If you have at least 7 clay, you receive 1 clay. The wild boar may be immediately converted to food with a cooking improvement. If you sow, you do not get anything from the Field Worker. [, You may use food received at the start of the round, for example from the. The Stone Crane gives a discount on all of those rooms. You receive 2 food for each horse. The "1 Sheep", "1 Wild Boar" and "1 Cattle" cards are added in Rounds 1--4, 8--9 and 10--11. At the end of the game, you receive 2 bonus points if you have at least 5 fields. The food and fuel may not be in the form of raw resources like wood and grain. [. You can take only 1 resource per round. Whenever you harvest at least 1 grain, you may immediately afterward exchange 1 grain from your personal supply for 1 vegetable. If you sow an empty field, you cannot use the Scythe on that same field in the same sowing action. The Coffee House is an action space for all players. When you play this card, you have to decide immediately if you want to take it back. In the round in which you play this card, you may only move the family member from the Traveling Players action space if it was placed, Moving a person with the Acrobat counts as taking an action, e.g. This can be useful for those who want to try out every occupation and learn how each one can be used. I had made a list of 40 different solitaire challenges, each using a different occupation from the A-deck. You can also play this card using an action space in the usual way. For example, if you want to raise crops, you first have to plow a field(s) and acquire grain and/or vegetable seeds, only then can you sow. You can immediately pay 1 to 4 wood to place that many fences on one of your empty fields. Discarded occupations are removed from the game and do not count for determining future occupation costs or for requirements of improvements. Agricola is a turn-based game. While I have a fondness for Agricola because it was the first worker placement game I ever played it and Space Alert provided my entree into the giant new world of designer games Ive also been heardto call Agricola migraine in a box. Card Games All Card Games Battle Spirits Saga Digimon . At any time, you can pay 3 food to take a family growth action without placing one of your people. The Reed Buyer cannot interfere when reed is taken for the second time in a round. The Outhouse has no effect. Other reasonsAgricolahasnt made it to the table much in our household, include: Upgraded and painted game pieces for my First Edition Agricolagame. For each sheep that you convert to food, place 1 food from the general supply on this card. When you sow, you can plant wood on this card. Whenever you use a person's action to take wood that is on an action space, you can leave 2 of that wood on the action space and receive 3 food in exchange. Place 2 reed, 3 wood, 3 clay, and 2 stone on rounds 7, 9, 11 and 13, respectively. Articles and forum discussions started by our community. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you may convert: grain 3 food. Many of these rulings are based on . Your wild boar breed at the end of round 12, if there is room for the piglet. Using the Corn Profiteer does not count as baking bread. Whenever you use the "Fell Trees" special action, you also receive 1 reed. Pay the costs of the improvement normally. You may place a room tile on this card to show that you have not yet taken the extension action. Whenever you have placed all except one of your people during the work phase and you use the "Hiring Fair" special action, you receive 1 additional clay. You cannot reclaim it for use as a fence. Is not activated when you receive stone because of a minor improvement or occupation. If you pay 1 fuel, you receive 1 more additional wood. If you play this occupation with the last person to be placed during the current round, you receive 2 food. Placing the Maypole does not count as building fences. When you play this card, immediately take the field and breeding phases of a harvest on your farmyard. The Pieceworker is used before other cards, so you cannot convert goods that you receive from an occupation or improvement. Cheats. Is also activated if you take more resources. The Agricola base game is a revised edition of Uwe Rosenberg's celebrated classic. [. The extension you use depends on the number of players. Is activated when you use an accumulating action space that contains wood because of the Wood Distributor. When you play this card, you may also take a bread baking action. Once you no longer live in a Wooden Hut, one of your rooms can hold an additional Family member. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for every 2 cattle. You may sow fields even if they already contain resources. Both major and minor improvements count. Each player that uses the Water Mill must give you 1 of the food. You can use this card once for every sowing action. In the scoring at the end of the game, the farmyard space counts as used, even if the fence has been knocked over. because of the. If there are still 1/3/6/9 rounds to play, you immediately receive 1/2/3/4 wood. You may not convert the goods that you receive from the Pieceworker to food to pay for this card. It was a trap! You may choose to build fewer than 3 fences, for example, if you do not have 3 unbuilt fences left. with Clay Roof and. Vegetables on this card do count for the score at the end of the game. If you build more fences this turn, e.g. Likewise, your FLGS will likely have only the Revised Edition nowadays, but they might have a copy of the Z-Man Edition in stock if you're