin to have extra money. Made stew over rice. 1.4 Great Depression Foods - Mock Apple Pie. Foraging was a great way to get food for hungry families during the era and this Dandelion Salad from Martha Stewart is a perfect way to try this. Creamed Chipped Beef & Toast - S.O.S. Cheap Ground Beef Ideas. Just ideas like I feed my family rice and beans to save money. I make my own bread (usually making two loaves at a time freezing the 2nd). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I have read and agree to Food Storage Mom's privacy policy, Im Linda Loosli. Also had rabbits to eat. This Site is affiliated with CMI Marketing, Inc., d/b/a CafeMedia (CafeMedia) for the purposes of placing advertising on the Site, and CafeMedia will collect and use certain data for advertising purposes. apple cider vinegar. With just about every meal being made from scratch many cooks still relied on and used herbs to season their food. We actually ate a lot of beans when I was a kid because they were cheap. (Half beans to the amount of meat, can always add more beans). 29. Even so, we eat a lot of beans and rice, goulash, and stuff that dont require a lot of meat. We like to add frozen peas (cooked) when ready to serve. 34. 15. Full of fiber, this dessert serves as a filling end to a meager meal. Great Depression Casserole Recipe; 7. I know, and prices just keep going up. Ive got a family of 5 ranging from a 17 down to 6 and two working adults. You can have a cup of soup, or soup for a group quickly. Instead of ordering out for pizza I make my own pizza dough (making 2 doughs and freezing the 2nd for later), make my own pizza sauce and taco sauce. 80. It only takes a couple to go a long way. Taco meat over rice. Waste nothing. If you have a garden going salad is basically free- lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes. Rinse the beef, chop it into pieces and add to the white sauce above. We stretch stretch stretch!! 2 cups of boiling milk. 1/4 tsp of cinnamon. Check out these 10 Cheap Recipes You Can Make Out of Leftover Produce. Baked Onions and Peanut Butter. Freeze for later use fry up when needed. Salads. When the bag is full, veggies soup! When the bag is full, veggies soup! At that time, cooks measured ingredients in pinches, dashes and dibs. Serving fresh bread and pickles with meals used to be very common. Using the most inexpensive ingredients she could, she was able to feed her family throughout a harsh economic time. No more stressing about what can I make, and, the same menu can be used month after month because its so varied by the time the meal comes around again you havent had it for four weeks! Another favorite is a piece of toast, fried egg on top and hot milk poured on top. But, during these lean years, some eateries offered much lower prices for their meals: only 1 penny per item. When we have leftover veggies of any kind, if it is not enough for another meal, I freeze them, then add to a bag of other frozen veggies. You throw away a lot of food in peels! This year we bought 1/2 a cow which ended up being about $4 a pound but that includes so much that would cost more than that at the store. This collection of 20 depression-era recipes is a tasty idea that you can still use today. I loved this article. I make lots of Frybread & salads to go with meals. Once its smooth and thoroughly mixed, add the milk and keep on whisking, until smooth. Frankly, I never was able to eat those- the spam and bologna and homemade bread sure but the rest have never appealed to me. Well see how this all works out. They usually added whatever they had on hand: olive oil, hard-boiled eggs, cooked white beans, bacon bits, bacon grease, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Add in mash pota. 1 Corned Beef Luncheon Salad. I asked a question on Food Storage Moms Facebook page a few years ago to see what people are doing to save money on groceries. My family loves this stuff. Potato Casserole. Also, I drink lactose-free milk. Shape and fry up). We buy food at a scratch and dent store. Love butter bean soup.https://www.homeecathome.com/the-home-economist/slow-cooker-butter-bean-soupand Cuban black beans. When money is short I make cornmeal with sugar and pour cold milk over it. We liked it too. Add only 1/2 cup of boiling water, cook, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. Thanks in advance! Twice a year we go to an Amish bulk supply store and buy the basics. Theres a lot of Hispanic people in my area do the price for oxtail is outrageous. However!!! Bread making and canning were normal activities. I never pay full price, I dont care if I stand there for 10 minutes with the line piling up, I am determined to find a coupon that works. Cornbread/Johnny Cakes. Chile over baked potatoes is a favorite and the meat isnt missed. Prices are half and more off. They foraged. Also, you can use half ground chicken or turkey with hamburger meat in foods that call for somehamburger. This will take a little more time. Heres the deal, most of us are struggling to feed our families. We are hunters. Tastes like a burger patty somewhat). Lard sandwiches - nope though roasted marrow on toast is good. Sign me up to the Food Storage Moms newsletter! I remember when we were starving after not getting breakfast or lunch at school, we would come home on the bus, and make mayonnaise sandwiches because we were so hungry. Dinner was meat and veggies, followed by dessert. I can also mash pinto beans for refried beans with Mexican food. Food not only had to be cheap, but it had to be filling. We also get together & clip coupons, make candles & teach each other different skills, like sewing & tanning hides. But I think what helps the most is buying in bulk and avoiding the grocery store as much as possible. The place I go to is American Discount Foods. Another favorite is a piece of toast, fried egg on top and hot milk poured on top. I know you are most likely saying this takes a lot of time. 93 year old cook and great grandmother, Clara, recounts her childhood during the Great Depression as she prepares meals from the era. Carrots are the same. Hi JMarsh, you had a rough life growing up as I did. I am not one of those save the world types so I was surprised this blew me away. They are todays meals. At times even spices were sometimes hard to come by during the Depression, most cooks usually kept some cinnamon on hand for baking. That saves your own money. They continued to cook and eat many of the meals that they ate during that time throughout their lives. But through the years, accurate amounts were noted. We use turkey burger from Aldis instead of hamburger not much of a taste difference in our minds. Im the owner and editor of Food Storage Moms. 1/2 cup of sugar. Here is a recipe from Cheap Cooking. Almost 100 years after its creation we buy meat in bulk and the. To the food Storage Moms, these dishes are comfort food that your family will enjoy stew. Or other starch and a generous veggie portion with vanilla flavor ever thrown.! Servings, is $ 2.36 buying in bulk, so every time you open door!, you had a rough life growing up as I did the stores you! 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