Sexual slavery, as referred to here, occurs when armed groups force or coerce children to marry or be raped by commanders or combatants. Palau Page 38: Panos/ Williams Daniels Then, we must do a better job supporting survivors when they escape. "The 2022 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report covered government efforts undertaken during the reporting period from April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022," the spokesperson said. There were always lies, and it was never as glamorous as we were promised. During lockdown, traffickers in the Amazon in Brazil changed their patterns by sending child sex trafficking victims to the perpetrators private quarters or specific locations instead of the usual places where children were sold to perpetrators. Ethiopia Under Sagbo Sasses courageous leadership and vision, SIFOS offers critical education to children who have experienced human trafficking, homelessness, or residential institutionalization. Rumors and theories that a global cabal of politicians and celebrities are exploiting children, that companies selling furniture or other high-priced items online are also selling missing children, or that phishing texts are tricking people into human trafficking schemes are all unfounded and perpetuate false narratives about the realities of human trafficking. In addition, the President may determine to withhold funding for government official or employee participation in educational and cultural exchange programs in the case of certain Tier 3 countries. This emphasizes the importance of prioritizing safety, privacy, and informed use of technology when facilitating virtual trafficking assessments, investigations, and coordination of services with trafficking victims. Evidence collection for trafficking investigations remained a significant problem, the report said. In an article I wrote posted on Feb. 25, I detailed how there's been an unprecedented number of sex trafficking arrests since President Donald Trump was sworn into office, and the mainstream media has completely ignored this massive story.The initial wave of arrests did not involve high-profile persons or government officials. France Significant work needs to be done to address this practice in South Sudan, and the U.S. government will continue to urge the government to take additional steps to prevent the unlawful recruitment or use of child soldiers. We are the unwanted, the forgotten, the lost kids of the streets that no one misses or looks for. Burma After reasonable requests from the Department of State for data regarding such investigations, prosecutions, convictions, and sentences, a government which does not provide such data, consistent with a demonstrably increasing capacity of such government to obtain such data, shall be presumed not to have vigorously investigated, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced such acts. For example, training on trafficking indicators should be expanded to healthcare workers, such as those supporting COVID-19 testing and vaccination efforts as they might be the few people a victim could interact with in public. Traffickers can use schemes that take victims hundreds of miles away from their homes, or exploit them in the same neighborhoods where they were born. Crises disproportionately affect the most vulnerable, exacerbating the conditions for victims of human trafficking and increasing the risk of human trafficking for others. The Liechtenstein Initiative for Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking is a public-private partnership launched in September 2018 to respond to calls from the G7, the G20, the UN General Assembly, and the UN Security Council for governments to partner with the private sector to address human trafficking. The President has determined that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive in part the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Yemen to allow for provision of PKO, IMET, and support provided pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Madagascar Micronesia The report said While it met the United States' minimum standards to curb human trafficking for the sixth straight year, the Philippine government has failed to convict officials complicit to the crimes, the US . She and her team have developed anti-trafficking monitoring cells throughout the countrys capital composed of community members, whom SIFOS has trained and empowered to identify human trafficking within vulnerable populations, and to safely report suspected cases to authorities. Toys, art supplies, and age-appropriate books are also provided. Kenya International outcry has grown since these abuses were first made public. These products and raw materials are injected into international supply chains, spreading the PRCs forced labor complicity around the globe. No reported allegations. NATO relies on contributing countries to report allegations as early as third quarter 2021. Page 57: Getty/Tuul & Bruno Morandi While many countries shifted to conducting court proceedings virtually, limited to no internet connectivity and cost-related barriers to internet access for rural or underserved communities in some countries, such as The Gambia, made it challenging for victims to participate in virtual courts. Sofia Javed The DHS Blue Campaign Visit disclaimer page works in collaboration with law enforcement, government, non-governmental, and private organizations and strives to protect the basic right of freedom and to bring those who exploit human lives to justice.. DHS plays a major role in identifying foreign national victims of trafficking. The reality is that abuse, pain, torture, and exploitation is the only existence these survivors may have known. That first month I was learning the safe spots to park my car to sleep. The FGS agreed on an action plan with the United Nations in 2012 to end the recruitment and use of children by the Somali National Army (SNA). Police officers, immigration officers, customs officers and coast guard officers were also included in the extensive network of traffickers of humans in TT. The UN and the CJTF, with the support of the government, have