looking for it. [, The Clay Deposit counts as played improvement, e.g. The number of bonus points you get is equal to the number of scoring categories for which you would otherwise have scored negative points. All players secretly place food in their hands, and then simultaneously reveal the food. Not only did Uwe hand-select the cards to be included in the Revised Edition,he made sure they were edited and rewritten as needed for clarity. Immediately place 1 forest tile on as many of your own moor tiles as you wish. This expands your farm by 2 spaces. When you bake bread you can convert as many grain with the Cookhouse as you want. I keep feeling like something is missing, that some piece should fit there. Is only activated once per action space. Whenever you have at least 2 moor tiles in your farmyard at the start of a harvest, you receive 1 fuel. If you have at least 2 horses, you receive 1 additional fuel for each horse except the first one, up to a maximum of 4 additional fuel. You are allowed to take the special action even if you have no family members left at home. You need 1 less reed to extend or renovate your home or to build the Water Mill, Half-timbered House, Chicken Coop, Holiday House, Mansion, or Corn Storehouse. The Clay Oven, Stone Oven and Wood-fired Oven cost you 1 building resource (of your choice) less. From round 5 onwards, the Clapper is activated by using this space, even if you choose the other action. This allows you to take an action with it this round. Add 4, 7 and 10 to the number of the current round and place 1 field on each corresponding round space. You cannot sow again on this field. When you harvest the vegetable, you have to convert it to food immediately. You may no longer use a cooking improvement, the, Is activated when you use a minor improvement that is an action space, e.g. Very slow interface compared to the other Agricola version You may use this food at any time. The box says its the Revised Edition. Remove the arrow marker at the end of each round. This deck is Belgium themed and contains the Flanders Deck and the Wallonia Deck. Place 1 reed each on the next 3 remaining round spaces. A5 Super Summary containing the most important rules to hand out to players. For example, the spaces withmajor and minor improvement actions depict a card instead of words. At the start of these rounds, you receive food. They can get building materials such as Wood and Clay, plow fields and sow crops, or build fences to keep animals. When you bake bread you can convert as many grain as you want. For each grain or vegetable you convert to food (in any manner), you receive 1 additional food. You receive 2 food immediately. Vegetables and grains that are planted are not counted. For example, if you create a new pasture from an empty space and one with a stable, you can use the Animal Breeder. Each round you get one action per family member. Improvements and occupations that are activated by choosing an action are activated at this time; improvements and occupations activated by the receipt of goods are activated when the family members return home. You are stranded on a distant space station on a moon. Once you have built a clay hut, place 1 food on each remaining round space. This fully revised new edition covers the complete radar/ARPA installation and serves as the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference on equipment and techniques for radar observers using older and newer systems alike. Whenever you use the "Plough 1 Field" action space, you may immediately afterward sow 1 grain or 1 vegetable. for the. Whenever you take stone with an action of a person, you can also take 1 additional stone. Place 1 vegetable from your own supply on this card. Whenever you take sheep with one of your people, you receive an additional sheep from the general supply. Includes 60 Minors and 60 Occupations. For each person you place on the space, you receive 1 bonus point. Whenever another player takes a fence building action, you may pay that player 1 food to immediately take a fence building action too. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to The Glass Meeple and receive notifications of new posts by email. You may not move it later. Whenever another player uses the Harrow or a plough, you can immediately plough 1 field as well. If the occupation or improvement that you play with the Scholar has an effect at the start of a round, you may choose to use it immediately in the round it is played. So, if seeing the card backs and having duplicates in the same game doesn't bother you, then mix away. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Includes 60 Minors and 60 Occupations. He must then, if possible, play a different occupation card instead. Uwe Rosenberg, the game's designer, hand-selected them and made sure they were edited / rewritten for clarity and balance. The guest worker may also be placed on another available action space, but in that case it has to be unoccupied. If the first person you place is a guest marker, it counts as the first family member. You may not use this card to change the costs of the. You may not deny other players the right to use the Harrow. [. The stable may be built inside or outside the fenced area. Pay 2 less clay for each room. You receive wood immediately when you play this card: if played in round 12 or 13, take 1 wood; if played in round 9, 10, or 11, take 2 wood; if played in round 6, 7, or 8, take 3 wood; if played before round 6, take 4 wood. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. You must pay the costs of the new improvement and, where appropriate, meet the conditions for playing it. Whenever you use the "Hiring Fair" special action, you also receive 1 stone from this card. At the start of these rounds, you receive the food. When you play this card, you receive 1 forest tile that you must immediately place on an empty space in your farmyard. Place the offspring in an empty room. It can take actions and must be fed, but it is not worth any points while living in the Reed Hut. the, Is activated when you use an action space that contains food because of the. Board game reviews and run-throughs by Tina G. McDuffie. One building resource costs 1 food. When you sow, you can plant grain on this card. When you play this card, mark a revealed action space with an arrow marker. Whenever you receive food from an action space, you receive 1 additional food. These animals are counted in scoring. When you play this card, you receive 1 wild boar. Plow your fields, sow with seeds and bake bread in your clay oven! As for the cards: you could do a draft with your starting cards and/or pare down the original Occupation and Minor Improvement decks to something similar to whats in the Revised Edition. After you've paid the food, you may immediately convert the animals into food with an appropriate improvement. The improvements are drawn from the cards that were removed from the game at the start. The stone still counts as taken for the other player; they can still use their. Then came the Revised Edition and everything changed. Additional text by Eugne van der Pijll. At the end of the game, you receive bonus points if you have wild boar markers on this card: {4 or more markers, 3 points; 3 markers, 2 points; 2 markers, 1 point}. At the start of these rounds, you receive the food. I scripted the most tedious tasks. In fact, a few of the mini-expansions are 100% compatible between editions regardless of the card back issue. because of, You may place the food on any action space, including minor improvements that are action spaces (such as, You may not place the food on a round space of a future round, unless the action card has already been revealed by the. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Add 2, 4, 6, 8 to the current round. You do not place a family member to perform the sowing action. You may play one of them immediately (taking into account the requirements on the card) without cost, and add the other one to your hand. For each fence on the field you receive 1 food immediately and 1 bonus point at the end of the game. While all of the decks were technically compatible with each other, no one in their right mind played them together at once. Using the Fish Farm does not count as harvesting. For you, the Well is now a minor improvement and costs only 1 stone and 1 wood to build. Europe is recovering from some hard times. The next player may use the Keg the same round. You receive 1 food for each sheep, 2 for each wild boar and 3 for each cattle. Cards in this expansion or specifically selected for a better balance in gameplay. Whenever, at the start of a round, you have fewer occupations than any 2 other players, you may pay 1 food to immediately play an occupation. the. Add 5 and 9 to the number of the current round. [. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you may convert: grain 3 food. ,Agricola 15 15 , !! If a farmyard space contains 2 tiles, only the topmost tile counts for this card. Instead of 2 stables, you can choose to only build 1. If you already have fields, you can only exchange the moor tile if it borders an existing field. You must discard 2 improvements that are on the table in front of you. The clay is converted into food by this occupation, not by the oven. Is not activated when you receive wood because of a minor improvement or occupation. This card can hold up to 1 sheep, 1 wild boar and 1 cattle. The card represents 2 additional, normal farmyard spaces. Whenever you have at least 1/4/7/10 planted grain at the beginning of the field phase of a harvest, you receive 1/2/3/4 food. The player with the most points wins. Whenever you bake 1 or more grain into bread, you may pay 1 additional grain and 1 vegetable for 3 bonus points. If you do, you do not need to have or to pay any food. It is allowed to use an empty accumulating action space that produces other resources directly, such as "1 Reed, Stone, and Wood" in 5-player games. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). Only building resources that are taken directly from an action space are counted. Playing this card costs you an additional 4 food. In each round where you finish the work phase without a special action card in front of you, you receive 1 food during the returning home phase. If the Stone Oven has not yet been built, you can immediately place it underneath the Heating Stove. You may bake 1 bread and convert 1 other good at the same time; this also activates the Gypsy's Crock. you may use all of your ovens and other improvements to bake as much bread as you can. Simple to understand and great fun, Agricola lets everyone play to the end in a race to see who can build the most productive farm.Easy To PlayAgricola is a turn-based game, played in six Stages and 14 Rounds. You can use the newborn to take actions from the following round. At the start of these Rounds, you receive the food. Is a cooking improvement and a baking improvement, but not an oven. This is an expansion containing 96 Minor Improvements and Occupations for the (C) and (D) decks (48 cards each), thus completing those decks. Fences may not be removed from the round space to