since identified and formally separated over 1,700 children, including 894 in May 2019. It also said the Counter Trafficking Unit the unit responsible for investigating human trafficking cases was also faced with significant challenges. The Government of Cameroon also acknowledges that recruitment and use of child soldiers by armed Anglophone separatists and Boko Haram is a problem. Brianna Gildner Because children are dependent on their families for their basic needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing, they are often faced with having basic needs unmet or physical violence if they dont comply with the trafficker. Sweden This includes conducting awareness raising campaigns when stay-at-home orders remain in place, providing services to identified victims when there are no safe spaces available, and intervening in stalled public justice systems to ensure minimal disruption and deter traffickers from expanding their activities. Samantha Novick Ecuador Harmful misperceptions about where and how familial trafficking happens, such as the belief that familial trafficking only occurs within neighborhoods, communities, or countries of low socioeconomic status, contributes to challenges to prosecution, prevention, and protection efforts. Governments can enhance efforts to reduce disparities that widened during the pandemicwhich also contributed to trafficking risks and emboldened traffickersby formulating policies and programs that meet the needs of underserved communities. The organization also donated proceeds from the production of artisan goods, including the masks, towards medical care and social services for survivors. In the resulting absence of adequate anti-trafficking responses around the world, victims went unidentified, survivors were underserved, and traffickers were not held accountable. Part of this work requires us to acknowledge we will never be able to understand the full scope of what is needed without the expertise of those affected by systemic inequality. Unfortunately, enduring misconceptions about human trafficking have helped misinformation and rumors about the crime spread rapidly throughout communities and through social media, particularly in the United States. The number of incidents of child soldier recruitment and use continue to decline, according to data from an international organization in 2019. The TVPA also provides that any country that has been ranked Tier 2 Watch List for two consecutive years and that would otherwise be ranked Tier 2 Watch List for the next year will instead be ranked Tier 3 in that third year. Prevention efforts decreased as some governments suspended awareness campaigns, which often focused on areas less frequented during the pandemic, including airports, border crossings, bus and train stations, schools, and venues for large gatherings. Israel iv. Therefore governments, including the United States, must foster an inclusive environment that allows for a thriving, diverse workforce at alllevels. Section 5. Curaao The rates can be found here:, Inside Front Cover: Panos Pictures/William Daniels Freedom Mushaw Khassanova also works closely with local police to assist victims of trafficking who choose to participate in criminal proceedings. Djibouti When a White person goes missing, you hear about it every five minutes. Poland As of April 5, IMET funding was obligated for the following activity: military professionalization training. *Members of the public should keep in mind that indictments contain only allegations against the individual against whom the indictment is sought. Shehas traveled throughout Europe, mentoring and training others and becoming a leading spokesperson for anti-trafficking initiatives in Europe. In Haiti, Niger, and Mali, gangs operating in IDP camps took advantage of reduced security and limited protection to force residents at the camp to perform commercial sex acts. As tasked by MC Decision 6/17, the OSR/CTHB contributed to the development of Guidance for OSCE Procurement on Combating Human Trafficking and Labour Exploitation in Supply Chains as well as to the OSCE Procurement and Contracting Workshop and a pilot training. New Zealand Lebanon Finally, as co-chair of the Task Force mandated by the UN High-Level Committee on Management to develop a common approach to combat TIP and forced labor in supply chains, the OSCE has closely worked with the UN system to coordinate these efforts among all major IOs. The school administrators forced Vicente and the other students to adhere to an exhausting work and academic schedule and threatened deportation and legal action if they failed to comply or skipped a work shift. Tier rankings and narratives in the 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report reflect an assessment of the following: Tier rankings and narratives are NOT affected by the following: Countries whose governments fully meet the TVPAs minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. Organizations can also implement paid mental health days, self-care plans as part of employee reviews, and organization-wide education encompassing individual wellness. As of April 5, IMET funding was obligated for the following activity: military professionalization training. Building a just world, where traffickers can no longer capitalize on and abuse systemic inequities, requires addressing the underlying causes of those inequities by first acknowledging the structures of power and historical context behind unequal distribution of privilege and protection, including the governments role. Through this report, we call on governments to join the United States in improving our collective efforts to comprehensively address human trafficking. The Department of State assesses that the social and economic disruption caused by the conflict are the primary drivers for the ongoing unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers in Yemen by all parties to the conflict. Overall, the intensified impact on the mental health and physical well-being of trafficking victims and survivors from long-term isolation, reduced access to services, and general COVID-related risks reaffirms the need for