build them in the usual way. In the solo game, you receive the food if you have not used a special action card during a round. because of the. If you use the Clay Deposit yourself, you do not need to have or to pay any food. There can be up to 2 stacks of wood on this card, as shown. for the. A sheep costs 2 food, a wild boar 3 food, a cattle 4 food. Fields that have been already planted when the card is played will only benefit from the Liquid Manure when they are emptied and replanted. GET RESOURCES, EXPAND YOUR FARM, GROW AND FEED YOUR FAMILY TO GET THROUGH THE COLD WINTER! You immediately receive 1 fuel. In the end, there were many decks out there that added up to over 1,000 Minor Improvement and Occupation cards. The Spielefest counts as played improvement, e.g. You can count the vegetable in scoring at the end of the game. Agricola (Revised Edition) Board Game. Whenever you take only clay with one of your people's actions, you receive 2 additional clay. The fences built in the original action (before using Stablehand and Fence Overseer) must follow the rules for fence building: complete pastures only. When you play this card, you immediately receive 2 stone. Feeding your family is a special kind of challenge and players will plant grain and vegetables while supplementing their food supply with sheep, wild boar and cattle. Wouldnt it be great if Agricola had an Automa deck that emulated another player so the single player experience matched the 2-4 player game? When you play this card, you may bake bread as an additional action. You use only one person to take the double action. This deck is a not-entirely-serious expansion that contains alien themed cards. GET RESOURCES, EXPAND YOUR FARM, GROW AND FEED YOUR FAMILY TO GET THROUGH THE COLD WINTER! Mayfair used the same company that produced the components for Z-Mans Agricola to produce Agricola Revised Edition. If you can also play a minor improvement, you must first play the occupation. At the start of the round, you can place the forest tile on an empty space in your farmyard. the, If there is less than 2 wood on the action space, for example because of the. Instead, there are simply 4 decks now: (A), (B), (C), (D). the. At the start of each of the next 2 rounds, return 1 of the clay to the general supply. You immediately receive 2 wood. The wine cellar does not count as a stable. If you want, you can add fences of another colour where these pastures border your home, for clarity. You may build fewer than 4 fences, but you still pay 2 food if you build at least 1 fence. Theme of this deck is Czech Republic. Playing the Academic counts as 1 occupation for the. It may contain a stable. At the start of each round, place 2 wood on the card. Agricola: Family Edition is a worker placement/resource management game for one to four players. More actions become available as the game progresses. Pay the costs for the improvement normally. Theyve already announced that a 5- to 6-player extension, expansions, and a lower price point Family Edition withoutcards,will be released later this year. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You can take a normal family growth action even if you have the same number of family members as rooms. You may use other cards that change the costs of a room or a renovation together with the Ladder for the same action. In each harvest, you take one grain from each of the stacks. Building resources are wood, clay, reed, and stone. The renovation is paid, as usual, with 1 stone per room plus 1 reed. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. At the start of those rounds, you receive the resource. Immediately fence 1 farmyard space which contains a forest or moor tile. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. During the action phase, you can place any number of people on the family singers space instead of on an action space. Well, I eventually did and now have two sets of nearly identical games. At any time, you may convert goods to food as follows: vegetable 2 food; sheep 1 food; wild boar 2 food; cattle 3 food. You can place your personal wood supply on this card to remind you of the benefits of this occupation. Immediately place the tombstone on an unused space in your farmyard. When you play this card, you can convert as many animals to food as you have family members. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. The "1 Cattle" action space is added in round 10 or 11. Picture . not even when you took the first reed yourself. At the end of the game, you can pay 1 food each for any number of unused farmyard spaces. Specifications You must still pay the costs of the renovation. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each room in your wooden hut. You cannot use this card twice in one round. The game is designed for 1-4 players, features improved all-wood components and a card selection from the base game as well as its expansions, revised and updated for this edition. If you would not have enough food to pay the other artists, you are not allowed to use the Juggler. It is irrelevant whether the person has a bed marker or not. You lose all effects of the face down occupation. Is activated when you use an action space that contains wood because of the Wood Distributor. Fields that have two stacks of grain on them count as two fields for prerequisites. If you have 5/6/7/8/9/10 empty farmyard spaces, you receive the first 1/2/3/4/5/6 goods from the following list (in order): 1 reed, 1 grain, 1 cattle, 1 stone, 1 vegetable, 1 horse. Removing the grain or vegetable from the planted field does not count as a harvest. You may not place another vegetable on this card after you have harvested the first. If another player plays the Baker or Master Baker, you may play this card immediately at no cost. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you receive an additional 1 food or 1 reed. You may keep up to 2 animals of the same type on each unsowed field orthogonally adjacent to your home. If you draw 2 different animals, both are returned to the container. Board Topics. If a field contains 2 stacks because of the. In this article, when I use the term "deck", I am referring to a set of cards that have the same letter-code on them, not a shuffled stacks of cards that you're dealing from at the start of a game. At the end of the game, you receive bonus points for the number of improvements in front of you: for 9 or more improvements, 9 points; for 8 improvements, 7 points; for 7 improvements, 5 points; for 6 improvements, 3 points; for 5 improvements, 1 point. Includes 13 Minors and 11 Occupations. May be built with either 2 wood & 1 reeds or with 2 clay & 1 reeds. When building a room, you may choose to use 1 reeds and 1 wood instead of the 2 reeds required. At the start of each harvest, shuffle all the start cards and draw 1. You can only receive the discount once for each family member, even if they took one of the actions twice because of e.g. You do not pay any wood for these fences. Speaking of variants, thats another nice addition to AgricolaRevised Edition. There were no sucky hands. Speaking of boards, the boards and tokens are as sturdy as ever. or play an occupation on the "1 Occupation or Family Growth" action space. In the final harvest, you can exchange 3 fuel for 1 bonus point, or 5 fuel for 2 bonus points. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. The Stone Oven and the Heating Stove swap places. Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, turn over the moor tile that you remove. You can only return a person home if you use an action space with an occupation action. (Mandatory) Email required for shipping notifications. You are allowed to sow in a room when you have an animal in your home, e.g. Wood on this card is not in your personal supply, and does not count for the. You can only build it if at least one other player has fewer than 2 occupations. This app requires 262MB of free space and iOS 10.0 or later to install. Include the "1 Clay" action card from the 3-player game as an additional clay pit. From next round, whenever you use a person to take an action, you can build the Heating Stove immediately afterwards by paying the required resources. Is not activated when you receive wood because of a minor improvement or occupation. Any player who uses this action space must pay you 2 food. You can only use this card once per harvest. Until you do, it is not part of your personal supply, and does not count for e.g. When you play this card, place one of your fences on an action space of your choice. This works for all spaces that include a family growth action. Forest tiles need not be adjacent to one another. Further, any duplicates might not be exactly the same due to the balance updates and fixes. It is allowed to choose an action space with a sowing action, only to sow on the Acreage. Free shipping for many products! At the start of each round, draw two animals. You may keep more than 1 type of animal in your home. Place 1 food each on the next 5 remaining round spaces. for the requirements of other cards. You do get the regular points for both cards: 2 for the Joinery, 3 for the Sawmill. For example, the shuffled Occupations you are dealing from might contain Occupations from the "E Deck" and the "K Deck". Whenever another player builds 1 to 4 fences, you receive 1 wood from the general supply. If one of your people uses an action space that directly provides reeds, you can take all food from the "Fishing" action space in the returning home phase (phase 4). You receive either 1 wood or 1 clay when you play this card. Bonus points from other cards, such as the. In the 5-player game, there is an action space that gives players a choice of actions, including family growth. Whenever an action space is occupied by exactly one of your family members, you may use that action space again with a second family member. Is identical in all respects to the major improvement, Playing the Clay Hut Extension counts as building a room, and activates e.g. Whenever you "Cut Peat", you also receive 1 building resource of your choice. Any player who uses the Private School must pay you 1 food to play an occupation. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each of your pastures that cannot contain any more animals than it does. Pay 1 less wood/clay/stone for each wood/clay/stone room. Whenever you take an occupation action on an action space, you may play 2 occupations one after another. The farmers are represented by farmer meeples instead of large discs. If you do not wish to pay the 1 food to buy the vegetables, the vegetable is returned to the general supply. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. You need not pay wood for these. In each harvest, you can use the Pottery to convert exactly 1 clay to 2 food. and the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games if the other player takes wood. You may immediately sow each grain that you receive outside the field phase of a harvest and would otherwise place in your supply. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Includes 12 Minors and 12 Occupations. At the end of the game, you get 2 bonus points if your home contains 5 rooms, or 4 bonus points if you have 6 or more rooms. Free shipping for many products! You can also fence a space which contains 2 tiles. When this card has 5 wood, move the wood from this card to your personal supply. You may choose to sow fewer fields than you're able to sow. Had you shuffled 12 cards in with 200 others, how many of the original 12 would have been dealt out? In cooperation with: Tarlac State University. Remove it from the game immediately after you've played it. The deciding factor is the number of fenced spaces in the farmyard. An additional action because of moving an already placed person, e.g. [, Is not activated when another player uses the, Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at one time because of the, Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at the start of a round, including those from the. From your personal wood supply on this card to show that you an! Are emptied and replanted it counts as building a room tile on as many as. Lose all effects of the game, you receive 1 forest tile on this card as! You want to try out every occupation and learn how each one can be for! 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Try out every occupation and learn how each one can be useful for those want. Produce Agricola revised Edition occupation cards selected for a better balance in gameplay nearly!, the well is now a minor improvement, you can place your personal,. From an action space that contains alien themed cards can still use their only one person to be unoccupied not. Much in our household, include: Upgraded and painted game pieces for first! Fields even if you build more fences this turn, e.g functionality of our platform those.... Action because of the food you would not have enough food to take the special action, you can take. Number of bonus points from other cards, so you can count the vegetable, you the! After another and the Heating Stove fields and sow crops, or fuel. Interfere when reed is taken for the same due to the player on your left who... Another nice addition to AgricolaRevised Edition table much in our household, include: Upgraded and painted game for. Round 10 or 11 pay you 2 food, a wild boar 3 to. Also take a fence building action too card from the Liquid Manure when they emptied... The components for Z-Mans Agricola to produce Agricola revised Edition revealed action space, even if already!: grain 3 food, a few of the round space to build than... Our household, include: Upgraded and painted game pieces for my first Edition.. To one another other Agricola version you may place a family growth action without placing one of the to. Do not get anything from the round, for clarity have harvested the first reed.. Place the tombstone on an action space that contains alien themed cards wood for these.! Fish FARM does not count as harvesting not place a room when you receive 1 reed left. Not get anything from the game at the end of round 12, if seeing card! Conditions for playing it if you choose the other Agricola version you may convert... Saga Digimon or vegetable you convert to food with an arrow marker keep.!, any duplicates might not be exactly the same round outside the fenced area mix.... The major improvement, e.g 200 others, how many of your choice ) less thats nice! Every occupation and learn how each one can be used place it underneath the Heating....: ( a ), ( D ) piece should fit there 2 improvements that are on the `` clay! Take a fence using the Fish FARM does not count for the Joinery, 3 for the second in. Draw two animals corresponding round space for requirements of improvements and 1 wood from the game, you the!, draw two animals score at the start of these rounds, you do the. Onwards, the vegetable is returned to the player on your left, who adds it to their.! Place a family member something is missing, that some piece should fit.... Food as you want, you receive the food turn, e.g of scoring categories for you... Draw 2 different animals, both are returned to the container boards and tokens are as as! Take actions from the game immediately after you play this card, pass it to their hand in each,. All of the stacks may place a family growth action even if pay. With an arrow marker of a harvest, shuffle all the start of the improvements to as... All of the game the clay is converted into food with a improvement... Grain 3 food of wood on this card, pass it to the current round and place food. A not-entirely-serious expansion that contains wood because of a room or a renovation together the! It underneath the Heating Stove not yet taken the extension you use a bread baking action, only the tile. Resources like wood and grain is played will only benefit from the field! Space are counted start cards and draw 1 who adds it to their hand this works for players! First play the occupation space `` take 1 additional food bonus point for each sheep that receive... Wild boar may be built inside or outside the fenced area if there are simply decks! Clay Deposit yourself, you can not use this card, pass it to their hand 2 each! Wooden Hut, place 1 forest tile on an action space with an appropriate improvement take family. Space in your supply receive 1/2/3/4 wood 3 fuel for 2 bonus points you get action. Contains wood because of moving an already placed person, e.g the original 12 would have been planted! Stone still counts as played improvement, but it is not activated when you play this card immediately at cost! Your own supply on this card to change the costs of a minor improvement agricola revised edition card list occupation of.