comprehensive, trauma- and survivor-informed, and victim-centered anti-trafficking responses during the pandemic. PKO funds will be used to continue to support the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM), which includes regional and international personnel that monitor, identify, and report on parties responsible for violations of the December 2017 Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities (COH) and the ceasefire provisions of the September 2018 Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS). Because of her passionforthe cause to which she has committed her life,Poole works across borders to cultivate support for combating human trafficking and protecting vulnerable communities. The United States will continue engaging with Afghan security forces to encourage implementation of the policies and legal frameworks in place, such as the Ministry of Defenses Protection of Children in Armed Conflict Policy. This approach focuses on the needs, healing and empowerment of victims, the spokesman said. 2021 Trinidad and Tobago Newsday. In January 2021, the government finalized and disseminated national SOPs for trafficking victim identification, referral, and protection to all front-line agencies involved in anti-trafficking efforts; implementation was ongoing at the end of the reporting period. As a result, APRAMP was able to remain active in reporting on sex trafficking trends, thus providing strategic information to other relevant stakeholders. For example, in the United States, the Departments of State, the Treasury, Commerce, and Homeland Security released the Xinjiang Supply Chain Business Advisory to alert businesses and other entities to the reputational, economic, and legal risks of involvement with entities in or linked to Xinjiang. Jamaica See PDF version.]. After reasonable requests from the Department of State for data regarding investigations, prosecutions, convictions, and sentences, a government which does not provide such data, consistent with a demonstrably increasing capacity of such government to obtain such data, shall be presumed not to have vigorously investigated, prosecuted, convicted or sentenced such acts. Al-Obaidly and his team have been strategic and persistent in the drive to instill real change, even when the task at hand seemed impossible. Continuing to bolster Afghan military capability and professionalization through military education and training of Afghan security forces will contribute to a climate that is more favorable for achieving a political settlement and implementing its outcomes. It said that authorities continued investigating two dozen police officers alleged to be involved in human trafficking, but none of these investigations moved to prosecution. Page 46: Getty/Greg Baker In my case, being a person of color sold by a white person to other white people was painful on multiple levels. The report also noted that authorities did not pursue a prosecution if the victims were not willing to testify against an alleged trafficker, and a backlog in the courts, despite system reforms in 2019, leads to cases taking, on average, five-ten years to be resolved. As of April 5, IMET funding was obligated for the following activity: military professionalization training. International organizations conducted and produced most of the initial comprehensive assessments of the impact of COVID-19 on anti-trafficking efforts and highlighted areas in which to adapt policy approaches and target resources. There were and continue to be survivor-led and -informed innovative solutions not only to ensure the continuation of anti-trafficking efforts but also to promote safety and security during the pandemic. In this position, Cabrera plays a pivotal role in advancing the offices ability to investigate and prosecute human trafficking cases. Togo Many anti-trafficking organizations also responded to the pandemic by emphasizing staff wellness, especially for employees with lived experience of human trafficking who are at risk of heightened responses to the stress caused by the pandemic. In three years, I had slept with over 500 people. Likewise, many companies have taken a stand against the use of forced labor in China by cutting ties with suppliers in Xinjiang or those connected to the PRCs campaign of repressionat times earning them heavy consumer and state-run media backlash within the Chinese domestic market. as featured by Yvette Young, BreeAna Johnson, Christopher Bidorini, and Erin Williamson, There are many jurisdictions that are predominantly White yet the most being exploited, arrested and children taken into custody are women of color. An end to the conflict will be critical in ending the further deterioration of socio-economic and security conditions, ensuring long-term stability, and securing the space for restoring effective governance institutions that are capable of partnering with the United States and the international community in combatting terrorism. In the past year, theMWLteamhas fervently worked to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and families in Albania affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to human trafficking. We will seek to use our year-round engagement with governments, advocates, and the private sector to build a more effective anti-trafficking strategy rooted in equity. Nigeria These challenges further compound existing vulnerabilities to exploitation, including human trafficking. Pandemic mitigation efforts forced many people to shift online, including human traffickers. Section 5 provides a description and the amounts of assistance provided to countries pursuant to such waivers. . In Uganda, the Human Trafficking Institute (HTI) developed a forum via WhatsApp to establish communication among police and prosecutors during the shutdown. Czech Republic Many victims struggle with a long list of criminal offenses that follow them for the rest of their lives., Lyresh Magee, Anti-trafficking actors from all sectors should develop concrete risk mitigation and management plans to effectively respond to a variety of crises, including natural disasters, conflict scenarios, health crises, or a combination of emergencies that could exacerbate vulnerabilities to trafficking and the experiences of victims. Page 9: Picture Alliance Cuba Detention in these camps is intended to erase ethnic and religious identities under the pretext of vocational training. Forced labor is a central tactic used for this repression. Cryptocurrency transactions, including those involving human trafficking, are recorded on public blockchains. Facing extreme poverty in India due to COVID-19, Aaravs parents sold him for US $21 to the owner of a bangle factory. Jennifer M. Ho 7. 2020 - 2021 Trinidad and Tobago Newsday. According to UNODC, migrant workers whose plans were disrupted by COVID-19 travel restrictions, either to travel home or to the workplace, were likely to have already paid recruitment fees or travel costs, placing them at risk of debt bondage. Survivor-led and Survivor-informed Solutions. The information provided below only includes assistance obligated as of April 5, 2021. We must also extend this approach to our interactions with our colleagues throughout the anti-trafficking field. This placement is based not on the size of a countrys problem but on the extent of government efforts to meet the TVPAs minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking (see page 56-58), which are generally consistent with the Palermo Protocol. FINTRAC disclosed this information to law enforcement to help expand or refine the scope of their cases, uncover new targets, obtain search warrants, and identify assets for seizure or forfeiture. Others leveraged technology to drive innovative solutions. The Philippine Department of Justice noted an increase of nearly 300 percent in referrals for potential online sex trafficking and OSEC cases from March to May 2020, the period during which the Philippines was under lockdown or quarantine measures. Most victims are not kidnapped by strangers or secretive syndicates. Page 55: Picture Alliance An important component of any successful anti-trafficking strategy is a well-informed public that understands the real indicators of the crime and can identify it when it happens in their own communities. Forty percent of those on the streets are LGBTQI+. For 26 years, Roco Mora-Nieto has dedicated her efforts to combat the sexual exploitation of women and, since the 1990s, sex trafficking in Spain through her work as director of the Association for the Prevention, Reintegration and Assistance of Prostituted Women (APRAMP). The anti-trafficking community made a concerted effort to incorporate anti-trafficking efforts into broader crisis responses in the past through building capacity, developing guidance and trainings, and supporting coordination of actors in the field. In February 2021, Bemaka-Soui spearheaded and oversaw the launch of the governments first radio campaign to raise awareness about human trafficking in the local language of Sango, thereby allowing the government to reach key communities. The assertion came days after government and opposition politicians pointed fingers at each other over a 2022 Tra. Traffickers often seek out individuals with weaker community or family connections, knowing they have fewer safeguards. Belarus In the Parliament last week, Dr. Rowley spoke of a 2022 US Human Trafficking Report, which links particular members of the UNC with . Mark Forstrom In his sixth and final State of the Nation Address (SONA), Duterte said he thought that curbing the illegal drug trade would be no different from the drug war he waged in his hometown in Davao City. The elements of both definitions can be described using a three-element framework focused on the traffickers 1) acts; 2) means; and 3) purpose. Confronted, however, with eyewitness testimony and thoroughly researched reporting from multiple sources, the PRC eventually admitted the existence of the camps. She continues to be a guiding force, bringing out the best in her team. The application of equity-based approaches. Pennsylvania State Universitys Center for Global Worker Rights and the Worker Rights Consortium reported that this resulted in shutdowns of thousands of factories in producing countries that sent home millions of factory workers, often without legally mandated pay. Given constraints around physical space and financial resources, service providers and NGOs may need to develop creative ways to establish a child-friendly space. There are certain types of forced labor that are frequently distinguished for emphasis or because they are widespread: Domestic servitude is a form of forced labor in which the trafficker requires a victim to perform work in a private residence. After three weeks of work, she was only paid US $23, far below the promised salary. Members of prosecution teams were obliged to think creatively to meet the victims needs while considering their own health and safety. While the TVPA already directs the Secretary to consider the extent to which officials participated in, facilitated, condoned, or were otherwise complicit in trafficking when determining tier rankings, this new section more directly links government involvement in trafficking crimes to a Tier 3 ranking. This waiver will allow the United States to provide security assistance that will support improving governance and the rule of law, promoting peace and security, combating corruption, advancing human rights, and creating conditions for greater U.S. investment and economic growth. Human trafficking is a widespread and highly profitable crime that generates an estimated $150 billion worldwide per year with a significant portion of those profits passing through legitimate financial services businesses. Many of these migrant workers must abide by the kafala system, in effect mostly in the Gulf states (Bahrain, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates), Jordan, and Lebanon. Consistent with the definition of human trafficking, governments should not penalize or prosecute victims of trafficking in persons for the unlawful acts their trafficker compelled them to commit. Advancing the offices ability to investigate and prosecute human trafficking and increasing risk. 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